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BIG Lottery Winners
BIG Lottery Hall of Fame
Lottery period : Monday, March 3rd, 2025 to Sunday, March 16th, 2025
List of winners
Rafe Amatin : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Vrael Zann : looni's loot #25 (*1)
Irena Banquo : Stratios and Astero (*2)
Jerdt Ovaert : Vigilant (*3)
(*1, *2 and *3) In-channel-participation only prizes.
(*1) Sponsored by loonitunen
(*2) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
(*3) Sponsored by Haru Kion
Round #570 participants : 42
looni's loot #25
- 1x Men's Capsuleer Elite XV Cap
- 1x Men's 'Curate' Coat (festive)
- 1x Cormorant Blueprint ME0 TE0
- 1x Cormorant Blueprint ME10 TE20
- 700x Halloween Horrors Firework
- 9x Agency Support Drop
- 1x Inertial Stabilizers II
- 7x Festival Facial Augmentation and Snowballs Crate
- 7x Festival Tier 1 Filament Crate
- 1x Frontier Safeguarder Encore Crate
- 3x Halloween Horrors Headhunter Cruiser SKINs
- 1x Yoiul's Ascent Firework Crate
Top ISK Donations
Lottery period : Monday, February 17th, 2025 to Sunday, March 2nd, 2025
List of winners
Jayden Thomas : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Yeshua Iblis : looni's loot #24 (*1)
TerisCA Stalin : Stratios and Astero (*2)
(*1 and *2) In-channel-participation only prizes.
(*1) Sponsored by loonitunen
(*2) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
Round #569 participants : 41
looni's loot #24
- 7x Vigil Exoplanets Hunter SKIN
- 4x Vigil Fleet Issue Exoplanets Hunter SKIN
- 2x Vulture Exoplanets Hunter SKIN
- 3x Wolf Exoplanets Hunter SKIN
- 3x Wreathe Exoplanets Hunter SKIN
- 1x Wyvern Exoplanets Hunter SKIN
- 3x Zealot Exoplanets Hunter SKIN
Top ISK Donations
Lottery period : Monday, February 3rd, 2025 to Sunday, February 16th, 2025
List of winners
Vrael Zann : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Okudaa : looni's loot #23 (*1)
Jerdt Ovaert : Stratios and Astero (*2)
Matsikka Paaltomo : Cynabal (*3)
(*1, *2 and *3) In-channel-participation only prizes.
(*1) Sponsored by loonitunen
(*2) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
(*3) Sponsored by Haru Kion
Round #568 participants : 40
looni's loot #23
- 6x Tornado Exoplanets Hunter SKIN
- 8x Tristan Chromodynamic Candy SKIN
- 5x Tristan Exoplanets Hunter SKIN
- 1x Tristan Quafe SKIN
- 1x Typhoon Exoplanets Hunter SKIN
- 2x Typhoon Fleet Issue Exoplanets Hunter SKIN
- 1x Vagabond Exoplanets Hunter SKIN
- 5x Velator Exoplanets Hunter SKIN
- 1x Vengeance Exoplanets Hunter SKIN
- 5x Vexor Exoplanets Hunter SKIN
- 1x Vexor Navy Issue Exoplanets Hunter SKIN
- 2x Viator Exoplanets Hunter SKIN
Top ISK Donations
Lottery period : Monday, January 20th, 2025 to Sunday, February 2nd, 2025
List of winners
JayEm HighCastle : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
TerisCA Stalin : looni's loot #22 (*1)
Nvyn : Stratios and Astero (*2)
(*1 and *2) In-channel-participation only prizes.
(*1) Sponsored by loonitunen
(*2) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
Round #567 participants : 22
looni's loot #22
- 1x Tengu Exoplanets Hunter SKIN
- 4x Thalia Exoplanets Hunter SKIN
- 3x Thorax Exoplanets Hunter SKIN
- 6x Thrasher Exoplanets Hunter SKIN
- 7x Tormentor Exoplanets Hunter SKIN
Top ISK Donations
Lottery period : Monday, January 6th, 2025 to Sunday, January 19th, 2025
List of winners
Valerie Nova : 1B ISK (No bonus)
Fyriaxis Firesun : looni's loot #21 (*1)
WP-Alt : Stratios and Astero (*2)
Fluffy Neko : Ashimmu (*3)
(*1, *2 and *3) In-channel-participation only prizes.
(*1) Sponsored by loonitunen
(*2) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
(*3) Sponsored by Haru Kion
Round #566 participants : 31
looni's loot #21
- 4x Tayra Exoplanets Hunter SKIN
- 5x Tempest Exoplanets Hunter SKIN
- 1x Tempest Fleet Issue Exoplanets Hunter SKIN
- 1x Tengu Exoplanets Hunter SKIN
Top ISK Donations
Lottery period : Monday, December 23rd, 2024 to Sunday, January 5th, 2025
List of winners
Gar Nassh : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Ashes 1627 : looni's loot #20 (*1)
JayEm HighCastle : Stratios and Astero (*2)
(*1 and *2) In-channel-participation only prizes.
(*1) Sponsored by loonitunen
(*2) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
Round #565 participants : 35
looni's loot #20
- 3x Sacrilege Exoplanets Hunter SKIN
- 3x Scalpel Exoplanets Hunter SKIN
- 1x Scimitar Exoplanets Hunter SKIN
- 1x Scorpion Navy Issue Exoplanets Hunter SKIN
- 2x Scythe Exoplanets Hunter SKIN
- 2x Scythe Fleet Issue Exoplanets Hunter SKIN
- 4x Sentinel Exoplanets Hunter SKIN
- 1x Sigil Exoplanets Hunter SKIN
- 2x Sin Exoplanets Hunter SKIN
- 12x Slasher Exoplanets Hunter SKIN
- 1x Sleipnir Exoplanets Hunter SKIN
- 2x Stabber Exoplanets Hunter SKIN
- 6x Stabber Fleet Issue Exoplanets Hunter SKIN
- 4x Stiletto Exoplanets Hunter SKIN
- 2x Stork Exoplanets Hunter SKIN
- 1x Sunesis Capsuleer Elite XV SKIN
- 7x Sunesis Icecloud Investigators SKIN
- 5x Svipul Exoplanets Hunter SKIN
- 2x Talos Exoplanets Hunter SKIN
- 3x Talwar Exoplanets Hunter SKIN
- 7x Taranis Exoplanets Hunter SKIN
Top ISK Donations
Lottery period : Monday, December 9th, 2024 to Sunday, December 22nd, 2024
List of winners
YorikR32 : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Fluffy Neko : looni's loot #19 (*1)
Vrael Zann : Stratios and Astero (*2)
Fluffy Neko : Phantasm (*3)
(*1, *2 and *3) In-channel-participation only prizes.
(*1) Sponsored by loonitunen
(*2) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
(*3) Sponsored by Haru Kion
Round #564 participants : 39
looni's loot #19
- 2x Revelation Exoplanets Hunter SKIN
- 1x Rhea Exoplanets Hunter SKIN
- 10x Rifter Exoplanets Hunter SKIN
- 1x Rifter Glacial Drift SKIN
- 2x Rokh Permaband - Wrecking Machine SKIN
- 1x Rook Exoplanets Hunter SKIN
- 3x Rupture Exoplanets Hunter SKIN
- 2x Sabre Exoplanets Hunter SKIN
- 2x Sabre Permaband - Warp to the Dance Floor SKIN
Top ISK Donations
Lottery period : Monday, November 25th, 2024 to Sunday, December 8th, 2024
List of winners
Tytus Orion : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Tchubb : looni's loot #15(*1)
Rafe Amatin : Stratios and Astero (*2)
(*1 and *2) In-channel-participation only prizes.
(*1) Sponsored by loonitunen
(*2) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
Round #562 participants : 59
looni's loot #18
- 2x Punisher Glacial Drift SKIN
- 4x Purifier Exoplanets Hunter SKIN
- 1x Rapier Exoplanets Hunter SKIN
- 1x Raptor Exoplanets Hunter SKIN
- 1x Raven Exoplanets Hunter SKIN
- 6x Reaper Exoplanets Hunter SKIN
- 3x Redeemer Exoplanets Hunter SKIN
- 2x Republic Fleet Firetail Exoplanets Hunter SKIN
- 5x Retribution Exoplanets Hunter SKIN
Top ISK Donations
Lottery period : Monday, November 11th, 2024 to Sunday, November 24th, 2024
List of winners
Irena Banquo : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Trex Nomove : looni's loot #14 (*1)
JayEm HighCastle : Gila (*2)
Dorian Ragnar : Stratios and Astero (*3)
(*1, *2 and *3) In-channel-participation only prizes.
(*1) Sponsored by loonitunen
(*2) Sponsored by Haru Kion
(*3) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
Round #562 participants : 59
looni's loot #17
- 4x Probe Exoplanets Hunter SKIN
- 2x Prophecy Exoplanets Hunter SKIN
- 2x Prorator Exoplanets Hunter SKIN
- 3x Providence Exoplanets Hunter SKIN
- 2x Prowler Exoplanets Hunter SKIN
- 13x Punisher Exoplanets Hunter SKIN
Top ISK Donations
Lottery period : Monday, October 28th, 2024 to Sunday, November 10th, 2024
List of winners
Battousaii : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Dorian Ragnar : looni's loot #13 (*1)
Marcus Braxlyn : Dramiel (fitted) (*2)
Fluffy Neko : Stratios and Astero (*3)
(*1, *2 and *3) In-channel-participation only prizes.
(*1) Sponsored by loonitunen
(*2) Sponsored by TerisCA Stalin
(*3) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
Round #561 participants : 57
looni's loot #16
- 2x Pilgrim Exoplanets Hunter SKIN
- 3x Pontifex Exoplanets Hunter SKIN
- 8x Praxis Capsuleer Day XVI SKIN
- 1x Praxis Capsuleer Elite XV SKIN
- 7x Praxis Icecloud Investigators SKIN
Top ISK Donations
Lottery period : Monday, October 14th, 2024 to Sunday, October 27th, 2024
List of winners
Mazzy Minmatar : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Tokar Zeminev : looni's loot #12 (*1)
Dorian Ragnar : Dramiel (fitted) (*2)
Tokar Zeminev : Stratios and Astero (*3)
(*1, *2 and *3) In-channel-participation only prizes.
(*1) Sponsored by loonitunen
(*2) Sponsored by KongGal
(*3) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
Round #560 participants : 38
looni's loot #15
- 2x Panther Exoplanets Hunter SKIN
- 5x Phobos Exoplanets Hunter SKIN
- 2x Phoenix Exoplanets Hunter SKIN
Top ISK Donations
Lottery period : Monday, September 30th, 2024 to Sunday, October 13th, 2024
List of winners
YorikR32 : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Fluffy Neko : looni's loot #11 (*1)
Fluffy Neko : Dramiel (fitted) (*2)
Marcus Braxlyn : Stratios and Astero (*3)
(*1, *2 and *3) In-channel-participation only prizes.
(*1) Sponsored by loonitunen
(*2) Sponsored by KongGal
(*3) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
Round #559 participants : 30
looni's loot #14
- 2x Omen Exoplanets Hunter SKIN
- 3x Omen Navy Issue Exoplanets Hunter SKIN
- 1x Oneiros Exoplanets Hunter SKIN
- 2x Onyx Exoplanets Hunter SKIN
- 4x Oracle Exoplanets Hunter SKIN
- 1x Osprey Exoplanets Hunter SKIN
- 3x Osprey Navy Issue Exoplanets Hunter SKIN
- 1x Pacifier Exoplanets Hunter SKIN
Top ISK Donations
Lottery period : Monday, September 16th, 2024 to Sunday, September 29th, 2024
List of winners
Battousaii : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
TerisCA Stalin : looni's loot #10 (*1)
Dorian Ragnar : Dramiel (fitted) (*2)
Ashes 1627 : Stratios and Astero (*3)
(*1, *2 and *3) In-channel-participation only prizes.
(*1) Sponsored by loonitunen
(*2) Sponsored by KongGal
(*3) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
Round #558 participants : 22
looni's loot #13
- 2x Myrmidon Exoplanets Hunter SKIN
- 3x Naga Exoplanets Hunter SKIN
- 9x Navitas Exoplanets Hunter SKIN
- 4x Nemesis Exoplanets Hunter SKIN
- 3x Nereus Exoplanets Hunter SKIN
- 3x Nighthawk Exoplanets Hunter SKIN
- 2x Ninazu Exoplanets Hunter SKIN
- 1x Nomad Exoplanets Hunter SKIN
- 2x Occator Exoplanets Hunter SKIN
Top ISK Donations
Lottery period : Monday, September 2nd, 2024 to Sunday, September 15th, 2024
List of winners
Ezra Endashi : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Pymous : looni's loot #9 (*1)
Marcus Braxlyn : Dramiel (fitted) (*2)
Tokar Zeminev : Stratios and Astero (*3)
(*1, *2 and *3) In-channel-participation only prizes.
(*1) Sponsored by loonitunen
(*2) Sponsored by KongGal
(*3) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
looni's loot #12
- 1x Maelstrom Exoplanets Hunter SKIN
- 6x Magnate Exoplanets Hunter SKIN
- 1x Magnate Glacial Drift SKIN
- 5x Magus Exoplanets Hunter SKIN
- 2x Malediction Exoplanets Hunter SKIN
- 8x Maller Exoplanets Hunter SKIN
- 4x Mammoth Exoplanets Hunter SKIN
- 3x Manticore Exoplanets Hunter SKIN
- 2x Mastodon Exoplanets Hunter SKIN
- 7x Maulus Exoplanets Hunter SKIN
- 3x Maulus Navy Issue Exoplanets Hunter SKIN
- 1x Megathron Navy Issue Exoplanets Hunter SKIN
- 3x Merlin Exoplanets Hunter SKIN
- 1x Miasmos Exoplanets Hunter SKIN
- 6x Minmatar Shuttle Exoplanets Hunter SKIN
- 4x Moa Exoplanets Hunter SKIN
- 1x Moros Exoplanets Hunter SKIN
- 4x Muninn Exoplanets Hunter SKIN
Round #557 participants : 29
Top ISK Donations
Lottery period : Monday, August 19th, 2024 to Sunday, September 1st, 2024
List of winners
Jerdt Ovaert : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Marcus Braxlyn : looni's loot #9 (*1)
TerisCA Stalin : Dramiel (fitted) (*2)
TerisCA Stalin : Stratios and Astero (*3)
(*1, *2 and *3) In-channel-participation only prizes.
(*1) Sponsored by loonitunen
(*2) Sponsored by KongGal
(*3) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
looni's loot #11
- 1x Legion Exoplanets Hunter SKIN
- 1x Leviathan Exoplanets Hunter SKIN
- 1x Lif Exoplanets Hunter SKIN
- 6x Machariel Deathglow Hunters SKIN
Round #556 participants : 26
Top ISK Donations
Lottery period : Monday, August 5th, 2024 to Sunday, August 18th, 2024
List of winners
Rafe Amatin : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Marcus Braxlyn : looni's loot #9 (*1)
Lil MsHospitality : Dramiel (fitted) (*2)
Marcus Braxlyn : Stratios and Astero (*3)
(*1, *2 and *3) In-channel-participation only prizes.
(*1) Sponsored by loonitunen
(*2) Sponsored by KongGal
(*3) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
looni's loot #10
- 3x Jackdaw Exoplanets Hunter SKIN
- 4x Jaguar Exoplanets Hunter SKIN
- 4x Keres Exoplanets Hunter SKIN
- 5x Kestrel Exoplanets Hunter SKIN
- 1x Kestrel Glacial Drift SKIN
- 5x Kirin Exoplanets Hunter SKIN
- 4x Kitsune Exoplanets Hunter SKIN
- 1x Kronos Exoplanets Hunter SKIN
- 4x Kryos Exoplanets Hunter SKIN
- 3x Lachesis Exoplanets Hunter SKIN
Round #555 participants :
Top ISK Donations
Lottery period : Monday, July 22nd, 2024 to Sunday, August 4th, 2024
List of winners
Gar Nassh : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Marcus Braxlyn : looni's loot #8 (*1)
Marcus Braxlyn : Dramiel (fitted) (*2)
John Tweedy : Stratios and Astero (*3)
(*1, *2 and *3) In-channel-participation only prizes.
(*1) Sponsored by loonitunen
(*2) Sponsored by KongGal
(*3) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
looni's loot #9
- 3x Hecate Exoplanets Hunter SKIN
- 5x Helios Exoplanets Hunter SKIN
- 2x Heretic Exoplanets Hunter SKIN
- 5x Heron Exoplanets Hunter SKIN
- 3x Hoarder Exoplanets Hunter SKIN
- 3x Hound Exoplanets Hunter SKIN
- 1x Huginn Exoplanets Hunter SKIN
- 5x Hurricane Exoplanets Hunter SKIN
- 2x Hurricane Fleet Issue Exoplanets Hunter SKIN
- 5x Hyena Exoplanets Hunter SKIN
- 2x Hyperion Exoplanets Hunter SKIN
- 3x Ibis Exoplanets Hunter SKIN
- 9x Imicus Exoplanets Hunter SKIN
- 5x Impairor Exoplanets Hunter SKIN
- 5x Imperial Navy Slicer Exoplanets Hunter SKIN
- 4x Incursus Exoplanets Hunter SKIN
- 1x Inquisitor Exoplanets Hunter SKIN
- 11x Ishkur Exoplanets Hunter SKIN
- 2x Iteron Mark V Exoplanets Hunter SKIN
Round #554 participants : 25
Top ISK Donations
Lottery period : Monday, July 8th, 2024 to Sunday, July 21st, 2024
List of winners
Evon R'al : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
John Tweedy : looni's loot #7 (*1)
John Tweedy : Dramiel (fitted) (*2)
Marcus Braxlyn : Stratios and Astero (*3)
(*1, *2 and *3) In-channel-participation only prizes.
(*1) Sponsored by loonitunen
(*2) Sponsored by KongGal
(*3) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
looni's loot #8
- 6x Gila Deathglow Hunters SKIN
- 4x Gnosis Capsuleer Day XVI SKIN
- 1x Gnosis Capsuleer Elite XV SKIN
- 1x Gnosis Ironblood SKIN
- 4x Griffin Exoplanets Hunter SKIN
- 5x Griffin Navy Issue Exoplanets Hunter SKIN
- 1x Guardian Exoplanets Hunter SKIN
- 2x Harbinger Exoplanets Hunter SKIN
- 4x Harbinger Navy Issue Exoplanets Hunter SKIN
- 1x Harpy Exoplanets Hunter SKIN
- 4x Hawk Exoplanets Hunter SKIN
Round #553 participants : 32
Top ISK Donations
Lottery period : Monday, June 24th, 2024 to Sunday, July 7th, 2024
List of winners
Joan Appleton : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Miro : looni's loot #6 (*1)
Dirty Miscreant : Dramiel (fitted) (*2)
Marcus Braxlyn : Stratios and Astero (*3)
(*1, *2 and *3) In-channel-participation only prizes.
(*1) Sponsored by loonitunen
(*2) Sponsored by KongGal
(*3) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
looni's loot #7
- 4x Eris Exoplanets Hunter SKIN
- 7x Executioner Exoplanets Hunter SKIN
- 6x Exequror Exoplanets Hunter SKIN
- 1x Exequror Navy Issue Exoplanets Hunter SKIN
- 5x Falcon Exoplanets Hunter SKIN
- 2x Federation Navy Comet Exoplanets Hunter SKIN
- 1x Fenrir Exoplanets Hunter SKIN
- 3x Ferox Exoplanets Hunter SKIN
- 4x Flycatcher Exoplanets Hunter SKIN
- 5x Gallente Shuttle Exoplanets Hunter SKIN
Round #552 participants : 29
Top ISK Donations
Lottery period : Monday, June 10th, 2024 to Sunday, June 23rd, 2024
List of winners
Navigation : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Matsikka Paaltomo : looni's loot #5 (*1)
Adachi-ku Girl : Stratios and Astero (*2)
(*1 and *2) In-channel-participation only prizes.
(*1) Sponsored by loonitunen
(*2) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
looni's loot #6
- 1x Enforcer Exoplanets Hunter SKIN
- 4x Enyo Exoplanets Hunter SKIN
- 2x Eos Exoplanets Hunter SKIN
- 2x Erebus Exoplanets Hunter SKIN
Round #551 participants : 39
Top ISK Donations
Lottery period : Monday, May 27th, 2024 to Sunday, June 9th, 2024
List of winners
DeepSpaceVoyager : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
JayEm HighCastle : looni's loot #5 (*1)
Will Florence : Stratios and Astero (*2)
(*1 and *2) In-channel-participation only prizes.
(*1) Sponsored by loonitunen
(*2) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
looni's loot #5
- 3x Damnation Exoplanets Hunter SKIN
- 4x Deacon Exoplanets Hunter SKIN
- 1x Deimos Exoplanets Hunter SKIN
- 1x Devoter Exoplanets Hunter SKIN
- 2x Dominix Exoplanets Hunter SKIN
- 1x Dragoon Exoplanets Hunter SKIN
- 4x Drake Exoplanets Hunter SKIN
- 1x Drake Navy Issue Exoplanets Hunter SKIN
- 5x Eagle Exoplanets Hunter SKIN
Round #550 participants : 34
Top ISK Donations
Lottery period : Monday, May 13th, 2024 to Sunday, May 26th, 2024
List of winners
Nene Sarashina : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
TerisCA Stalin : looni's loot #4 (*1)
Marcus Braxlyn : Stratios and Astero (*2)
(*1 and *2) In-channel-participation only prizes.
(*1) Sponsored by loonitunen
(*2) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
looni's loot #4
- 10x Condor Exoplanets Hunter SKIN
- 6x Confessor Exoplanets Hunter SKIN
- 9x Corax Exoplanets Hunter SKIN
- 7x Cormorant Exoplanets Hunter SKIN
- 3x Crane Exoplanets Hunter SKIN
- 3x Crow Exoplanets Hunter SKIN
- 3x Crucifier Exoplanets Hunter SKIN
- 6x Crucifier Navy Issue Exoplanets Hunter SKIN
- 4x Crusader Exoplanets Hunter SKIN
- 6x Curse Exoplanets Hunter SKIN
- 2x Cyclone Exoplanets Hunter SKIN
Round #549 participants : 39
Top ISK Donations
#548 BIG Lottery 21 Year Anniversary round
Lottery period : Monday, April 29th, 2024 to Sunday, May 12th, 2024
List of winners
Grantness : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Rafe Amatin : looni's loot #3 (*1)
Jerdt Ovaert : Stratios and Astero (*2)
(*1 and *2) In-channel-participation only prizes.
(*1) Sponsored by loonitunen
(*2) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
looni's loot #3
- 5x Caldari Navy Hookbill Exoplanets Hunter SKIN
- 4x Caldari Shuttle Exoplanets Hunter SKIN
- 1x Capsule Capsuleer Elite XV SKIN
- 6x Caracal Exoplanets Hunter SKIN
- 5x Catalyst Exoplanets Hunter SKIN
- 4x Celestis Exoplanets Hunter SKIN
- 2x Cerberus Exoplanets Hunter SKIN
- 6x Cheetah Exoplanets Hunter SKIN
- 1x Chimera Exoplanets Hunter SKIN
- 3x Claw Exoplanets Hunter SKIN
- 2x Claymore Exoplanets Hunter SKIN
- 4x Coercer Exoplanets Hunter SKIN
Round #548 participants : 39
Top ISK Donations
Lottery period : Monday, April 15th, 2024 to Sunday, April 28th, 2024
List of winners
NoPants BestPants : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Matsikka Paaltomo : looni's loot #2 (*1)
Marcus Braxlyn : Stratios and Astero (*2)
(*1 and *2) In-channel-participation only prizes.
(*1) Sponsored by loonitunen
(*2) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
looni's loot #2
- 6x Astero Deathglow Hunters SKIN
- 7x Atron Exoplanets Hunter SKIN
- 2x Augoror Exoplanets Hunter SKIN
- 1x Augoror Navy Issue Exoplanets Hunter SKIN
- 1x Avatar Exoplanets Hunter SKIN
- 4x Bantam Exoplanets Hunter SKIN
- 3x Basilisk Exoplanets Hunter SKIN
- 5x Bellicose Exoplanets Hunter SKIN
- 3x Bestower Exoplanets Hunter SKIN
- 6x Bifrost Exoplanets Hunter SKIN
- 6x Blackbird Exoplanets Hunter SKIN
- 7x Breacher Exoplanets Hunter SKIN
- 1x Broadsword Exoplanets Hunter SKIN
- 1x Brutix Exoplanets Hunter SKIN
- 6x Burst Exoplanets Hunter SKIN
- 1x Bustard Exoplanets Hunter SKIN
- 4x Buzzard Exoplanets Hunter SKIN
Round #547 participants : 31
Top ISK Donations
Lottery period : Monday, April 1st, 2024 to Sunday, April 14th, 2024
List of winners
aydal : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Tokar Zeminev : looni's loot #1 (*1)
JayEm HighCastle : Stratios and Astero (*2)
(*1 and *2) In-channel-participation only prizes.
(*1) Sponsored by loonitunen
(*2) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
looni's loot #1
- 2x Absolution Exoplanets Hunter SKIN
- 8x Algos Exoplanets Hunter SKIN
- 1x Algos Glacial Drift SKIN
- 5x Amarr Shuttle Exoplanets Hunter SKIN
- 2x Anathema Exoplanets Hunter SKIN
- 1x Apocalypse Exoplanets Hunter SKIN
- 1x Apocalypse Navy Issue Exoplanets Hunter SKIN
- 1x Apostle Exoplanets Hunter SKIN
- 1x Apotheosis Capsuleer Elite XV SKIN
- 7x Apotheosis Icecloud Investigators SKIN
- 4x Arazu Exoplanets Hunter SKIN
- 5x Arbitrator Exoplanets Hunter SKIN
- 2x Ares Exoplanets Hunter SKIN
- 1x Ark Exoplanets Hunter SKIN
- 1x Armageddon Exoplanets Hunter SKIN
- 1x Armageddon Navy Issue Exoplanets Hunter SKIN
- 1x Astarte Exoplanets Hunter SKIN
Round #546 participants : 47
Top ISK Donations
Lottery period : Monday, March 18th, 2024 to Sunday, March 31st, 2024
List of winners
Will Florence : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Tchubb : Praxis (*1)
Marcus Braxlyn : Stratios and Astero (*2)
(*1 and *2) In-channel-participation only prizes.
(*1) Sponsored by loonitunen
(*2) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
Round #545 participants : 35
Top ISK Donations
Lottery period : Monday, March 4th, 2024 to Sunday, March 17th, 2024
List of winners
Jin Endares : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Dorian Ragnar : Praxis (*1)
JayEm HighCastle : Stratios and Astero (*2)
(*1 and *2) In-channel-participation only prizes.
(*1) Sponsored by loonitunen
(*2) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
Round #544 participants : 35
Top ISK Donations
Lottery period : Monday, February 19th, 2024 to Sunday, March 3rd, 2024
List of winners
Jayden Thomas : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Piglett : Praxis (*1)
Aesir Valtari : Stratios and Astero (*2)
(*1 and *2) In-channel-participation only prizes.
(*1) Sponsored by loonitunen
(*2) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
Round #543 participants : 41
Top ISK Donations
Lottery period : Monday, February 5th, 2024 to Sunday, February 18th, 2024
List of winners
Jin Endares : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Catharina van Hemessen : Praxis (*1)
Aesir Valtari : Stratios and Astero (*2)
(*1 and *2) In-channel-participation only prizes.
(*1) Sponsored by loonitunen
(*2) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
Round #542 participants : 37
Top ISK Donations
Lottery period : Monday, January 22nd, 2024 to Sunday, February 4th, 2024
List of winners
Smash Dunier : 1B ISK (No bonus)
aydal : Praxis (*1)
Marcus Braxlyn : Stratios and Astero (*2)
(*1 and *2) In-channel-participation only prizes.
(*1) Sponsored by loonitunen
(*2) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
Round #541 participants : 36
Top ISK Donations
Lottery period : Monday, January 8th, 2024 to Sunday, January 21st, 2024
List of winners
Nezrian Kintura : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Jayden Thomas : Praxis (*1)
Yak Otsa : Stratios and Astero (*2)
(*1 and *2) In-channel-participation only prizes.
(*1) Sponsored by loonitunen
(*2) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
Round #540 participants : 32
Top ISK Donations
Lottery period : Monday, December 25th, 2023 to Sunday, January 7th, 2024
List of winners
Jin Endares : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
JayEm HighCastle : Praxis (*1)
John Tweedy : Stratios and Astero (*2)
(*1 and *2) In-channel-participation only prizes.
(*1) Sponsored by loonitunen
(*2) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
Round #539 participants : 41
Top ISK Donations
Lottery period : Monday, December 11th, 2023 to Sunday, December 24th, 2023
List of winners
Kuku deFier : 1B ISK (No bonus)
Caelius West : Praxis (*1)
Caelius West : Stratios and Astero (*2)
(*1 and *2) In-channel-participation only prizes.
(*1) Sponsored by loonitunen
(*2) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
Round #538 participants : 40
Top ISK Donations
Lottery period : Monday, November 27th, 2023 to Sunday, December 10th, 2023
List of winners
Qwerty M : 1B ISK (No bonus)
Sapphomet : Praxis (*1)
Sapphomet : Stratios and Astero (*2)
(*1 and *2) In-channel-participation only prizes.
(*1) Sponsored by loonitunen
(*2) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
Round #537 participants : 36
Top ISK Donations
Lottery period : Monday, November 13th, 2023 to Sunday, November 26th, 2023
List of winners
Lewis Rosberg : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Nvyn : Praxis (*1)
JayEm HighCastle : Stratios and Astero (*2)
(*1 and *2) In-channel-participation only prizes.
(*1) Sponsored by loonitunen
(*2) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
Round #536 participants : 46
Top ISK Donations
Lottery period : Monday, October 30th, 2023 to Sunday, November 12th, 2023
List of winners
Daekarus Helium : 1B ISK (No bonus)
Catharina van Hemessen : Praxis (*1)
Rafe Amatin : Stratios and Astero (*2)
(*1 and *2) In-channel-participation only prizes.
(*1) Sponsored by loonitunen
(*2) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
Round #535 participants : 39
Top ISK Donations
Lottery period : Monday, October 16th, 2023 to Sunday, October 29th, 2023
List of winners
Khan Munba : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Kakkalakki : Praxis (*1)
Froua : Stratios and Astero (*2)
(*1 and *2) In-channel-participation only prizes.
(*1) Sponsored by loonitunen
(*2) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
Round #534 participants : 44
Top ISK Donations
Lottery period : Monday, October 2nd, 2023 to Sunday, October 15th, 2023
List of winners
Afuh Rah : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Hackbert : Praxis (*1)
Hackbert : Stratios and Astero (*2)
(*1 and *2) In-channel-participation only prizes.
(*1) Sponsored by loonitunen
(*2) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
Round #533 participants : 44
Top ISK Donations
Lottery period : Monday, September 18th, 2023 to Sunday, October 1st, 2023
List of winners
Adachi-ku Girl : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Yak Otsa : Praxis (*1)
Julius Mordan : Stratios and Astero (*2)
(*1 and *2) In-channel-participation only prizes.
(*1) Sponsored by loonitunen
(*2) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
Round #532 participants : 50
Top ISK Donations
Lottery period : Monday, September 4th, 2023 to Sunday, September 17th, 2023
List of winners
JayEm HighCastle : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Yak Otsa : 2x Praxis (*1)
Vrael Zann : Nestor (*2
Olidan Sargovich : Stratios and Astero (*3)
(*1, *2 and *3) In-channel-participation only prizes.
(*1) Sponsored by loonitunen
(*2) Sponsored by loonitunen
(*3) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
Round #531 participants : 56
Top ISK Donations
Lottery period : Monday, August 21st, 2023 to Sunday, September 3rd, 2023
List of winners
Olur Todako : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Sztaba Uta : Praxis (*1)
Kakkalakki : Nestor (*2)
Caelius West : Stratios and Astero (*3)
(*1, *2 and *3) In-channel-participation only prizes.
(*1) Sponsored by loonitunen
(*2) Sponsored by loonitunen
(*3) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
Round #530 participants : 60
Top ISK Donations
Lottery period : Monday, August 7th, 2023 to Sunday, August 20th, 2023
List of winners
Matsikka Paaltomo : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Yalla-Habibi : Praxis (*1)
Crue Clear : Nestor (*2)
Tokar Zeminev : Stratios and Astero (*3)
(*1, *2 and *3) In-channel-participation only prizes.
(*1) Sponsored by loonitunen
(*2) Sponsored by loonitunen
(*3) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
Round #529 participants : 50
Top ISK Donations
Lottery period : Monday, July 24th, 2023 to Sunday, August 6th, 2023
List of winners
Kakkalakki : 1B ISK (No bonus)
Kakkalakki : Praxis (*1)
NeedsNames : Nestor (*2)
Caelius West : Stratios and Astero (*3)
(*1, *2 and *3) In-channel-participation only prizes.
(*1) Sponsored by loonitunen
(*2) Sponsored by loonitunen
(*3) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
Round #528 participants : 56
Top ISK Donations
Lottery period : Monday, July 10th, 2023 to Sunday, July 23rd, 2023
List of winners
Yzurae : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
KapuzenMann : Praxis (*1)
Jeannie Kaji : Nestor (*2)
Rafe Amatin : Stratios and Astero (*3)
(*1, *2 and *3) In-channel-participation only prizes.
(*1) Sponsored by loonitunen
(*2) Sponsored by loonitunen
(*3) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
Round #527 participants : 58
Top ISK Donations
Lottery period : Monday, June 26th, 2023 to Sunday, July 9th, 2023
List of winners
JayEm HighCastle : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
JayEm HighCastle : Praxis (*1)
JayEm HighCastle : Nestor (*2)
Troy Solette : Stratios and Astero (*3)
(*1, *2 and *3) In-channel-participation only prizes.
(*1) Sponsored by loonitunen
(*2) Sponsored by loonitunen
(*3) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
Round #526 participants : 41
Top ISK Donations
Lottery period : Monday, June 12th, 2023 to Sunday, June 25th, 2023
List of winners
Sinbad Le Marin : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
NeedsNames : Praxis (*1)
Julius Mordan : Nestor (*2)
NeedsNames : Stratios and Astero (*3)
(*1, *2 and *3) In-channel-participation only prizes.
(*1) Sponsored by loonitunen
(*2) Sponsored by loonitunen
(*3) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
Round #525 participants : 37
Top ISK Donations
Lottery period : Monday, May 29th, 2023 to Sunday, June 11th, 2023
List of winners
Gar Nassh : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Tokar Zeminev : Praxis (*1)
NeedsNames : Nestor (*2)
Juan Gremory : Stratios and Astero (*3)
(*1, *2 and *3) In-channel-participation only prizes.
(*1) Sponsored by loonitunen
(*2) Sponsored by loonitunen
(*3) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
Round #524 participants : 34
Top ISK Donations
Lottery period : Monday, May 15th, 2023 to Sunday, May 28th, 2023
List of winners
Cia Cyllan dhal'Gren : 1B ISK (No bonus)
Sinbad Le Marin : Praxis (*!)
Kaystylos : Nestor (*2)
Mads Stellan : Stratios and Astero (*3)
(*1, *2 and *3) In-channel-participation only prizes.
(*1) Sponsored by loonitunen
(*2) Sponsored by loonitunen
(*3) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
Round #523 participants : 58
Top ISK Donations
#522 BIG Lottery 20 Year Anniversary round
Lottery period : Monday, May 1st, 2023 to Sunday, May 14th, 2023
List of winners
John F President :
- 1B ISK (no bonus)
- 5x Astero Scope Syndication YC122 SKIN
- 5x Procurer Scope Syndication YC122 SKIN
Yzurae :
- 3x Astero Scope Syndication YC122 SKIN
- 3x Procurer Scope Syndication YC122 SKIN
Inca Gaterau :
- 3x Astero Scope Syndication YC122 SKIN
- 3x Procurer Scope Syndication YC122 SKIN
Hylinia Ishara : 3x Praxis (*1)
Vrael Zann : Nestor (*2)
Hackbert : Stratios and Astero (*3)
(*1, *2 and *3) In-channel-participation only prizes.
(*1) Sponsored by loonitunen
(*2) Sponsored by loonitunen
(*3) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
Round #522 participants : 77
Top ISK Donations
Lottery period : Monday, April 17th, 2023 to Sunday, April 30th, 2023
List of winners
Vittoria Colonna : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Vrael Zann : Praxis (*1)
Lil MsHospitality : Nestor (*2)
Lil MsHospitality : Stratios and Astero (*3)
(*1, *2 and *3) In-channel-participation only prizes.
(*1) Sponsored by loonitunen
(*2) Sponsored by loonitunen
(*3) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
Round #521 participants : 37
Top ISK Donations
Lottery period : Monday, April 3rd, 2023 to Sunday, April 16th, 2023
List of winners
Juan Gremory : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Catharina van Hemessen : Praxis (*1)
Catharina van Hemessen : Nestor (*2)
Hackbert : Stratios and Astero (*3)
(*1, *2 and *3) In-channel-participation only prizes.
(*1) Sponsored by loonitunen
(*2) Sponsored by loonitunen
(*3) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
Round #520 participants : 41
Top ISK Donations
Lottery period : Monday, March 20th, 2023 to Sunday, April 2nd, 2023
List of winners
Clay oni Evans : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Juan Gremory : Praxis (*1)
Mads Stellan : Nestor (*2)
Juan Gremory : Stratios and Astero (*3)
(*1, *2 and *3) In-channel-participation only prizes.
(*1) Sponsored by loonitunen
(*2) Sponsored by loonitunen
(*3) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
Round #519 participants : 37
Top ISK Donations
Lottery period : Monday, March 6th, 2023 to Sunday, March 19th, 2023
List of winners
Jonat Eken : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Hylinia Ishara : Praxis (*1)
Caelius West : Nestor (*2)
fl0pski : Stratios and Astero (*3)
(*1, *2 and *3) In-channel-participation only prizes.
(*1) Sponsored by loonitunen
(*2) Sponsored by loonitunen
(*3) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
Round #518 participants : 45
Top ISK Donations
Lottery period : Monday, February 20th, 2023 to Sunday, March 5th, 2023
List of winners
Mi Cin : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Tokar Zeminev : 15B ISK (*1)
Mads Stellan : 10B ISK (*2)
Rafe Amatin : 10B ISK (*3)
Everyone at the draw : 15x 1B ISK (*4)
Caelius West : Praxis (*5)
Caelius West : Nestor (*6)
KongGal : Stratios and Astero (*7)
(*1, *2, *3, *4, *5, *6 and *7) In-channel-participation only prizes.
(*1) Sponsored by Dodger Leigh
(*2) Sponsored by Dodger Leigh
(*3) Sponsored by Dodger Leigh
(*4) Sponsored by Dodger Leigh
(*5) Sponsored by loonitunen
(*6) Sponsored by loonitunen
(*7) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
Round #517 participants : 61
Top ISK Donations
Lottery period : Monday, February 6th, 2023 to Sunday, February 19th, 2023
List of winners
Caelius West : 1B ISK (No bonus)
Hylinia Ishara : Praxis (*1)
Catharina van Hemessen : Nestor (*2)
Alyssa Isimazu : Stratios and Astero (*3)
(*1, *2 and *3) In-channel-participation only prizes.
(*1) Sponsored by loonitunen
(*2) Sponsored by loonitunen
(*3) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
Round #516 participants : 65
Top ISK Donations
Lottery period : Monday, January 23rd, 2023 to Sunday, February 5th, 2023
List of winners
Hackbert : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Jerdt Ovaert : Praxis (*1)
Artakserkses : Nestor (*2)
Artakserkses : Stratios and Astero (*3)
(*1, *2 and *3) In-channel-participation only prizes.
(*1) Sponsored by loonitunen
(*2) Sponsored by loonitunen
(*3) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
Round #515 participants : 72
Top ISK Donations
Lottery period : Monday, January 9th, 2023 to Sunday, January 22nd, 2023
List of winners
Lil MsHospitality : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Muzahedin : Praxis (*1)
Lia Jacks : Nestor (*2)
Itaer : Stratios and Astero (*3)
(*1, *2 and *3) In-channel-participation only prizes.
(*1) Sponsored by loonitunen
(*2) Sponsored by loonitunen
(*3) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
Round #514 participants : 68
Top ISK Donations
Lottery period : Monday, December 26th, 2022 to Sunday, January 8th, 2023
List of winners
Page Otsada : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Amber Ayle : Praxis (*1)
Hylinia Ishara : Nestor (*2)
Artakserkses : Stratios and Astero (*3)
(*1, *2 and *3) In-channel-participation only prizes.
(*1) Sponsored by loonitunen
(*2) Sponsored by loonitunen
(*3) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
Round #513 participants : 64
Top ISK Donations
Lottery period : Monday, December 12th, 2022 to Sunday, December 25th, 2022
List of winners
Aizen Gere : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Rafe Amatin : Praxis (*1)
Artakserkses : Nestor (*2)
Ezra Endashi : Stratios and Astero (*3)
(*1, *2 and *3) In-channel-participation only prizes.
(*1) Sponsored by loonitunen
(*2) Sponsored by loonitunen
(*3) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
Round #512 participants : 65
Top ISK Donations
Lottery period : Monday, November 28th, 2022 to Sunday, December 11th, 2022
List of winners
Ezra Endashi : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Catharina van Hemessen : Praxis (*1)
Jayden Thomas : Nestor (*2
Anna Notaras : Stratios and Astero (*3)
(*1, *2 and *3) In-channel-participation only prizes.
(*1) Sponsored by loonitunen
(*2) Sponsored by loonitunen
(*3) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
Round #511 participants : 65
Top ISK Donations
Lottery period : Monday, November 14th, 2022 to Sunday, November 27th, 2022
List of winners
Mi Cin : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Froua : Praxis (*1)
Dodger Leigh : Nestor (*2
Catalina Henryh : Stratios and Astero (*3)
(*1, *2 and *3) In-channel-participation only prizes.
(*1) Sponsored by loonitunen
(*2) Sponsored by loonitunen
(*3) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
Round #510 participants : 65
Top ISK Donations
Lottery period : Monday, October 31st, 2022 to Sunday, November 13th, 2022
List of winners
MARITA GAVAN : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Gougeres : Nestor (*1)
Mads Stellan : Stratios and Astero (*2)
(*1 and *2) In-channel-participation only prizes.
(*1) Sponsored by loonitunen
(*2) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
Round #509 participants : 56
Top ISK Donations
Lottery period : Monday, October 17th, 2022 to Sunday, October 30th, 2022
List of winners
Bryon The Purple : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Catharina van Hemessen : 2x Praxi (*1)
Yak Otsa : Nestor (*2)
Rafe Amatin : Stratios and Astero (*3)
(*1, *2 and *3) In-channel-participation only prizes.
(*1) Sponsored by loonitunen
(*2) Sponsored by loonitunen
(*3) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
Round #508 participants : 51
Top ISK Donations
Lottery period : Monday, October 3rd, 2022 to Sunday, October 16th, 2022
List of winners
Jayden Thomas : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Rafe Amatin : Praxis (*1)
Dodger Leigh : Nestor (*2)
Lil MsHospitality : Stratios and Astero (*3)
(*1, *2 and *3) In-channel-participation only prizes.
(*1) Sponsored by loonitunen
(*2) Sponsored by loonitunen
(*3) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
Round #507 participants : 45
Top ISK Donations
Lottery period : Monday, September 19th, 2022 to Sunday, October 2nd, 2022
List of winners
Glonojad Alternatywny : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Tokar Zeminev : Praxis (*1)
Mads Stellan : Nestor (*2)
Dodger Leigh : Stratios and Astero (*3)
(*1, *2 and *3) In-channel-participation only prizes.
(*1) Sponsored by loonitunen
(*2) Sponsored by loonitunen
(*3) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
Round #506 participants : 52
Top ISK Donations
Lottery period : Monday, September 5th, 2022 to Sunday, September 18th, 2022
List of winners
Hanezu jp : 1B ISK (No bonus)
Caseia Static : Praxis (*1)
Gougeres : Nestor (*2)
brahiem : Stratios and Astero (*3)
(*1, *2 and *3) In-channel-participation only prizes.
(*1) Sponsored by loonitunen
(*2) Sponsored by loonitunen
(*3) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
Round #505 participants : 43
Top ISK Donations
Lottery period : Monday, August 22nd, 2022 to Sunday, September 4th, 2022
List of winners
Ezra Endashi : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Gougeres : Praxis (*1)
Caseia Adept : Nestor (*1)
Ashes 1627 : Stratios and Astero (*2)
(*1, *2 and *3) In-channel-participation only prizes.
(*1) Sponsored by loonitunen
(*2) Sponsored by loonitunen
(*3) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
Round #504 participants : 32
Top ISK Donations
Lottery period : Monday, August 8th, 2022 to Sunday, August 21st, 2022
List of winners
Daniel Tularis : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Stjornuvindur : Praxis (*1)
Stjornuvindur : Nestor (*2)
Wipt LotsaGold : Stratios and Astero (*3)
(*1, *2 and *3) In-channel-participation only prizes.
(*1) Sponsored by loonitunen
(*2) Sponsored by loonitunen
(*3) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
Round #503 participants : 43
Top ISK Donations
Lottery period : Monday, July 25th, 2022 to Sunday, August 7th, 2022
List of winners
Mi Cin : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Herpderp ImATradeAlt : 5500 PLEX (*1)
Bamos Xanthippons : Nestor (*2)
Mads Stellan : Stratios and Astero (*3)
(*1, *2 and *3) In-channel-participation only prizes.
(*1) Sponsored by loonitunen
(*2) Sponsored by loonitunen
(*3) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
Round #502 participants : 50
Top ISK Donations
Lottery period : Monday, July 11th, 2022 to Sunday, July 24th, 2022
List of winners
Kokukaiken Tsukaya : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Mads Stellan : Nestor (*1)
Jin Endares : Nestor (*2)
Natalia Learo : Stratios and Astero (*3)
(*1, *2 and *3) In-channel-participation only prizes.
(*1) Sponsored by Anonymous Donor
(*2) Sponsored by loonitunen
(*3) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
Round #501 participants : 44
Top ISK Donations
Lottery period : Monday, June 27th, 2022 to Sunday, July 10th, 2022
List of winners
yousuke460 : 1B ISK (No bonus)
Bruce Naskingar : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Jerdt Ovaert : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Mads Stellan : Nestor (*1)
Jerdt Ovaert : Nestor (*2)
Zacharen Andromalis : Stratios and Astero (*3)
(*1, *2 and *3) In-channel-participation only prizes.
(*1) Sponsored by Anon Sponsor
(*2) Sponsored by loonitunen
(*3) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
Round #500 participants : 60
Top ISK Donations
Lottery period : Monday, June 13th, 2022 to Sunday, June 26th, 2022
List of winners
Zacharen Andromalis : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Mads Stellan : Nestor (*1)
Zacharen Andromalis : Stratios and Astero (*2)
(*1 and *2) In-channel-participation only prizes.
(*1) Sponsored by loonitunen
(*2) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
Round #499 participants : 55
Top ISK Donations
Lottery period : Monday, May 30th, 2022 to Sunday, June 12th, 2022
List of winners
Krris Pappotte : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Mads Stellan : Nestor (*1)
JayEm HighCastle : Stratios and Astero (*2)
(*1 and *2) In-channel-participation only prizes.
(*1) Sponsored by loonitunen
(*2) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
Round #498 participants : 35
Top ISK Donations
Lottery period : Monday, May 16th, 2022 to Sunday, May 29th, 2022
List of winners
Bryon The Purple : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Bo'oris Kasenumi : Nestor (*1)
Suzi Uljanow : Stratios and Astero (*2)
(*1 and *2) In-channel-participation only prizes.
(*1) Sponsored by loonitunen
(*2) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
Round #497 participants : 47
Top ISK Donations
#496 BIG Lottery 19 Year Anniversary round
Lottery period : Monday, May 2nd, 2022 to Sunday, May 15th, 2022
List of winners
Palps : 3.75B ISK (25% bonus)
Evon R'al : 2.5B ISK (25% bonus)
Zacharen Andromalis : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Artakserkses : Vargur (*1)
Rafe Amatin : Kronos (*2)
Jayden Thomas : Ikitursa + Orthrus + Drekavac (*3)
Zacharen Andromalis : Nestor (*4)
Zacharen Andromalis : Stratios and Astero (*5)
(*1, *2, *3, *4 and *5) In-channel-participation only prizes.
(*1) Sponsored by Anataine Deva
(*2) Sponsored by Anataine Deva
(*3) Sponsored by Anataine Deva
(*4) Sponsored by loonitunen
(*5) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
Round #496 participants : 67
Top ISK Donations
Lottery period : Monday, April 18th, 2022 to Sunday, May 1st, 2022
List of winners
Maniek Mahyisti : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Eddie Knight : Golem (*1)
Mads Stellan : Nestor (*2)
Zacharen Andromalis : Stratios and Astero (*3)
(*1, *2 and *3) In-channel-participation only prizes.
(*1) Sponsored by Anataine Deva
(*2) Sponsored by loonitunen
(*3) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
Round #495 participants : 53
Top ISK Donations
Lottery period : Monday, April 4th, 2022 to Sunday, April 17th, 2022
List of winners
Margatroid Alice : 1B ISK (No bonus)
Dropsuu : Paladin (*1)
Dropsuu : Nestor (*2)
Artakserkses : Stratios and Astero (*3)
(*1, *2 and *3) In-channel-participation only prizes.
(*1) Sponsored by Anataine Deva
(*2) Sponsored by loonitunen
(*3) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
Round #494 participants : 48
Top ISK Donations
Lottery period : Monday, March 21st, 2022 to Sunday, April 3rd, 2022
List of winners
Ronen Osden : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Laina Kassihen : Nestor (*1)
Zworh : Stratios and Astero (*2)
(*1 and *2) In-channel-participation only prizes.
(*1) Sponsored by loonitunen
(*2) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
Round #493 participants : 64
Top ISK Donations
Lottery period : Monday, March 7th, 2022 to Sunday, March 20th, 2022
List of winners
Rico Baka : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Daniel Tularis : Golem (1)
Zacharen Andromalis : Nestor (*2)
Daniel Tularis : Stratios and Astero (*3)
(*1, *2 and *3) In-channel-participation only prizes.
(*1) Sponsored by Anataine Deva
(*2) Sponsored by loonitunen
(*3) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
Round #492 participants : 55
Top ISK Donations
Lottery period : Monday, February 21st, 2022 to Sunday, March 6th, 2022
List of winners
Bryon The Purple : 1B ISK (No bonus)
Rico Baka : 1000 PLEX (*1)
Rafe Amatin : Nestor (*2)
Daniel Tularis : Stratios and Astero (*3)
(*1, *2 and *3) In-channel-participation only prizes.
(*1) Sponsored by Anataine Deva
(*2) Sponsored by loonitunen
(*3) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
Round #491 participants : 61
Top ISK Donations
Lottery period : Monday, February 7th, 2022 to Sunday, February 20th, 2022
List of winners
OG3 kazu : 1B ISK (No bonus)
Eddie Knight : A Lot of Money (*1)
Marcus Braxlyn : Nestor (*2)
wintersfuzz Skord : Stratios and Astero (*3)
(*1, *2 and *3) In-channel-participation only prizes.
(*1) Sponsored by Anataine Deva
(*2) Sponsored by loonitunen
(*3) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
Round #490 participants : 73
Top ISK Donations
Lottery period : Monday, January 24th, 2022 to Sunday, February 6th, 2022
List of winners
NoPants BestPants : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Samuel Morgenthau : The Lost Legion (*1)
Johnny Newman : Nestor (*2)
Raeudiger Ruediger : Stratios and Astero (*3)
(*1, *2 and *3) In-channel-participation only prizes.
(*1) Sponsored by Anataine Deva
(*2) Sponsored by loonitunen
(*3) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
The Lost Legion
- 1x Legion
- 1x Legion Offensive - Assault Optimization
- 1x Legion Core - Augmented Antimatter Reactor
- 1x Legion Propulsion - Intercalated Nanofibers
- 1x Legion Defensive - Covert Reconfiguration
- 3x Heavy Assault Missile Launcher II
- 1x Expanded Probe Launcher II
- 1x Covert Ops Cloaking Device II
- 1x Medium Energy Neutralizer II
- 2x Heavy Assault Missile Launcher II
- 1x 10MN Afterburner II
- 1x Caldari Navy Warp Scrambler
- 1x Imperial Navy 1600mm Steel Plates
- 1x Ballistic Control System II
- 1x Reactive Armor Hardener
- 1x Imperial Navy Multispectrum Energized Membrane
- 1x Damage Control II
- 1x Imperial Navy Multispectrum Energized Membrane
- 3x Medium Trimark Armor Pump II
Round #489 participants : 76
Top ISK Donations
Lottery period : Monday, January 10th, 2022 to Sunday, January 23rd, 2022
List of winners
Slave X343T00901 : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Gary's Boss Clone : Ikitursa (*1)
Zacharen Andromalis : Nestor (*2)
JayEm HighCastle : Stratios and Astero (*3)
(*1, *2 and *3) In-channel-participation only prizes.
(*1) Sponsored by Anataine Deva
(*2) Sponsored by loonitunen
(*3) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
Round #488 participants : 64
Top ISK Donations
Lottery period : Monday, December 27th, 2021 to Sunday, January 9th, 2022
List of winners
Gar Nassh : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Eddie Knight : Drekavac (*1)
Slave X343T00901 : Leshak (*2)
wintersfuzz Skord : Nestor (*3)
Evon R'al : Stratios and Astero (*4)
(*1, *2, *3 and *4) In-channel-participation only prizes.
(*1) Sponsored by Anataine Deva
(*2) Sponsored by Anataine Deva
(*3) Sponsored by loonitunen
(*4) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
Round #487 participants : 78
Top ISK Donations
Lottery period : Monday, December 13th, 2021 to Sunday, December 26th, 2021
List of winners
Upwell Content Generator : 1B ISK (No bonus)
Pfund Gehacktes : Brutix Navy Issue (*1)
Tanaka Hobbitus : Drekavac (*2)
Zacharen Andromalis : Stormbringer (*3)
Daniel Tularis : Nestor (*4)
Eddie Knight : Stratios and Astero (*5)
(*1, *2, *3, *4 and *5) In-channel-participation only prizes.
(*1) Sponsored by Anataine Deva
(*2) Sponsored by Anataine Deva
(*3) Sponsored by Anataine Deva
(*4) Sponsored by loonitunen
(*5) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
Round #486 participants : 64
Top ISK Donations
Lottery period : Monday, November 29th, 2021 to Sunday, December 12th, 2021
List of winners
Gabriel222000 : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Zacharen Andromalis : Large Skill Injector (*1)
Zmeja : Nestor (*2) + Nestor Yoiul Star SKIN (*7)
Eddie Knight : Stratios and Astero (*3) + Astero Yoiul Star SKIN (*4) 1 x Stratios Yoiul Star SKIN (*5)
(*1, *2, *3, *4, *5 and *6) In-channel-participation only prizes.
(*1) Sponsored by Anataine Deva
(*2) Sponsored by loonitunen
(*3) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
(*4) Sponsored by Anataine Deva
(*5) Sponsored by Anataine Deva
(*6) Sponsored by Anataine Deva
Round #485 participants : 68
Top ISK Donations
Lottery period : Monday, November 15th, 2021 to Sunday, November 28th, 2021
List of winners
BamBam Pebbles : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Kale La Rune : Typhoon Fleet Issue (*1)
Zacharen Andromalis : Nestor (*2)
Greg Caleman : Stratios and Astero (*3)
(*1, *2 and *3) In-channel-participation only prizes.
(*1) Sponsored by Anataine Deva
(*2) Sponsored by loonitunen
(*3) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
Round #484 participants : 60
Top ISK Donations
Lottery period : Monday, November 1st, 2021 to Sunday, November 14th, 2021
List of winners
UG Hidice : 1B ISK (No bonus)
Greg Caleman : 250 PLEX (*1)
Leviathan Taylor : Nestor (*2)
DarthMistic : Stratios and Astero (*3)
(*1, *2 and *3) In-channel-participation only prizes.
(*1) Sponsored by Anataine Deva
(*2) Sponsored by loonitunen
(*3) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
Round #483 participants : 57
Top ISK Donations
Lottery period : Monday, October 18th, 2021 to Sunday, October 31st, 2021
List of winners
jimsy01 : 1B ISK (No bonus)
JayEm HighCastle : Nestor (*1)
Kostek851 : Stratios and Astero (*2)
(*1 and *2) In-channel-participation only prizes.
(*1) Sponsored by loonitunen
(*2) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
Round #482 participants : 64
Top ISK Donations
Lottery period : Monday, October 4th, 2021 to Sunday, October 17th, 2021
List of winners
Mi Cin : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Tanaka Hobbitus : Nestor (*1)
JayEm HighCastle : Stratios and Astero (*2)
(*1 and *2) In-channel-participation only prizes.
(*1) Sponsored by loonitunen
(*2) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
Round #481 participants : 61
Top ISK Donations
Lottery period : Monday, September 20th, 2021 to Sunday, October 3rd, 2021
List of winners
Julius Mordan : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Aesir Valtari : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Chris deSade : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
DarthMistic : Nestor (*1)
Rascov Koraka : Stratios and Astero (*2)
(*1 and *2) In-channel-participation only prizes.
(*1) Sponsored by loonitunen
(*2) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
Round #480 participants : 66
Top ISK Donations
Lottery period : Monday, September 6th, 2021 to Sunday, September 19th, 2021
List of winners
Adrian Telure : 1B ISK (No bonus)
Noe Farks Given : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Masik Lehet : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Zacharen Andromalis : Nestor (*1)
JayEm HighCastle : Stratios and Astero (*2)
(*1 and *2) In-channel-participation only prizes.
(*1) Sponsored by loonitunen
(*2) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
Round #479 participants : 62
Top ISK Donations
Lottery period : Monday, August 23rd, 2021 to Sunday, September 5th, 2021
List of winners
Lil MsHospitality : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Natalie Guass : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Michael Umangiar : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus) (*1)
Szbeno Otsolen : Typhoon Fleet Issue (*2)
Chris deSade : Nestor (*3)
wintersfuzz Skord : Stratios and Astero (*4)
(*2, *3 and *4) In-channel-participation only prizes.
(*1) Sponsored by loonitunen
(*2) Sponsored by Anataine Deva
(*3) Sponsored by loonitunen
(*4) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
Round #478 participants : 79
Top ISK Donations
Lottery period : Monday, August 9th, 2021 to Sunday, August 22nd, 2021
List of winners
Cali Babe : 1B ISK (No bonus)
Random Kusoni : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
G K Chesterton : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus) (*1)
Mads Stellan : Nestor (*2)
Rafe Amatin : Stratios and Astero (*3)
(*2 and *3) In-channel-participation only prizes.
(*1) Sponsored by loonitunen
(*2) Sponsored by loonitunen
(*3) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
Round #477 participants : 97
Top ISK Donations
Lottery period : Monday, July 26th, 2021 to Sunday, August 8th, 2021
List of winners
Ardelins Stareine : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Todin Kumomato : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
JayEm HighCastle : 1B ISK (No bonus) (*1)
Mr Thunfisch : Nestor (*2)
Mads Stellan : Stratios and Astero (*3)
(*2 and *3) In-channel-participation only prizes.
(*1) Sponsored by loonitunen
(*2) Sponsored by loonitunen
(*3) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
Round #476 participants : 77
Top ISK Donations
Lottery period : Monday, July 12th, 2021 to Sunday, July 25th, 2021
List of winners
yousuke460 : 1B ISK (No bonus)
Wong Kintuba Tsuruomo : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
serenfias : 1B ISK (No bonus)(*1)
Evi1223 Bigll : Nestor (*2)
Jaffery Downs : Stratios and Astero (*3)
(*2 and *3) In-channel-participation only prizes.
(*1) Sponsored by loonitunen
(*2) Sponsored by loonitunen
(*3) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
Round #475 participants : 72
Top ISK Donations
Lottery period : Monday, June 28th, 2021 to Sunday, July 11th, 2021
List of winners
Random Kusoni : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Lil MsHospitality : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
hitochi : 1B ISK (No bonus)(*1)
Kale La Rune : Nestor (*2)
Jaffery Downs : Stratios and Astero (*3)
(*2 and *3) In-channel-participation only prizes.
(*1) Sponsored by loonitunen
(*2) Sponsored by loonitunen
(*3) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
Round #474 participants : 58
Top ISK Donations
Lottery period : Monday, June 14th, 2021 to Sunday, June 27th, 2021
List of winners
Kimura Kiyoko : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Zycorax II : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Zmeitza : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus) (*1)
DudeMcGuyBro Hakaari : Nestor (*2)
Evon R'al : Stratios and Astero (*3)
(*2 and *3) In-channel-participation only prizes.
(*1) Sponsored by loonitunen
(*2) Sponsored by loonitunen
(*3) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
Round #473 participants : 58
Top ISK Donations
Lottery period : Monday, May 31st, 2021 to Sunday, June 13th, 2021
List of winners
Mathis en Thielles : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Eddie Knight : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Bertle Barkov : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Harknen : Nestor (*1)
Kale La Rune : Stratios and Astero (*2)
(*1 and *2) In-channel-participation only prizes.
(*1) Sponsored by loonitunen
(*2) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
Round #472 participants : 69
Top ISK Donations
Lottery period : Monday, May 17th, 2021 to Sunday, May 30th, 2021
List of winners
BamBam Pebbles : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Wisteria Plum : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Mi Cin : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Monsoon Xadi : 100.000x Spiced Wine + 24x Spiked Quafe (*2)
Eddie Knight : Nestor (*3)
Herpderp ImATradeAlt : Stratios and Astero (*4)
Harknen : 5x Eris (*5)
(*1, *2, *3, *4 and *5) In-channel-participation only prizes.
(*1) Sponsored by loonitunen
(*2) Sponsored by loonitunen
(*3) Sponsored by loonitunen
(*4) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
(*5) Sponsored by Khazur
Round #471 participants : 78
Top ISK Donations
#470 BIG Lottery 18 Year Anniversary round
Lottery period : Monday, May 3rd, 2021 to Sunday, May 16th, 2021
List of winners
Harknen : 3B ISK (No bonus)
NoPants BestPants : 2.5B ISK (25% bonus)
ebi arerugy : 1B ISK (No bonus) (*1)
NavyHunter : 1 year of PLEX (*2)
NavyHunter : Astero Scope Syndication YC122 SKIN (*3)
Harvey Ster : Procurer Scope Syndication YC122 SKIN (*4)
MARITA GAVAN : Succubus + Succubus Glacial Drift SKIN (*5)
DudeMcGuyBro Hakaari : Nestor (*6)
Banditry Dallocort : Stratios and Astero (*7)
(*2, *3, *4, *5, *6 and *7) In-channel-participation only prizes.
(*1) Sponsored by loonitunen
(*2) Sponsored by loonitunen
(*3) Sponsored by loonitunen
(*4) Sponsored by loonitunen
(*5) Sponsored by Lil MsHospitality
(*6) Sponsored by loonitunen
(*7) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
Round #470 participants : 102
Top ISK Donations
Lottery period : Monday, April 19th, 2021 to Sunday, May 2nd, 2021
List of winners
DudeMcGuyBro Hakaari : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Ava Taki : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Meddiss Penken : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
DudeMcGuyBro Hakaari : Nestor (*1)
Jaffery Downs : Stratios and Astero (*2)
(*1 and *2) In-channel-participation only prizes.
(*1) Sponsored by loonitunen
(*2) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
Round #469 participants : 57
Top ISK Donations
Lottery period : Monday, April 5th, 2021 to Sunday, April 18th, 2021
List of winners
luqius : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Quentin Coldheart : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
luqius : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Wuschelchen Vyvorant : Nestor (*1)
Wuschelchen Vyvorant : Stratios and Astero (*2)
(*1 and *2) In-channel-participation only prizes.
(*1) Sponsored by loonitunen
(*2) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
Round #468 participants : 56
Top ISK Donations
Lottery period : Monday, March 22nd, 2021 to Sunday, April 4th, 2021
List of winners
Lando Boirelle : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Thorn Amaria : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Judge Chuck : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Khazur : Nestor (*1)
Monsoon Xadi : Stratios and Astero (*2)
(*1 and *2) In-channel-participation only prizes.
(*1) Sponsored by loonitunen
(*2) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
Round #467 participants : 76
Top ISK Donations
Lottery period : Monday, March 8th, 2021 to Sunday, March 21st, 2021
List of winners
Wuschelchen Lobotomit : 1B ISK (No bonus)
Morel Tashida : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Ava Taki : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Rafe Amatin : Nestor (*1)
Monsoon Xadi : Stratios and Astero (*2)
(*1 and *2) In-channel-participation only prizes.
(*1) Sponsored by loonitunen
(*2) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
Round #466 participants : 54
Top ISK Donations
Lottery period : Monday, February 22nd, 2021 to Sunday, March 7th, 2021
List of winners
Riven Gundrik : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Levath : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
luqius : 1B ISK (No bonus)
Artakserkses : Nestor (*1)
Rafe Amatin : Stratios and Astero (*2)
(*1 and *2) In-channel-participation only prizes.
(*1) Sponsored by loonitunen
(*2) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
Round #465 participants : 72
Top ISK Donations
Lottery period : Monday, February 8th, 2021 to Sunday, February 21st, 2021
List of winners
Random Kusoni : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Jake Legend : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Jayden Thomas : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Tom SimmsIII : Nestor (*1)
Jellyson Onren : Stratios and Astero (*2
(*1 and *2) In-channel-participation only prizes.
(*1) Sponsored by loonitunen
(*2) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
Round #464 participants : 83
Top ISK Donations
Lottery period : Monday, January 25th, 2021 to Sunday, February 7th, 2021
List of winners
Madryade : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
fl0pski : 1B ISK (No bonus)
Bull Production3 : 1B ISK (No bonus)
TheRedPanda : Nestor (*1)
Thor Thordason : Stratios and Astero (*2)
Tom SimmsIII : Stratios and Astero (*3)
(*1, *2 and *3) In-channel-participation only prizes.
(*1) Sponsored by loonitunen
(*2) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
(*3) Sponsored by Ducky Duck
Round #463 participants : 90
Top ISK Donations
Lottery period : Monday, January 11th, 2021 to Sunday, January 24th, 2021
List of winners
Ivan Joukov : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
luqius : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
DngK Infrared : 1B ISK (No bonus)
fl0pski : Nestor (*1)
Ducky Duke : Stratios and Astero (*2)
(*1 and *2) In-channel-participation only prizes.
(*1) Sponsored by loonitunen
(*2) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
Round #462 participants : 76
Top ISK Donations
Lottery period : Monday, December 28th, 2020 to Sunday, January 10th, 2021
List of winners
Frozic Frostburn : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Dilc : 1B ISK (No bonus)
Riven Gundrik : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Raeudiger Ruediger : Nestor (*1)
Opti : Stratios and Astero (*2)
(*1 and *2) In-channel-participation only prizes.
(*1) Sponsored by loonitunen
(*2) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
Round #461 participants : 83
Top ISK Donations
Lottery period : Monday, December 14th, 2020 to Sunday, December 27th, 2020
List of winners
QwiXX Wolf : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Chalandre Assene : 1B ISK (No bonus)
Monsoon Xadi : 1B ISK (No bonus)
Tom SimmsIII : Nestor (*1)
Lil MsHospitality : Stratios and Astero (*2)
(*1 and *2) In-channel-participation only prizes.
(*1) Sponsored by loonitunen
(*2) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
Round #460 participants : 78
Top ISK Donations
Lottery period : Monday, November 30th, 2020 to Sunday, December 13th, 2020
List of winners
Blobfisch Bananenquark : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Julius Mordan : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Rascov Koraka : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Eddie Knight : Nestor (*1)
Eddie Knight : Stratios and Astero (*2)
(*1 and *2) In-channel-participation only prizes.
(*1) Sponsored by loonitunen
(*2) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
Round #459 participants : 63
Top ISK Donations
Lottery period : Monday, November 16th, 2020 to Sunday, November 29th, 2020
List of winners
Herpderp ImATradeAlt : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Rascov Koraka : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Khan Munba : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Vrael Zann : Nestor (*1)
Julius Mordan : Amarr + Caldari Carrier skills (*2)
Blessing Angelbane : Stratios and Astero (*3)
(*1, *2 and *3) In-channel-participation only prizes.
(*1) Sponsored by loonitunen
(*2) Sponsored by loonitunen
(*3) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
Round #458 participants : 66
Top ISK Donations
Lottery period : Monday, November 2nd, 2020 to Sunday, November 15th, 2020
List of winners
Twysted Kinx : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Khan Munba : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Jiana Cestar : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Lil MsHospitality : Nestor (*1)
Herpderp ImATradeAlt : Stratios and Astero (*2)
(*1 and *2) In-channel-participation only prizes.
(*1) Sponsored by loonitunen
(*2) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
Round #457 participants : 59
Top ISK Donations
Lottery period : Monday, October 19th, 2020 to Sunday, November 1st, 2020
List of winners
Teo Ichosira : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Vrael Zann : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Runoa Kion : 1B ISK (No bonus)
Sztaba Uta : Nestor (*1)
Herpderp ImATradeAlt : Stratios and Astero (*2)
(*1 and *2) In-channel-participation only prizes.
(*1) Sponsored by loonitunen
(*2) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
Round #456 participants : 67
Top ISK Donations
Lottery period : Monday, October 5th, 2020 to Sunday, October 18th, 2020
List of winners
Alexis Zara : 1B ISK (No bonus)
Herpderp ImATradeAlt : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
August Samuel Wahllen : 1B ISK (No bonus)
Herpderp ImATradeAlt : 777 Plex
Michael Umangiar : Stratios and Astero (*2)
Lil MsHospitality : Amarr and Caldari Carrier skill book(*3)
(*1, *2 and *3) In-channel-participation only prizes.
(*1) Sponsored by loonitunen
(*2) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
(*3) Sponsored by KongGal
Round #455 participants : 59
Top ISK Donations
Lottery period : Monday, September 21st, 2020 to Sunday, October 4th, 2020
List of winners
Johnnny B : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Visakka Saraki : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Lucidum Braccas : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Bullerbums : Nestor (*1)
Roboguy 3000 : Stratios and Astero (*2)
Rafe Amatin : Gallente and Minmatar Carrier skill books (*3)
(*1, *2 and *3) In-channel-participation only prizes.
(*1) Sponsored by loonitunen
(*2) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
(*3) Sponsored by KongGal
Round #454 participants : 68
Top ISK Donations
Lottery period : Monday, September 7th, 2020 to Sunday, September 20th, 2020
List of winners
Lil MsHospitality : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Mathender Irineu : 1B ISK (No bonus)
Julius Mordan : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
KapuzenMann : Nestor (*1)
Todin Kumomato : Stratios and Astero (*2)
Jiana Cestar : The four racial Dreadnought skillbooks (*3)
(*1, *2 and *3) In-channel-participation only prizes.
(*1) Sponsored by loonitunen
(*2) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
(*3) Sponsored by KongGal
Round #453 participants : 68
Top ISK Donations
Lottery period : Monday, August 24th, 2020 to Sunday, September 6th, 2020
List of winners
Vrael Zann : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Lando Boirelle : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Gar Nassh : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Jellyson Onren : Nestor (*1)
Jiana Cestar : Stratios and Astero (*2)
Ducky Duke : Tengu Package (*3)
(*1, *2 and *3) In-channel-participation only prizes.
(*1) Sponsored by loonitunen
(*2) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
(*3) Sponsored by Karia Ignis
Round #452 participants : 52
Top ISK Donations
Lottery period : Monday, August 10th, 2020 to Sunday, August 23rd, 2020
List of winners
Torchwood Isaac : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Drake Thanatos : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Coppermich2 : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Wong Kintuba Tsuruomo : Nestor (*1)
Torchwood Isaac : Stratios and Astero (*2)
(*1 and *2) In-channel-participation only prizes.
(*1) Sponsored by loonitunen
(*2) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
Round #451 participants : 52
Top ISK Donations
Lottery period : Monday, July 27th, 2020 to Sunday, August 9th, 2020
List of winners
ppaugh : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Creet Taron : 1B ISK (No bonus)
Luneroy : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Michael Umangiar : Nestor (*1)
Rafe Amatin : Stratios and Astero (*2)
(*1 and *2) In-channel-participation only prizes.
(*1) Sponsored by loonitunen
(*2) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
Round #450 participants : 74
Top ISK Donations
Lottery period : Monday, July 13th, 2020 to Sunday, July 26th, 2020
List of winners
Vrael Zann : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Hotdropping Hauler Alt : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Julius Mordan : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
KongGal : Nestor (*1)
Shad0w Vort3x : Stratios and Astero (*2)
(*1 and *2) In-channel-participation only prizes.
(*1) Sponsored by loonitunen
(*2) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
Round #449 participants : 76
Top ISK Donations
Lottery period : Monday, June 29th, 2020 to Sunday, July 12th, 2020
List of winners
Creet Taron : 1B ISK (No bonus)
Natalia Learo : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Damondael Estemaire : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Julius Mordan : Nestor (*1)
Ducky Duke : Stratios and Astero (*2)
(*1 and *2) In-channel-participation only prizes.
(*1) Sponsored by loonitunen
(*2) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
Round #448 participants : 70
Top ISK Donations
Lottery period : Monday, June 15th, 2020 to Sunday, June 28th, 2020
List of winners
Jordana Arjar : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Mathis en Thielles : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Tira Isimazu : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Natalia Learo : Nestor (*1)
Bullerbums : Stratios and Astero (*2)
(*1 and *2) In-channel-participation only prizes.
(*1) Sponsored by loonitunen
(*2) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
Round #447 participants : 94
Top ISK Donations
Lottery period : Monday, June 1st, 2020 to Sunday, June 14th, 2020
List of winners
Enraku Reynolt : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Hotdropping Hauler Alt : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Fleet Skeet : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Rafe Amatin : Nestor (*1)
Jack Ferraira : Stratios and Astero (*2)
(*1 and *2) In-channel-participation only prizes.
(*1) Sponsored by loonitunen
(*2) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
Round #446 participants : 119
Top ISK Donations
Lottery period : Monday, May 18th, 2020 to Sunday, May 31st, 2020
List of winners
Vrael Zann : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Nessa Rayl : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
ghrughurhgurh : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Vrael Zann : High-grade Ascendancy Omega Blueprint AND materials to build it (*1)
Mace Losedu : Nestor (*2)
Athalyah : Stratios and Astero (*3)
(*1, *2 and *3) In-channel-participation only prizes.
(*1) Sponsored by loonitunen
(*2) Sponsored by loonitunen
(*3) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
Round #445 participants : 132
Top ISK Donations
#444 BIG Lottery 17 Year Anniversary round
Lottery period : Monday, May 4th, 2020 to Sunday, May 17th, 2020
List of winners
cruisepen Abre-Kai : 4,444,444,444 ISK (*1)
ffghzuwj : 3.75B ISK (25% bonus)
coolio Chakaid : 2B ISK (No bonus)
2756623300978541198552 : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Pfund Gehacktes : Large Skill Injector (*2)
Yazria Hanaya : Nestor (*3)
Wuschelchen Vyvorant : Stratios and Astero (*4)
(*1, *2, *3 and *4) In-channel-participation only prizes.
(*1) Sponsored by loonitunen
(*2) Sponsored by loonitunen
(*3) Sponsored by loonitunen
(*4) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
Round #444 participants : 154
Top ISK Donations
Lottery period : Monday, April 20th, 2020 to Sunday, May 3rd, 2020
List of winners
Aeneid Odyssey : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Yazria Hanaya : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Vrael Zann : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Loira Taredi : Fenrir (*1)
Seraline Torkonis : Nestor (*2)
Artakserkses : Stratios and Astero (*3)
(*1, *2 and *3) In-channel-participation only prizes.
(*1) Sponsored by loonitunen
(*2) Sponsored by loonitunen
(*3) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
Round #443 participants : 68
Top ISK Donations
Lottery period : Monday, April 6th, 2020 to Sunday, April 19th, 2020
List of winners
Julius Mordan : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Keno Skir : 1B ISK (No bonus)
SnSPork : 1B ISK (No bonus)
Super Schinken : High-grade Ascendancy Omega (*1)
Slader Harkeness : Nestor (*2)
Mace Losedu : Stratios and Astero (*3)
(*1, *2 and *3) In-channel-participation only prizes.
(*1) Sponsored by loonitunen
(*2) Sponsored by loonitunen
(*3) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
Round #442 participants : 102
Top ISK Donations
Lottery period : Monday, March 23rd, 2020 to Sunday, April 5th, 2020
List of winners
Captain Hero : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Gustav Mannfred : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Blobfisch Bananenquark : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Galen Meric : Nestor (*1)
Julius Mordan : Stratios and Astero (*2)
(*1 and *2) In-channel-participation only prizes.
(*1) Sponsored by loonitunen
(*2) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
Round #441 participants : 69
Top ISK Donations
Lottery period : Monday, March 9th, 2020 to Sunday, March 22nd, 2020
List of winners
Papera Ebaki : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
sinnerman : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Dejan Estemaire : 1B ISK (No bonus)
Sarmie Matsumoto : Charon (*1)
Loira Taredi : Nestor (*2)
Marcus Braxlyn : Stratios and Astero (*3)
(*1, *2 and *3) In-channel-participation only prizes.
(*1) Sponsored by loonitunen
(*2) Sponsored by loonitunen
(*3) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
Round #440 participants : 54
Top ISK Donations
Lottery period : Monday, February 24th, 2020 to Sunday, March 8th, 2020
List of winners
Litvar : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Ezra Endashi : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Bruce Naskingar : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Ducky Duke : Nestor (*1)
Frozic Frostburn : Stratios and Astero (*2)
(*1 and *2) In-channel-participation only prizes.
(*1) Sponsored by loonitunen
(*2) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
Round #439 participants : 46
Top ISK Donations
Lottery period : Monday, February 10th, 2020 to Sunday, February 23rd, 2020
List of winners
Lando Boirelle : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Zeromancer : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Nora Maldoran : 1B ISK (No bonus)
Sirius Sin : Nestor (*1)
Sirius Sin : Stratios and Astero (*2)
Lain Mikakka : Drake BPO (*3)
(*1, *2 and *3) In-channel-participation only prizes.
(*1) Sponsored by loonitunen
(*2) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
(*3) Sponsored by loonitunen
Round #438 participants : 59
Top ISK Donations
Lottery period : Monday, January 27th, 2020 to Sunday, February 9th, 2020
List of winners
Marcus Braxlyn : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Ducky Baron : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
The Amarr Taxidermist : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Sparkles Hadah : Nestor (*1)
Lain Mikakka : Stratios and Astero (*2)
(*1 and *2) In-channel-participation only prizes.
(*1) Sponsored by loonitunen
(*2) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
Round #437 participants : 59
Top ISK Donations
Lottery period : Monday, January 13th, 2020 to Sunday, January 26th, 2020
List of winners
Coppermich2 : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Dejan Estemaire : 1B ISK (No bonus)
Ezra Endashi : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Shiny Gem : Nestor (*1)
Krris Pappotte : Large Skill Injector (*2)
Zeromancer : Stratios and Astero (*3)
(*1, *2 and *3) In-channel-participation only prizes.
(*1) Sponsored by loonitunen
(*2) Sponsored by loonitunen
(*3) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
Round #436 participants : 57
Top ISK Donations
Lottery period : Monday, December 30th, 2019 to Sunday, January 12th, 2020
List of winners
Wuschelchen Vyvorant : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Maxio Mrrr : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Melerisa Starcaller : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Adrium : Nestor (*1)
Wuschelchen Vyvorant : Stratios and Astero (*2)
Gnome Shyfka : Stratios and Astero (*3)
(*1, *2 and *3) In-channel-participation only prizes.
(*1) Sponsored by loonitunen
(*2) Sponsored by Marcus Braxlyn
(*3) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
Round #435 participants : 50
Top ISK Donations
Lottery period : Monday, December 16th, 2019 to Sunday, December 29th, 2019
List of winners
BATOKAT : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Jimmy Lannister : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Loira Taredi : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Maximillian Wessel : 6000 PLEX (*1)
Rotik Razzbane : Orca (surprise fitted - woa!) (*2)
Michael Umangiar : The Christmas Ghost of Ana (*3)
Shiny Gem : Nestor (*4)
Ducky Duke : Stratios and Astero (*5)
(*1, *2, *3, *4 and *5) In-channel-participation only prizes.
(*1) Sponsored by loonitunen
(*2) Sponsored by loonitunen
(*3) Sponsored by Anataine Deva
(*4) Sponsored by Berkon Ellecon
(*5) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
The Christmas Ghost of Ana
- Megathron Navy Issue
- Scorpion Navy Issue
- Typhoon Fleet Issue
Orca (surprise fitted - woa!)
- 1x Orca
- 1x Small Tractor Beam II
- 2x Shield Command Burst II
- 3x Mining Foreman Burst II
- 1x Pith X-Type Kinetic Deflection Field
- 2x Dread Guristas Adaptive Invulnerability Field
- 1x Pith X-Type EM Ward Field
- 1x Pith A-Type Thermal Dissipation Field
- 1x Damage Control II
- 1x ORE Reinforced Bulkheads
- 1x Large Transverse Bulkhead II
- 2x Large Command Processor I
- 300x Mining Laser Optimization Charge
- 5x Mining Drone II
- 5x Medium Shield Maintenance Bot II
- 5x Warrior II
- 5x Salvage Drone I
- 1x Hobgoblin I
- 4x Hobgoblin II
- 5x Hornet EC-300
Round #434 participants : 85
Top ISK Donations
Lottery period : Monday, December 2nd, 2019 to Sunday, December 15th, 2019
List of winners
Berkon Ellecon : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Mumuit's Skillpoint Farmer : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Khan Munba : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Wuffledarts : Nestor (*1)
Marcus Braxlyn : Stratios and Astero (*2)
(*1 and *2) In-channel-participation only prizes.
(*1) Sponsored by loonitunen
(*2) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
Round #433 participants : 71
Top ISK Donations
Lottery period : Monday, November 18th, 2019 to Sunday, December 1st, 2019
List of winners
Ajax Mesorobuhi : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Khan Munba : 1B ISK (No bonus)
Levath : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Ducky Duke : Stratios and Astero (*1)
(*1) In-channel-participation only prize.
(*1) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
Round #432 participants : 85
Top ISK Donations
Lottery period : Monday, November 4th, 2019 to Sunday, November 17th, 2019
List of winners
Fetty Chico : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Maline Keran : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Melerisa Starcaller : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Marcin Max22 : Stratios and Astero (*1)
(*1) In-channel-participation only prize.
(*1) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
Round #431 participants : 48
Top ISK Donations
Lottery period : Monday, October 21st, 2019 to Sunday, November 3rd, 2019
List of winners
Wuschelchen Feryr : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Loira Taredi : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Toxic Aivoras : 1B ISK (No bonus)
Marcus Braxlyn : Stratios and Astero (*1)
(*1) In-channel-participation only prize.
(*1) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
Round #430 participants : 57
Top ISK Donations
Lottery period : Monday, October 7th, 2019 to Sunday, October 20th, 2019
List of winners
Ezra Endashi : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Zmeja : 1B ISK (No bonus)
Karia Ignis : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Michael Umangiar : 2x Nestor (*1)
Portinitis : Stratios and Astero (*2)
(*1 and *2) In-channel-participation only prizes.
(*1) Sponsored by loonitunen
(*2) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
Round #429 participants : 66
Top ISK Donations
Lottery period : Monday, September 23rd, 2019 to Sunday, October 6th, 2019
List of winners
Galen Meric : 1B ISK (No bonus)
Dulca Foundry : 1B ISK (No bonus)
Wuschelchen Rosty : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Galen Meric : Genolution Core Augmentation CA-1, CA-2, CA-3 and CA-4 (*1)
Joanna Dyzma Tea : Stratios and Astero (*1)
Akee Aumer : Stratios and Astero (*2)
(*1, *2 and *3) In-channel-participation only prizes.
(*1) Sponsored by loonitunen
(*2) Sponsored by Johnnny B
(*3) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
Round #428 participants : 79
Top ISK Donations
Lottery period : Monday, September 9th, 2019 to Sunday, September 22nd, 2019
List of winners
MUNOI : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Rakchii : 1B ISK (No bonus)
Surfy Bird : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Ducky Duke : Capital Cargo Bay Blueprint (*1)
Johnnny B : Stratios and Astero (*2)
(*1 and *2) In-channel-participation only prizes.
(*1) Sponsored by loonitunen
(*2) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
Round #427 participants : 89
Top ISK Donations
Lottery period : Monday, August 26th, 2019 to Sunday, September 8th, 2019
List of winners
Miki Sato : 1B ISK (No bonus)
Ducky Earl : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Gustav Mannfred : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Ducky Duke : Two Large Skill Injectors (*1)
Fetty Chico : Stratios and Astero (*2)
(*1 and *2) In-channel-participation only prizes.
(*1) Sponsored by loonitunen
(*2) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
Round #426 participants : 59
Top ISK Donations
Lottery period : Monday, August 12th, 2019 to Sunday, August 25th, 2019
List of winners
Rachel Mordor : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Vrael Zann : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Wahuhi Bloodleaf : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Reya Xeru : Obelisk filled with trit (*1)
Miki Sato : Stratios and Astero (*2)
(*1 and *2) In-channel-participation only prizes.
(*1) Sponsored by loonitunen
(*2) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
Round #425 participants : 74
Top ISK Donations
Lottery period : Monday, July 29th, 2019 to Sunday, August 11th, 2019
List of winners
Tairchii : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
BlueRay Sunji : 1B ISK (No bonus)
BlueRay Sunji : 1B ISK (No bonus)
PzychooSonic : PI starter pack (*1) (close to 3B ISK value)
Joanna Dyzma Tea : Stratios and Astero (*2)
(*1 and *2) In-channel-participation only prizes.
(*1) Sponsored by loonitunen
(*2) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
Round #424 participants : 75
Top ISK Donations
Lottery period : Monday, July 15th, 2019 to Sunday, July 28th, 2019
List of winners
Krris Pappotte : 1B ISK (No bonus)
Dave Caloni Pendergast : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
PzychooSonic : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Rakchii : 501 PLEX (*1)
Reya Xeru : Stratios and Astero (*2)
(*1 and *2) In-channel-participation only prizes.
(*1) Sponsored by loonitunen
(*2) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
Round #423 participants : 67
Top ISK Donations
Lottery period : Monday, July 1st, 2019 to Sunday, July 14th, 2019
List of winners
BaQ PRZCH : 1B ISK (No bonus)
Opti : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Cal Mikakka : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Athalyah : Large Skill Injector (*1)
Ketyeges en Daire : Stratios and Astero (*2)
(*1 and *2) In-channel-participation only prizes.
(*1) Sponsored by loonitunen
(*2) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
Round #422 participants : 89
Top ISK Donations
Lottery period : Monday, June 17th, 2019 to Sunday, June 30th, 2019
List of winners
rhjaguilhuilagilHRIEUGHA : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
George tera : 1B ISK (No bonus)
Enraku Reynolt : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Ducky Duke : Fenrir (*1)
Falcon Hyzai : Stratios and Astero (*2)
(*1 and *2) In-channel-participation only prizes.
(*1) Sponsored by loonitunen
(*2) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
Round #421 participants : 94
Top ISK Donations
Lottery period : Monday, June 3rd, 2019 to Sunday, June 16th, 2019
List of winners
ehau9aeth356z891ip : 1B ISK (No bonus)
stiflerDK : 1B ISK (No bonus)
Augustina Dvorak : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
S0NFANNA : Stratios and Astero (*1)
(*1) In-channel-participation only prize.
(*1) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
Round #420 participants : 95
Top ISK Donations
Lottery period : Monday, May 20th, 2019 to Sunday, June 2nd, 2019
List of winners
Peresagruska : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Ezra Tzestu : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Damian Ibram : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Karel deVriendt : Nestor (*1)
MPST Hekard : Stratios and Astero (*2)
(*1 and *2) In-channel-participation only prizes.
(*1) Sponsored by loonitunen
(*2) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
Round #419 participants : 52
Top ISK Donations
#418 BIG Lottery 16 Year Anniversary round
Lottery period : Monday, May 6th, 2019 to Sunday, May 19th, 2019
List of winners
Asahi Ichinose : 3B ISK (No bonus)
jaipghah : 2.5B ISK (25% bonus)
Faye Enkelli : 1B ISK (No bonus)
Akee Aumer : Mega loot pile(*1)
Pharine : OMG it’s full of starships (*2)
Zworh : Stratios and Astero (*3)
Crester Pike : 500 plex (*4)
(*1, *2, *3 and *4) In-channel-participation only prizes.
(*1) Sponsored by loonitunen
(*2) Sponsored by Anataine Deva
(*3) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
(*4) Sponsored by loonitunen
OMG it’s full of starships (*2)
- Apocalypse Navy Issue
- Armageddon Navy Issue
- Nightmare
- Vindicator
Mega loot pile(*1)
(est. value 13B ISK)
- 7 10MN Afterburner II
- 2 1400mm Prototype Siege Cannon
- 10 425mm Railgun II
- 1 500MN Microwarpdrive II
- 4 Abaddon
- 5 Armor Explosive Hardener II
- 1 Armor Kinetic Hardener II
- 1 Basilisk
- 1 Bustard
- 3 BZ-5 Scoped Gravimetric ECM
- 18 Capacitor Flux Coil II
- 1 Confessor
- 3 Covetor
- 1 Cyclone
- 1 Domination Adaptive Invulnerability Field
- 28 Drone Link Augmentor II
- 8 Drone Navigation Computer II
- 4 EM Ward Field II
- 69 Fourier Compact Tracking Enhancer
- 56 Gyrostabilizer II
- 22 Heat Sink II
- 4 Hoarder
- 6 Ice Harvester Upgrade II
- 9 Iteron Mark V
- 2 Kinetic Deflection Field II
- 28 Large Armor Repairer II
- 1 Large Shield Extender II
- 2 Light Neutron Blaster II
- 22 Limited Adaptive Invulnerability Field I
- 31 Medium Shield Extender II
- 4 Mega Pulse Laser II
- 94 Micro Auxiliary Power Core I
- 10 Mining Drone II
- 21 Moa
- 4 Naga
- 1 Noctis
- 4 Proteus Defensive - Augmented Plating
- 6 Reactive Armor Hardener
- 5 Shield Command Burst II
- 277 Shield Recharger II
- 36 Small Shield Booster II
- 2 Stabber Fleet Issue
- 1 Vindicator
- 7 Armor Kinetic Hardener II
- 21 Calm Abyssal Filaments Crate
- 143 Capacitor Flux Coil II
- 1 Covetor
- 1 Curse
- 4 Drake
- 1 Drake Navy Issue
- 1 Dread Guristas Shield Boost Amplifier
- 37 Dread Guristas Thermal Dissipation Amplifier
- 9 EM Ward Field II
- 1 Explosive Deflection Field II
- 1 Federation Navy Comet
- 40 Fedo
- 1 Fenrir
- 21 Fierce Abyssal Filaments Crate
- 168 Fourier Compact Tracking Enhancer
- 4 Gist X-Type Kinetic Deflection Field
- 3 Hoarder
- 2 Ice Mining Laser II
- 2 Iteron Mark V
- 60 Large Armor Repairer II
- 27 Light Ion Blaster II
- 17 Light Neutron Blaster II
- 107 Miasmos
- 6 Micro Auxiliary Power Core I
- 2 Mid-grade Asklepian Beta
- 33 Mining Drone II
- 1 Pith B-Type X-Large Shield Booster
- 500 PLEX
- 2 Reinforced Bulkheads II
- 3 Small Shield Booster II
- 2 Stabber Fleet Issue
- 1 Standup Research Lab I
- 2 10MN Afterburner II
- 8 425mm Railgun II
- 9 Armor Kinetic Hardener II
- 1 Blackbird
- 1 Caldari Navy Warp Disruptor
- 1 Cap Recharger II
- 7 Celestis
- 1 Cyclone
- 20 Drone Damage Amplifier II
- 8 Drone Link Augmentor II
- 2 Explosive Deflection Field II
- 92 Fourier Compact Tracking Enhancer
- 1 Genolution Core Augmentation CA-2
- 1 Genolution Core Augmentation CA-3
- 1 Genolution Core Augmentation CA-4
- 1 Hawk
- 15 Heavy Neutron Blaster II
- 18 Heavy Pulse Laser II
- 1 Helios
- 1 Hound
- 1 Hurricane
- 12 Ice Harvester Upgrade II
- 1 IFFA Compact Damage Control
- 1 Iteron Mark V
- 2 Large Armor Repairer II
- 2 Leopard
- 24 Light Ion Blaster II
- 4 Light Neutron Blaster II
- 4 Limited Adaptive Invulnerability Field I
- 1 Maelstrom
- 37 Magnetic Field Stabilizer II
- 3 Manticore
- 3 Mega Pulse Laser II
- 1 Miasmos
- 1 Mid-grade Slave Alpha
- 1 Mid-grade Slave Beta
- 3 Missile Guidance Enhancer II
- 1 Myrmidon
- 1 Naga
- 1 Nestor
- 2 Neural Boost - Improved
- 1 Osprey
- 2 Prophecy
- 1 Raitaru
- 1 Reactive Armor Hardener
- 31 Reinforced Bulkheads II
- 1 Rupture
- 1 Shadow Serpentis Sensor Booster
- 2 Small Shield Booster II
- 9 Small Tractor Beam II
- 5 Stabber
- 1 Thorax
- 1 Typhoon Fleet Issue
- 7 Vexor
- 1 100MN Afterburner II
- 7 1400mm Howitzer Artillery II
- 1 1400mm Prototype Siege Cannon
- 1 Armor Command Burst II
- 4 Augoror Navy Issue
- 6 Blackbird
- 1 Caldari Navy Adaptive Invulnerability Field
- 2 Caldari Navy Hookbill
- 2 Cap Recharger II
- 7 Capacitor Flux Coil II
- 1 Centii A-Type Small Armor Repairer
- 1 Data Analyzer II
- 3 Drone Damage Amplifier II
- 2 Drone Link Augmentor II
- 34 Expanded Cargohold II
- 1 Federation Navy Comet
- 16 Gyrostabilizer II
- 44 Heat Sink II
- 2 Heavy Pulse Laser II
- 2 Inherent Implants 'Highwall' Mining MX-1005
- 5 Large Armor Repairer II
- 2 Large Shield Booster II
- 10 Limited Adaptive Invulnerability Field I
- 3 Magnetic Field Stabilizer II
- 21 Medium Shield Extender II
- 1 Orca
- 4 Osprey
- 1 Procurer
- 2 Scythe Fleet Issue
- 1 Shield Command Burst II
- 2 Shield Recharger II
- 1 Small Tractor Beam II
- 1 Tornado
- 1 Zainou 'Beancounter' Reprocessing RX-804
Round #418 participants : 129
Top ISK Donations
Lottery period : Monday, April 22nd, 2019 to Sunday, May 5th, 2019
List of winners
emergency skillpoint farmer : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Blondie Chanlin : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Gas Trachi : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Karel deVriendt : Stratios and Astero (*1)
(*1) In-channel-participation only prize.
(*1) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
Round #417 participants : 65
Top ISK Donations
Lottery period : Monday, April 8th, 2019 to Sunday, April 21st, 2019
List of winners
Ducky Baron : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
arahhat : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Johnnny B : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
NavyHunter : Stratios and Astero (*1)
(*1) In-channel-participation only prize.
(*1) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
Round #416 participants : 72
Top ISK Donations
Lottery period : Monday, March 25th, 2019 to Sunday, April 7th, 2019
List of winners
Mr Bones1 : 1B ISK (No bonus)
Rafael Jaynara : 1B ISK (No bonus)
Cal Mikakka : 1B ISK (No bonus)
Crester Pike : Stratios and Astero (*1)
(*1) In-channel-participation only prize.
(*1) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
Round #415 participants : 61
Top ISK Donations
Lottery period : Monday, March 11th, 2019 to Sunday, March 24th, 2019
List of winners
Joesph Halstead : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Cordell Fairman : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Alonso Holm : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
clone5436 : Stratios and Astero (*1)
(*1) In-channel-participation only prize.
(*1) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
Round #414 participants : 93
Top ISK Donations
Lottery period : Monday, February 25th, 2019 to Sunday, March 10th, 2019
List of winners
clone5436 : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
gutles : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
AllanDMercant : 1B ISK (No bonus)
Lion Drome : Stratios and Astero (*1)
(*1) In-channel-participation only prize.
(*1) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
Round #413 participants : 96
Top ISK Donations
Lottery period : Monday, February 11th, 2019 to Sunday, February 24th, 2019
List of winners
Panz Malarky Pirkibo : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Elden Miromme : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Sax O'Phone : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Diementia Amelana : Stratios and Astero (*1)
(*1) In-channel-participation only prize.
(*1) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
Round #412 participants : 71
Top ISK Donations
Lottery period : Monday, January 28th, 2019 to Sunday, February 10th, 2019
List of winners
Morton Durham : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Hotdropping Hauler Alt : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Aya Silverye : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Muzahedin : Stratios and Astero (*1)
(*1) In-channel-participation only prize.
(*1) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
Round #411 participants : 98
Top ISK Donations
Lottery period : Monday, January 14th, 2019 to Sunday, January 27th, 2019
List of winners
Radande Minayin : 1B ISK (No bonus)
Maka Orahara : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Idighe Gaterau : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Diementia Amelana : 250.000.000 units of trit (*1)
Phlandhebyt Denthomku : Stratios and Astero (*2)
(*1 and *2) In-channel-participation only prizes.
(*1) Sponsored by loonitunen
(*2) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
Round #410 participants : 106
Top ISK Donations
Lottery period : Monday, December 31st, 2018 to Sunday, January 13th, 2019
List of winners
Lucius Claudius : 1B ISK (No bonus)
Ducky Duke : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Lucius Claudius : 1B ISK (No bonus)
Zacharen Andromalis : Genolution Core Augmentation CA-1 through CA-4 (*1)
Sztaba Uta : Stratios and Astero (*2)
(*1 and *2) In-channel-participation only prizes.
(*1) Sponsored by loonitunen
(*2) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
Round #409 participants : 86
Top ISK Donations
Lottery period : Monday, December 17th, 2018 to Sunday, December 30th, 2018
List of winners
Leviathan Taylor : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Exelkar : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Shelton Hilton : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Phlandhebyt Denthomku : 500 plex (*1)
Ronen Osden : Stratios and Astero (*2)
(*1 and *2) In-channel-participation only prizes.
(*1) Sponsored by loonitunen
(*2) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
Round #408 participants : 94
Top ISK Donations
Lottery period : Monday, December 3rd, 2018 to Sunday, December 16th, 2018
List of winners
Exelkar : The Gallentean Roadrunner (*1)
Fyriaxis Firesun : Widow (*2)
Crester Pike : Stratios and Astero (*3)
(*1, *2 and *3) In-channel-participation only prizes.
(*1) Sponsored by Anataine Deva
(*2) Sponsored by loonitunen
(*3) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
Round #407 participants : 7
Top ISK Donations
Lottery period : Monday, November 19th, 2018 to Sunday, December 2nd, 2018
List of winners
Triglavian Ship Builder : 3.75B ISK (25% bonus)
J C Pace : 2.5B ISK (25% bonus)
Montross Brodi : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Ducky Duke : Obelisk (*1)
Haria Hanaya : Stratios and Astero (*2)
(*1 and *2) In-channel-participation only prizes.
(*1) Sponsored by loonitunen
(*2) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
Round #406 participants : 125
Top ISK Donations
Lottery period : Monday, November 5th, 2018 to Sunday, November 18th, 2018
List of winners
Zacharu Andromalis : 3.75B ISK (25% bonus)
Barney B Blunt : 2.5B ISK (25% bonus)
Loyd El Lemmont : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
(*1 and *2) In-channel-participation only prizes.
(*1) Sponsored by loonitunen
(*2) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
Round #405 participants : 69
Top ISK Donations
Lottery period : Monday, October 22nd, 2018 to Sunday, November 4th, 2018
List of winners
Computer just crashed : 3.75B ISK (25% bonus)
Guhj's skillpoint farmer : 2.5B ISK (25% bonus)
Virus was found : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
MrAktilos MrAktilos : Broadswoard (*1)
KongGal : Stratios and Astero (*2)
(*1 and *2) In-channel-participation only prizes.
(*1) Sponsored by loonitunen
(*2) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
Round #404 participants : 169
Top ISK Donations
Lottery period : Monday, October 8th, 2018 to Sunday, October 21st, 2018
List of winners
Joseph Stamp : 3.75B ISK (25% bonus)
Hatton Anninen : 2.5B ISK (25% bonus)
Rupert Hekard : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Rutulys Vilianas : Stratios and Astero (*1)
(*1) In-channel-participation only prize.
(*1) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
Round #403 participants : 82
Top ISK Donations
Lottery period : Monday, September 24th, 2018 to Sunday, October 7th, 2018
List of winners
Damian Nunley : 3.75B ISK (25% bonus)
Arnoldo Garris : 2.5B ISK (25% bonus)
badaBOOOOOM : 1B ISK (No bonus)
Gjinn : Stratios and Astero (*1)
(*1) In-channel-participation only prize.
(*1) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
Round #402 participants : 254
Top ISK Donations
Lottery period : Monday, September 10th, 2018 to Sunday, September 23rd, 2018
List of winners
Beawin Tissant : 3.75B ISK (25% bonus)
Excalibur Udan : 2.5B ISK (25% bonus)
Elden Miromme : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Diana Nayli : Stratios and Astero (*1)
(*1) In-channel-participation only prize.
(*1) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
Round #401 participants : 155
Top ISK Donations
Lottery period : Monday, August 27th, 2018 to Sunday, September 9th, 2018
List of winners
Josseta Lignier : 3.75B ISK (25% bonus)
Hansi Fritzli : 2.5B ISK (25% bonus)
Kmescic Irogulasin : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
MrAktilos MrAktilos : The Lost Ark of the Fedo (*1)
Macabre Devil : Leshak (*2)
Crester Pike : Stratios and Astero (*1)
(*1, *2 and *3) In-channel-participation only prizes.
(*1) Sponsored by EZCO IS RECRUITING
(*2) Sponsored by loonitunen
(*3) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
The Lost Ark of the Fedo (*1)
- 69 x Fedo
- Ark
- Ark Cold Iron SKIN (Permanent)
- Ark EoM SKIN (Permanent)
- Ark Exoplanets Hunter SKIN (Permanent)
- Ark Glacial Drift SKIN (Permanent)
- Ark Purity of the Throne SKIN (Permanent)
Round #400 participants : 333
Top ISK Donations
Lottery period : Monday, August 13th, 2018 to Sunday, August 26th, 2018
List of winners
BIHIGUGU : 3.75B ISK (25% bonus)
PC startet nicht : 2.5B ISK (25% bonus)
nxft : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
NavyHunter : Need a skin job? (*1)
NavyHunter : Stratios and Astero (*2)
(*1 and *2) In-channel-participation only prizes.
(*1) Sponsored by EZCO IS RECRUITING
(*2) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
Need a skin job? (*1)
- 1 x Leviathan Glacial Drift SKIN (Permanent).
- 1 x Machariel Spirit SKIN (Permanent).
- 1 x Naglfar Chainbreaker Khumaak SKIN (Permanent).
- 1 x Avatar Kador SKIN (Permanent).
- 1 x Moa Guristas SKIN (Permanent).
Round #399 participants : 197
Top ISK Donations
Lottery period : Monday, July 30th, 2018 to Sunday, August 12th, 2018
List of winners
Mitzy Raholan : 3B ISK (No bonus)
Amarr Citizen 2128627004 : 2.5B ISK (25% bonus)
Messy Bessy : 1B ISK (No bonus)
Ducky Duke : Need a skin job? (*1)
EZCO IS RECRUITING : Stratios and Astero (*2)
(*1 and *2) In-channel-participation only prizes.
(*1) Sponsored by EZCO IS RECRUITING
(*2) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
Need a skin job? (*1)
- 1 x Rhea Raata Sunset SKIN (Permanent).
- 1 x Chimera Raata Sunset SKIN (Permanent).
- 1 x Nidhoggur Chainbreaker Khumaak SKIN (Permanent).
- 1 x Apostle Raata Sunset SKIN (Permanent).
Round #398 participants : 269
Top ISK Donations
Lottery period : Monday, July 16th, 2018 to Sunday, July 29th, 2018
List of winners
Piotr Odunen : 3.75B ISK (25% bonus)
Vadim Eistiras : 2.5B ISK (25% bonus)
Andy Bartfeldt : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Tecu'mseh : Azbel (*1)
Mester Dominux : Raitaru (*2)
Herpderp ImATradeAlt : Proteus and 6x Medium Trimark Armor Pump II (*3)
Miss Dominux : Stratios and Astero (*4)
(*1, *2, *3 and *4) In-channel-participation only prizes.
(*1) Sponsored by EZCO IS RECRUITING
(*2) Sponsored by Bella Xadi
(*3) Sponsored by Haru Kion
(*4) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
Round #397 participants : 184
Top ISK Donations
Lottery period : Monday, July 2nd, 2018 to Sunday, July 15th, 2018
List of winners
Grantness : 3B ISK (No bonus)
Rsiran Lareth : 2.5B ISK (25% bonus)
Rsiran Lareth : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Bella Xadi : Raitaru (*1)
Gula bilen : Broadsword (*2)
NavyHunter : Stratios and Astero (*3)
(*1, *2 and *3) In-channel-participation only prizes.
(*1) Sponsored by Gustav Mannfred
(*2) Sponsored by loonitunen
(*3) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
Round #396 participants : 107
Top ISK Donations
Lottery period : Monday, June 18th, 2018 to Sunday, July 1st, 2018
List of winners
Caroline Johnson : 3.75B ISK (25% bonus)
Melamori Frei : 2.5B ISK (25% bonus)
Cheryl Knute : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Gula bilen : Stratios and Astero (*1)
(*1) In-channel-participation only prize.
(*1) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
Round #395 participants : 84
Top ISK Donations
Lottery period : Monday, June 4th, 2018 to Sunday, June 17th, 2018
List of winners
Lawmess : 3.75B ISK (25% bonus)
Strepan Dorsett : 2.5B ISK (25% bonus)
Berkon Ellecon : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Ducky Duke : Stratios and Astero (*1)
(*1) In-channel-participation only prize.
(*1) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
Round #394 participants : 42
Top ISK Donations
Lottery period : Monday, May 21st, 2018 to Sunday, June 3rd, 2018
List of winners
Ducky Baron : 3.75B ISK (25% bonus)
Ducky Baron : 2.5B ISK (25% bonus)
Maldoror Soupault : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Mazer Kt'luthid : Multiple Pilot Training Certificate (*1)
S0NFANNA : Stratios and Astero (*2)
(*1 and *2) In-channel-participation only prizes.
(*1) Sponsored by loonitunen
(*2) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
Round #393 participants : 44
Top ISK Donations
Lottery period : Monday, May 7th, 2018 to Sunday, May 20th, 2018
List of winners
Peresagruska : 3B ISK (No bonus)
Michael Umangiar : 2.5B ISK (25% bonus)
Leviathan Taylor : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Strepan Dorsett : Multiple Pilot Training Certificate (*1)
Vivanor : Skill Injector (*2)
Michael Umangiar : Stratios and Astero (*3)
(*1, *2 and *3) In-channel-participation only prizes.
(*1) Sponsored by loonitunen
(*2) Sponsored by Anataine Deva
(*3) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
Round #392 participants : 112
Top ISK Donations
1: | TornSoul | 12.750.000.000 ISK |
2: | Krisskl | 250.000.000 ISK |
3: | D'avin S'zur | 150.000.000 ISK |
4: | Fer'isam K'ahn | 150.000.000 ISK |
5: | Ducky Duke | 100.000.000 ISK |
#391 BIG Lottery 15 Year Anniversary round
Lottery period : Monday, April 23rd, 2018 to Sunday, May 6th, 2018
List of winners
Aikona : 6.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Vasily Zakharov : 3B ISK (No bonus)
Verona Heimdall : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Portinitis : Genolution ‘Auroral’ AU-79 + Capsule (*1)
Nora Maldoran : 1500 PLEX (*2)
Kaystylos : Marshal (*3)
Zachary Andromalis : Stratios and Astero (*4)
(*1, *2, *3 and *4) In-channel-participation only prizes.
(*1) Sponsored by loonitunen
(*2) Sponsored by Anataine Deva
(*3) Sponsored by Anataine Deva
(*4) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
Round #391 participants : 77
Top ISK Donations
1: | Ducky Duke | 100.000.000 ISK |
2: | Krisskl | 100.000.000 ISK |
Lottery period : Monday, April 9th, 2018 to Sunday, April 22nd, 2018
List of winners
Furiosa Sklor : 3.75B ISK (25% bonus)
Bialy Toralen : 2.5B ISK (25% bonus)
Tanja Ottosson : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
NavyHunter : Athanor + Standup Moon Drill I + 4.000 units of fuel (*1)
Sir Reginoldo Vallokius : Gila + Stratios (*2)
Nak3D Ciz : Stratios and Astero (*3)
(*1, *2 and *3) In-channel-participation only prizes.
(*1) Sponsored by loonitunen
(*2) Sponsored by KILLERINSTINGKT
(*3) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
Round #390 participants : 400
Top ISK Donations
1: | TornSoul | 7.500.000.000 ISK |
2: | KILLERINSTINGKT | 150.000.000 ISK |
3: | Ducky Duke | 100.000.000 ISK |
4: | Krisskl | 100.000.000 ISK |
5: | Anataine Deva | 1.000 ISK |
Lottery period : Monday, March 26th, 2018 to Sunday, April 8th, 2018
List of winners
Miezmiez die Katze : 3.75B ISK (25% bonus)
Juliusz Hakomairos : 2.5B ISK (25% bonus)
Sophie Kanenald : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Fer'isam K'ahn : Kronos (*1)
Gunther Ridel : Navy Raven (*2)
Gimli gloin : Stratios and Astero (*3)
(*1, *2 and *3) In-channel-participation only prizes.
(*1) Sponsored by loonitunen
(*2) Sponsored by Anataine Deva
(*3) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
Round #389 participants : 609
Top ISK Donations
1: | Krisskl | 250.000.000 ISK |
2: | Ducky Duke | 100.000.000 ISK |
3: | KILLERINSTINGKT | 50.000.000 ISK |
4: | Kasechemui | 25.000.000 ISK |
Lottery period : Monday, March 12th, 2018 to Sunday, March 25th, 2018
List of winners
Ryszard Makanen : 3.75B ISK (25% bonus)
Secreting Junkie : 2.5B ISK (25% bonus)
Niklas Levkov Mabata : 1B ISK (No bonus)
Ducky Duke : “A party to be held” (*1)
Michael Umangiar : Nestor (*2)
chocoboss : Stratios and Astero (*3)
Akee Aumer : C3-A 'Hivaa Saitsuo' Ballistic Control System (*4)
(*1, *2, *3 and *4) In-channel-participation only prizes.
(*1) Sponsored by loonitunen
(*2) Sponsored by Anataine Deva
(*3) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
(*4) Sponsored by Supreme Raholan
“A party to be held”
- A Letter Of Complaint
- 30K Quafe Ultra
- 159K Tobacco
- 20K Holoreels
- 20K Spiced Vine
- 6 Festive Firecrackers
- Donut Holder
- 100 Exotic Dancers, Female
- 100 Exotic Dancers, Male
- 1 Fedo
- 2 Festival Launcher
- 44947 Frozen Food
- 1 Janitor
- 5 Kaalakiota Peaks Vodka
- 1 Men's 'Curate' Coat (festive)
- 1 Quafe Ultra Special Edition
- 100K Snowball
- 15 Starsi
- 1 The Galactic Party Planning Guide
- 1 Velator
- 1 Wheat
- 1 Women's 'Rocket' Dress (festive)
- 1 Yoiul Festival Fireworks Package
- 1 Yoiul Festival YC120 Coin (Amarr)
- 1 Yoiul Festival YC120 Coin (Caldari)
- 1 Yoiul Festival YC120 Coin (Gallente)
- 1 Yoiul Festival YC120 Coin (Minmatar)
- 100K Barium
- 2.5K Blood Dagger
- 2.5K Crimson Scythes
- 200 Eros Blossom
- 100 Pulsar Flare
- 100K Sodium
- 200 Spacetime Singularity
- 10 Wings of Victory
- 40K Yoiul Festival
Round #388 participants : 404
Top ISK Donations
1: | TornSoul | ISK |
2: | Krisskl | 100.000.000 ISK |
Lottery period : Monday, February 26th, 2018 to Sunday, March 11th, 2018
List of winners
Hannes maros : 3.75B ISK (25% bonus)
CXS AASSC : 2.5B ISK (25% bonus)
Rizla Rizleteez : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Theodore Theologou : Rattlesnake (*1)
Nak3D Ciz : Stratios and Astero (*2)
(*1 and *2) In-channel-participation only prizes.
(*1) Sponsored by Anataine Deva
(*2) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
Round #387 participants : 461
Top ISK Donations
1: | Ducky Duke | 100.000.000 ISK |
2: | Krisskl | 100.000.000 ISK |
Lottery period : Monday, February 12th, 2018 to Sunday, February 25th, 2018
List of winners
Cheryl Knute : 3.75B ISK (25% bonus)
Jibo : 2.5B ISK (25% bonus)
Avgury Poljus : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Olya Alleile : Vindicator (*1)
Conall Oriana : Navy Megathron (*2)
chocoboss : Stratios and Astero (*3)
(*1, *2 and *3) In-channel-participation only prizes.
(*1) Sponsored by Anataine Deva
(*2) Sponsored by Anataine Deva
(*3) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
Round #386 participants : 735
Top ISK Donations
Lottery period : Monday, January 29th, 2018 to Sunday, February 11th, 2018
List of winners
Vanessa Isayeki : 3.75B ISK (25% bonus)
Sophie Kanenald : 2.5B ISK (25% bonus)
Sixshot Abominus : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Exelkar : Enforcer BPC + 100 PLEX + Enforcer Exoplanets Hunter SKIN (Permanent) (*1)
Ikcylgyrg Askiras : Large Skill Injector (*2)
Olya Alleile : Stratios and Astero (*3)
(*1, *2 and *3) In-channel-participation only prizes.
(*1) Sponsored by Anataine Deva
(*2) Sponsored by Anataine Deva
(*3) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
Round #385 participants : 540
Top ISK Donations
Lottery period : Monday, January 15th, 2018 to Sunday, January 28th, 2018
List of winners
Anni Shiyurida : 3.75B ISK (25% bonus)
Laiurenty Odunen : 2.5B ISK (25% bonus)
Mandek Koskanaiken : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Aedaxus : Enforcer BPC + 100 PLEX + Enforcer Exoplanets Hunter SKIN (Permanent) (*1)
Lyria Adoulin : Nightmare (fitted) (*2)
Lother Thellere : Nightmare (fitted) (*3)
Des Morwe : Stratios and Astero (*4)
(*1, *2, *3 and *4) In-channel-participation only prizes.
(*1, *2 and *3) Sponsored by Anataine Deva
(*4) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
Nighmare (fitted) (*2 and *3)
- 1x Nightmare
- - 1x Large Core Defense Field Extender I
- - 1x Large Anti-Thermal Screen Reinforcer II
- - 1x Large Energy Locus Coordinator II
- - 1x Dark Blood Heavy Energy Nosferatu
- - 1x Large Remote Capacitor Transmitter II
- - 4x Tachyon Beam Laser I
- - 4x Blood Multifrequency L
- - 1x 500MN Microwarpdrive II
- - 2x Adaptive Invulnerability Field II
- - 1x Pithum C-Type EM Ward Amplifier
- - 3x Tracking Computer II
- - 3x Optimal Range Script
- - 1x Damage Control II
- - 1x Capacitor Power Relay II
- - 4x Heat Sink II
- - 1x Hammerhead II
- - 3x Hobgoblin II
- - 1x Gecko
Round #384 participants : 485
Top ISK Donations
1: | Ducky Duke | 100.000.000 ISK |
2: | Krisskl | 100.000.000 ISK |
Lottery period : Monday, January 1st, 2018 to Sunday, January 14th, 2018
List of winners
Rafal Muutaras : 3.75B ISK (25% bonus)
Maksymillian Tokila : 2.5B ISK (25% bonus)
Maurycy Kalkoken : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Zachary Andromalis : Enforcer BPC + 100 PLEX + Enforcer Exoplanets Hunter SKIN (Permanent) (*1)
Zachary Andromalis : 2 drake, 1 ferox 1 raptor (all fitted) (*2)
Raik Rumsas : Stratios and Astero (*3)
(*1, *2 and *3) In-channel-participation only prizes.
(*1) Sponsored by Anataine Deva
(*2) Sponsored by Keridos
(*3) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
Round #383 participants : 478
Top ISK Donations
1: | Ducky Duke | 100.000.000 ISK |
2: | Krisskl | 100.000.000 ISK |
3: | Nimbiver | 666.000 ISK |
Lottery period : Monday, December 18th, 2017 to Sunday, December 31st, 2017
List of winners
ghrughurhgurh : 3.75B ISK (25% bonus)
Nikita Ishikela : 2.5B ISK (25% bonus)
Quila Sunji : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Joshua Darkmoor : Rokh (fitted) (*1)
Valeria Ghost : Rokh (fitted) (*1)
Hackbert : Rokh (fitted) (*1)
Jamillia Isobel Blythe : Tribute (*2)
KongGal : 500 PLEX + 250M ISK (*3)
Barry MK11 : Stratios and Astero (*4)
(*1, *2, *3 and *4) In-channel-participation only prizes.
(*1) Sponsored by Anataine Deva
(*2) Sponsored by loonitunen
(*3) Sponsored by Digital Zone Corp
(*4) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
- Oracle "Blaze" Squadron SKIN (Permanent)
- Ishtar "Blaze" Squadron SKIN (Permanent)
- Hurricane "Blaze" Squadron SKIN (Permanent)
- Cerberus "Blaze" Squadron SKIN (Permanent)
- Barghest "Blaze" Squadron SKIN (Permanent)
Round #382 participants : 482
Top ISK Donations
1: | Secure Commerce Commission | 250.000.000 ISK |
2: | Ducky Duke | 100.000.000 ISK |
3: | Krisskl | 100.000.000 ISK |
Lottery period : Monday, December 4th, 2017 to Sunday, December 17th, 2017
List of winners
Michael Umangiar : 3.75B ISK (25% bonus)
QWAD : 2.0B ISK (No bonus)
Piotr Beldrulf : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Sir Balthazar : Gallente Freedom Kit (*1)
keket87 Zkuhh : We are sexy and we know it! (*2)
zulgol : We are sexy too! (*3)
Sheylane : Kronos (*4)
Sheylane : Vindicator (with fit) (*5)
Gimli gloin : The Corporate Solution (*6)
Iwo Sh'ivah : Stratios and Astero (*7)
Mathis en Thielles : Suddenly Xmas (*8)
Des Morwe : Drake Navy Issue (*9)
iHypeSnipe Arthie : Brutix Navy Issue (*9)
Zworth : Hurricane Fleet Issue (*9)
Borealis Dacella : Harbinger Navy Issue (*9)
KongGal : Osprey Navy Issue (*9)
Frozic Frostburn : Caracal navy Issue (*9)
Des Morwe : Augoror Navy Issue (*9)
Mathis en Thielles : Stabber Fleet Issue (*9)
Diementia Amelana : Omen Navy Issue (*9)
Sheyn Ar Dai’Taar : Exequror Navy Issue (*9)
Paul Kuravsky : Scythe Fleet Issue (*9)
Ganim Hol : Vexor Navy Issue (*9)
(*1, *2, *3, *4, *5, *6, *7 and *8) In-channel-participation only prizes.
(*1, *2, *3 and *8) Sponsored by Anataine Deva
(*4, *5 and *6) Sponsored by loonitunen
(*7) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
(*9) Sponsored by Fer'isam K'ahn
Gallente Freedom Kit
- Dominix Navy Issue
- Astarte
- Megathron Navy Issue
- Eos
- Phobos
- Spare Parts Box
- 2x Large Anti-EM Pump I
- 1x Large Anti-Explosive Pump II
- 2x Large Auxiliary Nano Pump I
- 1x Large Drone Control Range Augmentor II
- 1x Large Nanobot Accelerator I
- 1x Large Sentry Damage Augmentor II
- 1x Large Trimark Armor Pump II
- 1x Medium Auxiliary Nano Pump II
- 1x Medium Nanobot Accelerator II
- 6x 425mm Prototype Gauss Gun
- 6x 425mm Railgun II
- 1200x Spike L
- 2x Armor Command Burst II
- 600x Armor Energizing Charge
- 1x Drone Link Augmentor II
- 3x Heavy Infectious Scoped Energy Neutralizer
- 5x Heavy Neutron Blaster II
- 1200x Void M
- 7x Ion Blaster Cannon II
- 1200x Caldari Navy Antimatter Charge L
- 3x Medium Energy Nosferatu II
- 1x 500MN Microwarpdrive II
- 1x 50MN Cold-Gas Enduring Microwarpdrive
- 3x Cap Recharger II
- 1x Federation Navy Stasis Webifier
- 2x Heavy Capacitor Booster II
- 48x Navy Cap Booster 800
- 1x Heavy Stasis Grappler II
- 1x Large Micro Jump Drive
- 1x Medium Electrochemical Capacitor Booster I
- 2x Tracking Computer II
- 2x Omnidirectional Tracking Link II
- 2x Optimal Range Script
- 2x Tracking Speed Script
- 2x Sensor Booster II
- 2x ECCM Script
- 2x Scan Resolution Script
- 2x Targeting Range Script
- 2x Stasis Webifier II
- 1x Warp Disruptor II
- 2x Warp Scrambler II
- 1x Armor Explosive Hardener II
- 1x Armor Kinetic Hardener II
- 1x Armor Thermal Hardener II
- 1x Armor EM Hardener II
- 1x Core X-Type Large Armor Repairer
- 4x Damage Control II
- 1x Dark Blood Energized Explosive Membrane
- 4x Drone Damage Amplifier II
- 3x Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane II
- 1x Energized Explosive Membrane II
- 1x Imperial Navy 1600mm Steel Plates
- 2x Imperial Navy Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane
- 4x Magnetic Field Stabilizer II
- 2x Medium Armor Repairer II
- 1x Reactive Armor Hardener
- 5x Acolyte II
- 5x Bouncer II
- 5x Federation Navy Ogre
- 5x Hammerhead II
- 5x Hornet EC-300
- 5x Imperial Navy Curator
- 5x Imperial Navy Praetor
- 5x Infiltrator II
- 5x Ogre II
- 5x Valkyrie II
- 5x Warrior II
- Entertainment Box
- 1x Zephyr
- 1x Hard Currency
- 6x Quafe Zero
- 1x Starsi
- 12x Grand Teigjon Casino Chip
- 12x Exotic Dancers, Female
- 8x Exotic Dancers, Male
- 1x Donut Holder
- 1x Prostitute
- 2x Strong Blue Pill Booster
- 10x Holo Reels
- 1x X-Rated Holoreel
- 1x Holoreel: Wanted for Love
- 1x Fedo
- 100x PLEX
We are sexy and we know it!
- Deimos
- Ishtar
- Hyperion
- Megathron
We are sexy too!
- Talos
- Vexor Navy Issue
- Myrmidon
- Hecate
- Nemesis
- Helios
- Taranis
- Keres
- Ishkur
- Thorax
- Iteron Mark V
- Catalyst
- Tristan
- Gallente Shuttle
Suddenly Xmas
- Orca
- Absolution
- Gila
- Orthrus
- Hulk
- Mackinaw
- Skiff
- Vagabond
Round #381 participants : 383
Top ISK Donations
1: | Shigofumi Tenshi | 500.000.000 ISK |
2: | Ducky Duke | 100.000.000 ISK |
3: | Krisskl | 100.000.000 ISK |
Lottery period : Monday, November 20th, 2017 to Sunday, December 3rd, 2017
List of winners
Stanislav Soikutsu : 3.75B ISK (25% bonus)
Balkor Wolf : 2.5B ISK (25% bonus)
Shigofumi Tenshi : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Silly String : Astarte (*1)
Gimli gloin : Bowhead (*2)
Yunio Davaham : Stratios and Astero (*3)
(*1, *2 and *3) In-channel-participation only prizes.
(*1) Sponsored by Anataine Deva
(*2) Sponsored by loonitunen
(*3) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
Round #380 participants : 338
Top ISK Donations
1: | Ducky Duke | 100.000.000 ISK |
2: | Krisskl | 100.000.000 ISK |
Lottery period : Monday, November 6th, 2017 to Sunday, November 19th, 2017
List of winners
Nak3D Ciz : 3.75B ISK (25% bonus)
Dragoljub Elarik : 2.5B ISK (25% bonus)
Rowdy Ronny : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Excalibur Udan : Raven Navy Issue (*1)
Gimli gloin : Stratios and Astero (*2)
(*1 and *2) In-channel-participation only prizes.
(*1) Sponsored by Anataine Deva
(*2) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
Round #379 participants : 281
Top ISK Donations
1: | Krisskl | 100.000.000 ISK |
2: | purgatio | 2.000 ISK |
3: | Juan Gremory | 1.000 ISK |
Lottery period : Monday, October 23rd, 2017 to Sunday, November 5th, 2017
List of winners
Dragoljub Elarik : 3.75B ISK (25% bonus)
Murphy Morai : 2.5B ISK (25% bonus)
Neregep : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Gula bilen : Sleipnir (*1)
Sorgho : Stratios and Astero (*2)
(*1 and *2) In-channel-participation only prizes.
(*1) Sponsored by Anataine Deva
(*2) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
Round #378 participants : 412
Top ISK Donations
1: | Ducky Duke | 100.000.000 ISK |
2: | Krisskl | 100.000.000 ISK |
3: | Punky260 | 25.000.000 ISK |
4: | ESKEDS | 1.000.000 ISK |
Lottery period : Monday, October 9th, 2017 to Sunday, October 22nd, 2017
List of winners
Enoto : 3.75B ISK (25% bonus)
Taktal : 2.5B ISK (25% bonus)
Borya Chanlin : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Kaystylos : Machariel (*1)
Des Morwe : Stratios and Astero (*2)
(*1 and *2) In-channel-participation only prizes.
(*1) Sponsored by Anataine Deva
(*2) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
Round #377 participants : 400
Top ISK Donations
1: | Ducky Duke | 100.000.000 ISK |
2: | Punky260 | 25.000.000 ISK |
Lottery period : Monday, September 25th, 2017 to Sunday, October 8th, 2017
List of winners
Ande Amatin : 3B ISK (No bonus)
Zamolxe V : 2.5B ISK (25% bonus)
Serjiusz Makanen : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Raik Rumsas : Rattlesnake (*1)
Zachary Andromalis : Stratios and Astero (*2)
(*1 and *2) In-channel-participation only prizes.
(*1) Sponsored by Anataine Deva
(*2) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
Round #376 participants : 261
Top ISK Donations
Lottery period : Monday, September 11th, 2017 to Sunday, September 24th, 2017
List of winners
Roshandai Adoulin : 3B ISK (No bonus)
Earl Dadunur : 2B ISK (No bonus)
Ramirez Ornulf : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
KongGal : Damnation (*1)
Fer'isam K'ahn : Stratios and Astero (*2)
(*1 and *2) In-channel-participation only prizes.
(*1) Sponsored by Anataine Deva
(*2) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
Round #375 participants : 205
Top ISK Donations
1: | Ducky Duke | 100.000.000 ISK |
Lottery period : Monday, August 28th, 2017 to Sunday, September 10th, 2017
List of winners
Slave X732 : 3B ISK (No bonus)
Nora Maldoran : 2.5B ISK (25% bonus)
Ducky Baron : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Macabre Devil : Vigilant (*1)
Mazer Kt'luthid : Stratios and Astero (*2)
(*1 and *2) In-channel-participation only prizes.
(*1) Sponsored by Anataine Deva
(*2) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
Round #374 participants : 220
Top ISK Donations
1: | Ducky Duke | 100.000.000 ISK |
2: | Krisskl | 100.000.000 ISK |
Lottery period : Monday, August 14th, 2017 to Sunday, August 27th, 2017
List of winners
Sp4rt4nII70 : 3.75B ISK (25% bonus)
Khalath Tzashi : 2B ISK (No bonus)
Ravenous Cyno : 1B ISK (No bonus)
Sidus Isaacs : Amarr Victor (Minmatar Adventure Kit) (*1)
Lucyferis : Bhaalgorn (*2)
Cpt Mintaa : Stratios and Astero (*3)
(*1, *2 and *3) In-channel-participation only prizes.
(*1) Sponsored by Mazer Kt'luthid
(*2) Sponsored by Anataine Deva
(*3) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
Amarr Victor (Minmatar Adventure Kit) (*1)
- Imperial Navy Slicer
- Crucifier Navy Issue
- Omen Navy Issue
- Augoror Navy Issue
- Apocalypse Navy Issue
- 1000x Slaver
- 1000x Slaver Hound
- 1000x Spiced Wine
- 1000x Pax Amarria
Round #373 participants : 220
Top ISK Donations
1: | Ducky Duke | 100.000.000 ISK |
2: | Himari Moka | 100.000.000 ISK |
3: | Krisskl | 100.000.000 ISK |
Lottery period : Monday, July 31st, 2017 to Sunday, August 13th, 2017
List of winners
Himari Moka : 3.75B ISK (25% bonus)
Tymoteusz Anninen : 2.5B ISK (25% bonus)
Cpt Mintaa : 1B ISK (No bonus)
ptiFisher : Vulture (*1)
Zachary Andromalis : Stratios and Astero (*2)
(*1 and *2) In-channel-participation only prizes.
(*1) Sponsored by Anataine Deva
(*2) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
Round #372 participants : 226
Top ISK Donations
1: | Anataine Deva | ISK |
2: | Ducky Duke | 100.000.000 ISK |
3: | Krisskl | 100.000.000 ISK |
4: | Shana M O'hara | 100.000.000 ISK |
5: | Xear Aideron | 47.000.000 ISK |
Lottery period : Monday, July 17th, 2017 to Sunday, July 30th, 2017
List of winners
Cetphina Jones : 3B ISK (No bonus)
Rade Latinovic : 2B ISK (No bonus)
Branislav Huunuras : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Shana M O'hara : 1,004,842,660 ISK (*1)
Mazer Kt'luthid : Golem (*2)
Lasrod II : Stratios and Astero (*3)
(*1, *2 and *3) In-channel-participation only prizes.
(*1) Sponsored by Fer'isam K'ahn
(*2) Sponsored by Anataine Deva
(*3) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
Round #371 participants : 242
Top ISK Donations
1: | Anataine Deva | ISK |
2: | Ducky Duke | 100.000.000 ISK |
3: | Krisskl | 100.000.000 ISK |
4: | Punky260 | 25.000.000 ISK |
5: | Zycorax II | 25.000.000 ISK |
6: | Logan Mordu | 17.467.661 ISK |
7: | Max Madronus | 7.000.000 ISK |
8: | Xear Aideron | 1.000.000 ISK |
Lottery period : Monday, July 3rd, 2017 to Sunday, July 16th, 2017
List of winners
Hulk Shimaya : 3.75B ISK (25% bonus)
Khadaf Noreaga : 2.5B ISK (25% bonus)
Zachary Andromalis : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Lao Zi Bafeng : Kronos (*1)
Khavert Helluene : Rattlesnake (*2)
Lao Zi Bafeng : Eos (*3)
MrDodoPL Binchiette : Stratios and Astero (*4)
(*1, *2, *3 and *4) In-channel-participation only prizes.
(*1) Sponsored by Anataine Deva
(*2) Sponsored by Anataine Deva
(*3) Sponsored by Anataine Deva
(*4) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
Round #370 participants : 258
Top ISK Donations
1: | Ducky Duke | 100.000.000 ISK |
2: | Krisskl | 100.000.000 ISK |
3: | Punky260 | 25.000.000 ISK |
4: | Logan Mordu | 250.000 ISK |
5: | Mytabor Yvormes | 100.000 ISK |
Lottery period : Monday, June 19th, 2017 to Sunday, July 2nd, 2017
List of winners
Zacharias the Everliving : 3.75B ISK (25% bonus)
Al'nikolai en Chalune : 2.5B ISK (25% bonus)
Kiril Ichosira : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Lao Zi Bafeng : Machariel (*1)
Macabre Devil : Apocalypse Navy Issue (*2)
Seraphina Oriana : Rattlesnake (*3)
SaintHawx Thiesant : Stratios and Astero (*4)
(*1, *2, *3 and *4) In-channel-participation only prizes.
(*1) Sponsored by Anataine Deva
(*2) Sponsored by Anataine Deva
(*3) Sponsored by Anataine Deva
(*4) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
Round #369 participants : 230
Top ISK Donations
1: | Ducky Duke | 100.000.000 ISK |
2: | Krisskl | 100.000.000 ISK |
3: | Optaron | 20.000.000 ISK |
Lottery period : Monday, June 5th, 2017 to Sunday, June 18th, 2017
List of winners
Avgury Poljus : 3.75B ISK (25% bonus)
Florin Sazas : 2.5B ISK (25% bonus)
Lucyferis : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Khavert Helluene : Redeemer (*1)
Fer'isam K'ahn : Panther (*2)
Lucyferis : Widow (*3)
Cpt Mintaa : Sin (*4)
Aril Montragon : Charon (*5)
Kirill Palochkin : Stratios and Astero (*6)
Theo Eto : Vindicator (*7)
(*1, *2, *3, *4, *5, *6 and *7) In-channel-participation only prizes.
(*1) Sponsored by Anataine Deva
(*2) Sponsored by Anataine Deva
(*3) Sponsored by Anataine Deva
(*4) Sponsored by Anataine Deva
(*5) Sponsored by Anataine Deva
(*6) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
(*7) Sponsored by Anataine Deva
Round #368 participants : 322
Top ISK Donations
1: | Ducky Duke | 100.000.000 ISK |
2: | Krisskl | 100.000.000 ISK |
3: | Cermos | 20.000.000 ISK |
4: | Contrush | 10.000.000 ISK |
Lottery period : Monday, May 22nd, 2017 to Sunday, June 4th, 2017
List of winners
Tomcio Tokila : 3.75B ISK (25% bonus)
Marek Kouvo : 2B ISK (No bonus)
Tomasz Pirkibo : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
JynErso : Dominix Navy Issue (*1)
Lao Zi Bafeng : Megathron Navy Issue (*2)
JynErso : Eos (*3)
Ducky Duke : Stratios and Astero (*4)
(*1, *2, *3 and *4) In-channel-participation only prizes.
(*1) Sponsored by Anataine Deva
(*2) Sponsored by Anataine Deva
(*3) Sponsored by Anataine Deva
(*4) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
Round #367 participants : 543
Top ISK Donations
1: | Ducky Duke | 100.000.000 ISK |
2: | Krisskl | 100.000.000 ISK |
3: | Ria Winter | 50.000.000 ISK |
4: | Zycorax II | 10.000.000 ISK |
Lottery period : Monday, May 8th, 2017 to Sunday, May 21st, 2017
List of winners
Petya Okanata : 3.75B ISK (25% bonus)
Predrag Aylet : 2.5B ISK (25% bonus)
Grigor Yanumano : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Ducky Duke : Megathron Navy Issue (*1)
JynErso : Eos (*2)
Mahzum : Stratios and Astero (*3)
(*1, *2 and *3) In-channel-participation only prizes.
(*1) Sponsored by Anataine Deva
(*2) Sponsored by Anataine Deva
(*3) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
Round #366 participants : 228
Top ISK Donations
1: | Ducky Duke | 100.000.000 ISK |
2: | Krisskl | 100.000.000 ISK |
#365 BIG Lottery 14 Year Anniversary round
Lottery period : Monday, April 24th, 2017 to Sunday, May 7th, 2017
List of winners
CombatJack Lockhart : 14B ISK
Mazer Kt'luthid : 7B ISK
Lindsay Logan : 7B ISK
Baroness Kassandra : 'Pelican' - Vargur fitted (*2)
Georgia Eileen : 'Albatros' - Raven Navy Issue fitted (*3)
fl0pski : Clean up on aisle 5 (*4)
Zachary Andromalis : Nestor, Stratios, Astero and Charon BPC build set (mats) (*5)
Fer'isam K'ahn : Pocket Army (*6)
Baroness Kassandra : Fedo Farm Starter Kit Pro (*7)
(*1, *2, *3, *4, *5, *6 and *7) In-channel-participation only prizes.
(*1) Sponsored by Anataine Deva
(*2) Sponsored by Anataine Deva
(*3) Sponsored by Fer'isam K'ahn
(*4) Sponsored by loonitunen
(*5) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
(*6) Sponsored by E Trade
(*7) Sponsored by Anataine Deva
'Pelican' - Vargur fitted (*2)
- 1 Vargur
- 1 Bastion Module I
- 4 800mm Repeating Cannon II
- 10080 Hail L
- 1 Corpum A-Type Medium Energy Nosferatu
- 1 Corpus A-Type Heavy Energy Neutralizer
- 1 Display Launcher
- 100 Yoiul Festival Firework
- 2 Pithum A-Type Adaptive Invulnerability Field
- 2 X-Large Ancillary Shield Booster
- 74 Navy Cap Booster 400
- 1 Pith X-Type Shield Boost Amplifier
- 1 Domination Stasis Webifier
- 3 'Kindred' Gyrostabilizer
- 1 Shadow Serpentis Damage Control
- 1 Republic Fleet Tracking Enhancer
- 1 Large Processor Overclocking Unit II
- 1 Large Projectile Locus Coordinator I
- 5 'Augmented' Hammerhead
- 5 'Augmented' Hornet
'Albatros' - Raven Navy Issue fitted (*3)
- 1 Raven Navy Issue 'Albatros'
- 8 'Arbalest' Cruise Launcher I
- 1 500MN Microwarpdrive II
- 1 Large Micro Jump Drive
- 2 Adaptive Invulnerability Field II
- 2 Large Shield Extender II
- 2 Missile Guidance Computer II
- 2 Missile Precision Script
- 4 Ballistic Control System II
- 1 Damage Control II
- 2 Large Core Defense Field Extender I
- 1 Large Anti-EM Screen Reinforcer II
- 8 Prototype 'Arbalest' Torpedo Launcher
- 5 Hobgoblin II
- 5 Salvage Drone I
- 5 Light Shield Maintenance Bot I
- 7972 Caldari Navy Mjolnir Torpedo
- 898 Inferno Cruise Missile
Clean up on aisle 5 (*4)
- 1 *Sneaks in a classic*
- 1 280mm 'Jolt' Artillery I Blueprint
- 3 30 Day Pilot's License Extension (PLEX)
- 1 425mm Medium 'Jolt' Autocannon I Blueprint
- 1 95th Interstellar Mindclash Championship Tickets
- 2 A Big Red Button
- 2 A Tank of Honor
- 2 Alice Saki’s Good Posting Guide
- 1 Animal Medical Expert
- 1100 Barium Firework
- 2100 Barium Firework CXIV
- 1 Bookmark
- 1 Capital Parking Ticket
- 1 Capsule Upwell SKIN (Permanent)
- 2 Carbon
- 1 Cerebrum In A Container
- 2 Chribba’s Modified Strip Miner
- 1 Contraband Amarrian Walnuts
- 2 Cooking With Veldspar
- 1100 Copper Firework
- 2500 Copper Firework CXIV
- 3 Council Diplomatic Shuttle Blueprint
- 1 Counterfeit Dominix Model
- 1 Cybernetic Subprocessor - Basic
- 1 Feawen's Approval Documentation
- 24 Festival Launcher
- 12 Genolution Core Augmentation CA-1
- 18 Genolution Core Augmentation CA-2
- 1 Genolution Core Augmentation CA-3
- 1 Genolution Core Augmentation CA-4
- 1 Giant Freight Container
- 5 Gnosis
- 1 Gnosis Crimson Harvest YC118 SKIN (Permanent)
- 2 Guillome Renard’s Sleeper Loot Stash
- 2 Imicus
- 2 Imicus Inner Zone Shipping SKIN (Permanent)
- 141 Janitor
- 2 Jump Fatigue Recovery Agent
- 2 Jump Portal Generation Instruction Holoreel
- 1 Leopard
- 1 Limited Adaptive Invulnerability Field I
- 3 Limited Cybernetic Subprocessor - Beta
- 3 Limited Memory Augmentation - Beta
- 3 Limited Neural Boost - Beta
- 3 Limited Ocular Filter - Beta
- 3 Limited Social Adaptation Chip - Beta
- 2 Little Helper, Male
- 1 Magic Crystal Ball
- 8 Magnate
- 8 Magnate Sarum SKIN (Permanent)
- 2 Manufacturing Union’s Placard
- 689 Marines
- 1 Max Amarria
- 1 Meat Popsicle
- 1 Medium 'Integrative' Hull Repair Unit Blueprint
- 1 Men's 'Esquire' Coat (red/gold)
- 1 Men's Genolution Combat Suit
- 1 Men's Genolution Tactical Goggles
- 1 Men's 'Marshal' Jacket (Mordu's Legion)
- 2 Men's 'Outlaw' Jacket (Burnt Orange)
- 7 Men's 'Red Star' T-shirt
- 2 Military Experts and You
- 2 Mining Laser Upgrade II
- 1 Minmatar Cruiser
- 1 Model of a Fighter
- 3 Modulated Strip Miner II
- 2 My God, It’s Full Of Holes!
- 1 N-1 Neon Type Rocket Bay Blueprint
- 1 Navigation for Dummies
- 1 NEO YC 114: 8 CAS
- 1 NEO YC 114: Africa‘s Finest
- 1 NEO YC 114: Asine Hitama‘s team
- 2 NEO YC 114: Baaaramu
- 2 NEO YC 114: Blue Ballers
- 2 NEO YC 114: DeepWater
- 1 NEO YC 114: EFS
- 1 NEO YC 114: Expendables
- 1 NEO YC 114: Goggle Wearing Internet Crime Fighters
- 1 NEO YC 114: Guiding Hand Social Club
- 1 NEO YC 114: ISN – Incursion Shiny Network
- 1 NEO YC 114: Last Huzzah
- 2 NEO YC 114: Tengu Terror
- 2 NEO YC 114: The Exiled Gaming
- 2 NEO YC 114: The Gentlemen Renegades
- 1 NEO YC 114: Tinkerhell and Alts
- 1 NEO YC 114: Why Dash
- 2 NEO YC 114: XXXMity
- 1 Omber Mining Crystal II
- 1 Plagioclase Mining Crystal II
- 2 Polaris Eviction Notice
- 1 Postcard From Poitot
- 2 Pre-Completed CSM 10 Ballot Paper
- 1 Probe
- 1 Probe Vherokior SKIN (Permanent)
- 1 Project Compass Star Charts
- 28 Quafe Zero
- 2 Rooks & Kings – The Clarion Call Compilation
- 1 Sansha Claws Fairytale Book
- 1 SCC Guidelines – Lotteries For Dummies
- 2 Scotty the Docking Manager's Clone
- 1 Ship Fitting Guide
- 2 Shuttle Piloting For Dummies
- 2 Sisters Of EVE Charity Statue
- 1 Small C5-L Emergency Shield Overload I
- 1 Small F-S9 Regolith Compact Shield Extender
- 1400 Snowball
- 4200 Snowball CXIV
- 1100 Sodium Firework
- 2500 Sodium Firework CXIV
- 2 Sort Dragon's Guide To Diplomacy
- 2 Soxfour’s Spaceboots
- 1 Starsi
- 1 Synthetic Hull Conversion Reinforced Bulkheads Blueprint
- 2 The Damsel’s Drunk Bodyguard
- 2 The Friend Ship
- 1 The Galactic Party Planning Guide
- 1 The Mini Monolith
- 2 Titanium Plated Cranial Shielding
- 1 Tristan Quafe SKIN (Permanent)
- 1 Tritanium
- 1 Veldspar Mining Crystal II
- 5 Vespa EC-600
- 3 Victorieux Luxury Yacht Blueprint
- 2 Vincent Pryce’s Warp Disruption Field Generator
- 1 Women's Genolution Combat Suit
- 1 Women's Genolution Tactical Goggles
- 1 Women's 'Gunner' Jacket (Mordu's Legion)
- 2 Women's 'Outlaw' Coat (Burnt Orange)
- 6 Women's 'Red Star' T-shirt
- 1 Women's 'Structure' Dress (black/white)
- 1 YC117 Symposium On Emergent Threats Access Pass
- 1 YC118 Succession Trial Champion’s Decree – House Ardishapur
- 1 YC118 Succession Trial Champion’s Decree – House Kador
- 1 YC118 Succession Trial Champion’s Decree – House Khanid
- 1 YC118 Succession Trial Champion’s Decree – House Kor-Azor
- 1 YC118 Succession Trial Champion’s Decree – House Sarum
- 1 YC118 Succession Trial Champion’s Decree – House Tash-Murkon
Pocket Army (*6)
- Augoror Navy Issue
- Brutix Navy Issue
- Caracal Navy Issue
- Drake Navy Issue
- Exequror Navy Issue
- Harbinger Navy Issue
- Hurricane Fleet Issue
- Omen Navy Issue
- Osprey Navy Issue
- Scythe Fleet Issue
- Stabber Fleet Issue
- Vexor Navy Issue
Fedo Farm Starter Kit Pro (*7)
- 1 PLEX
- 1 500 Aurum Token
- 1 Animal Medical Expert
- 8 Antibiotics
- 14 Fedo
- 224 Garbage
- 42 Proteins
- 13 Soil
- 1 Tattered Doll
- 8 Water
- 12 Wheat
Round #365 participants : 381
Top ISK Donations
1: | Anataine Deva | ISK |
2: | Ducky Duke | 100.000.000 ISK |
3: | Krisskl | 100.000.000 ISK |
4: | Drachupator | 1.000.000 ISK |
5: | Kommersaint | 150.000 ISK |
6: | Kengyrator | 120.000 ISK |
7: | Oleminator | 120.000 ISK |
8: | Kengurator alt | 100.000 ISK |
9: | nobuddy | 100.000 ISK |
10: | ScientistKG2 | 100.000 ISK |
Lottery period : Monday, April 10th, 2017 to Sunday, April 23rd, 2017
List of winners
ptiFisher : 3.75B ISK (25% bonus)
Pawel Naari : 2B ISK (No bonus)
Gunther Ridel : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Lux Thrace : Barghest (*1)
Everett Obrian : Barghest (*2)
Everett Obrian : Fitted Stratios and Astero (*3)
Zworh : Stratios and Astero (*4)
(*1, *2, *3 and *4) In-channel-participation only prizes.
(*1) Sponsored by Anataine Deva
(*2) Sponsored by Anataine Deva
(*3) Sponsored by Anataine Deva + E Trade
(*4) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
Round #364 participants : 479
Top ISK Donations
1: | Ducky Duke | 100.000.000 ISK |
2: | Krisskl | 100.000.000 ISK |
3: | Saloben Asheron | 1.000.000 ISK |
Lottery period : Monday, March 27th, 2017 to Sunday, April 9th, 2017
List of winners
Marku Yvormes : 3.75B ISK (25% bonus)
Pasha Fumimasa : 2.5B ISK (25% bonus)
Grondret Khauss : 1B ISK (No bonus)
MongBean Beaners : Armageddon Navy Issue (*1)
Macabre Devil : Hulk (*2)
Fer'isam K'ahn : Megathron Navy Issue (*3)
Michael Umangiar : Stratios and Astero (*4)
(*1, *2, *3 and *4) In-channel-participation only prizes.
(*1) Sponsored by Anataine Deva
(*2) Sponsored by Anataine Deva
(*3) Sponsored by Anataine Deva
(*4) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
Round #363 participants : 208
Top ISK Donations
1: | Zyphon Gale | 200.000.000 ISK |
2: | Contrush | 25.000.000 ISK |
3: | Klaus Mortimer | 5.000.000 ISK |
4: | Zycorax II | 1.000.000 ISK |
5: | Kengurator alt | 100.000 ISK |
6: | Arktur Titanur | 1.000 ISK |
Lottery period : Monday, March 13th, 2017 to Sunday, March 26th, 2017
List of winners
Aaikafur Likkvoxar : 3B ISK (No bonus)
Yor Moma : 2.5B ISK (25% bonus)
Maneca : 1B ISK (No bonus)
Mazer Kt'luthid : Dominix Navy Issue (*1)
E Trade : Stratios and Astero (*2)
Michael Umangiar : Orthrus (*3)
(*1, *2 and *3) In-channel-participation only prizes.
(*1) Sponsored by Anataine Deva
(*2) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
(*3) Sponsored by Anataine Deva
Round #362 participants : 207
Top ISK Donations
1: | Andramadon | 20.000.000 ISK |
2: | Johanna Johnsen | 15.000.000 ISK |
3: | Klaus Mortimer | 1.006.000 ISK |
4: | ESKEDS | 1.000.000 ISK |
5: | Zycorax II | 1.000.000 ISK |
6: | Drachupator | 200.000 ISK |
7: | Kengurator alt | 10.000 ISK |
Lottery period : Monday, February 27th, 2017 to Sunday, March 12th, 2017
List of winners
Hempit : 3.75B ISK (25% bonus)
Zedd Alden : 2B ISK (No bonus)
Abraham Duvolle : 1B ISK (No bonus)
Amos Legend : Scorpion Navy Issue (*1)
Pigtail Ormand : Stratios and Astero (*2)
DarkScientist : Typhoon Fleet Issue (*3)
(*1, *2 and *3) In-channel-participation only prizes.
(*1) Sponsored by Anataine Deva
(*2) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
(*3) Sponsored by Anataine Deva
Round #361 participants : 272
Top ISK Donations
1: | Zamolxe V | 200.000.000 ISK |
2: | Niriah | 50.000.000 ISK |
3: | Luan Thellere | 10.001.000 ISK |
4: | MrShooter | 5.000.000 ISK |
5: | ESKEDS | 1.000.000 ISK |
6: | Andramadon | 1.000 ISK |
7: | Hyuga Sanji | 1.000 ISK |
Lottery period : Monday, February 13th, 2017 to Sunday, February 26th, 2017
List of winners
Etreno : 3.75B ISK (25% bonus)
Tecu'mseh : 2.5B ISK (25% bonus)
Zansih : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Des Morwe : The BIG Drug Runner (*1)
Haria Hanaya : Stratios and Astero (*2)
Agardeant Tsurhilen : Megathron Navy Issue (*3)
(*1, *2 and *3) In-channel-participation only prizes.
(*1 & *3) Sponsored by Anataine Deva
(*2) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
The BIG Drug Runner
- 1x Occator
- 1x Improved Cloaking Device II
- 1x Civilian Gatling Railgun
- 1x Medium Low Friction Nozzle Joints II
- 1x Medium Hyperspatial Velocity Optimizer II
- 1x Medium Micro Jump Drive
- 1x Burst Jammer II
- 1x Gistum B-Type 50MN Microwarpdrive
- 4x Domination Inertial Stabilizers
- 2x Limited Hyperspatial Accelerator
- 1x Occator YC119 Guardian's Gala 'Spirit' Edition SKIN (Permanent)
- 1x Jump Fatigue Recovery Agent
- 2,000x Spiced Wine
- 6,000x Spirits
- 1,310x Synthetic Coffee
- 6,000x Tobacco
- 1x Smuggler's Warning About Sister Alitura
- 1x Test Bong
- 1x Angel Cartel Dust
- 1x Booster Pack
- 1x Divine Opium
- 1x Flower Power Powder
- 1x Free Sample
- 1x Purple Haze
- 1x Seasoned Dandruff
- 1x Speedometer
- 1x Sweet Leaves
- 1x Amphere 9
- 1x Crash Ultra
- 1x Angel Drug Addict Tag
- 1x Spoiled Drugs
- 18,977x Blue Pill
- 39,687x Crash
- 11,149x Crystal Egg
- 30,283x Drop
- 4,505x Exile
- 14,681x Frentix
- 20,201x Mindflood
- 8,759x Nerve Sticks
- 6,039x Sooth Sayer
- 7,364x X-Instinct
- 1x Advanced Blood Raider Cerebral Accelerator
- 1x Antipharmakon Aeolis
- 1x Antipharmakon Iokira
- 1x Antipharmakon Kosybo
- 1x Antipharmakon Thureo
- 1x Antipharmakon Toxot
- 1x Blood Raider Cerebral Accelerator
- 1x Copper Ouroboros Accelerator
- 1x Gold Ouroboros Accelerator
- 1x Improved Blue Pill Booster
- 1x Improved Crash Booster
- 1x Improved Drop Booster
- 1x Improved Exile Booster
- 1x Improved Frentix Booster
- 1x Improved Mindflood Booster
- 1x Improved Sooth Sayer Booster
- 1x Improved X-Instinct Booster
- 1x Nugoehuvi Synth Blue Pill Booster
- 1x Quafe Zero
- 1x Silver Ouroboros Accelerator
- 1x Standard Blue Pill Booster
- 1x Standard Crash Booster
- 1x Standard Drop Booster
- 1x Standard Exile Booster
- 1x Standard Frentix Booster
- 1x Standard Mindflood Booster
- 1x Standard Sooth Sayer Booster
- 1x Standard X-Instinct Booster
- 1x Strong Blue Pill Booster
- 1x Strong Crash Booster
- 1x Strong Drop Booster
- 1x Strong Exile Booster
- 1x Strong Frentix Booster
- 1x Strong Mindflood Booster
- 1x Strong Sooth Sayer Booster
- 1x Strong X-Instinct Booster
- 1x Synth Blue Pill Booster
- 1x Synth Crash Booster
- 1x Synth Drop Booster
- 1x Synth Exile Booster
- 1x Synth Frentix Booster
- 1x Synth Mindflood Booster
- 1x Synth Sooth Sayer Booster
- 1x Synth X-Instinct Booster
- 1x YC119 Yoiul Festival Accelerator
Round #359 participants : 315
Top ISK Donations
1: | Shigofumi Tenshi | 500.000.000 ISK |
2: | Macademi | 200.000.000 ISK |
3: | Ducky Duke | 100.000.000 ISK |
4: | Krisskl | 100.000.000 ISK |
5: | Victor Voitowich | 100.000.000 ISK |
6: | Zamolxe V | 100.000.000 ISK |
7: | Iwo Sh'ivah | 50.000.000 ISK |
8: | Mazer Kt'luthid | 25.000.000 ISK |
9: | Rt Pollard | 7.883.146 ISK |
10: | Burak Oz | 100.000 ISK |
Lottery period : Monday, January 30th, 2017 to Sunday, February 12th, 2017
List of winners
Shigofumi Tenshi : 3.75B ISK (25% bonus)
Wenvy : 2.5B ISK (25% bonus)
Macademi : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Sean Alleile : Hurricane Fleet Issue + fit (*1)
Morozan : Stratios and Astero (*2)
(*1 and *2) In-channel-participation only prizes.
(*1) Sponsored by Anataine Deva
(*2) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
Hurricane Fleet Issue + fit
- 1x Hurricane Fleet Issue
- 1x Medium Projectile Burst Aerator I
- 1x Medium Anti-Kinetic Pump II
- 1x Medium Trimark Armor Pump II
- 6x 425mm AutoCannon II
- 2x Rapid Light Missile Launcher II
- 2x Tracking Computer II
- 2x Optimal Range Script
- 1x 10MN Afterburner II
- 1x Warp Disruptor II
- 3x Gyrostabilizer II
- 1x Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane II
- 1x Armor Explosive Hardener II
- 1x 1600mm Steel Plates II
- 5x Valkyrie II
- 4,000x Barrage M
- 4,000x Hail M
- 2,000x Domination Nuclear M
- 2,000x Domination Depleted Uranium M
- 750x Inferno Fury Light Missile
- 750x Mjolnir Fury Light Missile
- 750x Nova Fury Light Missile
- 750x Scourge Fury Light Missile
Round #359 participants : 244
Top ISK Donations
1: | Ducky Duke | 100.000.000 ISK |
2: | Iwo Sh'ivah | 100.000.000 ISK |
3: | Krisskl | 100.000.000 ISK |
4: | Zamolxe V | 100.000.000 ISK |
5: | Zumochi | 100.000.000 ISK |
6: | Nora Maldoran | 20.000.000 ISK |
7: | Spen Severasse | 500.000 ISK |
Lottery period : Monday, January 16th, 2017 to Sunday, January 29th, 2017
List of winners
Slava Boirelle : 3.75B ISK (25% bonus)
Evan Mazetti : 2.5B ISK (25% bonus)
Julie Huunuras : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Hackbert : The Gallentean Roadrunner (*1)
Valeria Ghost : Stratios and Astero (*2)
(*1 and *2) In-channel-participation only prizes.
(*1) Sponsored by Anataine Deva
(*2) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
The Gallentean Roadrunner
- 1x Hecate
- 5x Shadow Serpentis 150mm Railgun
- 1x Salvager II
- 1x Shadow Serpentis Warp Scrambler
- 2x Shadow Serpentis Stasis Webifier
- 1x Shadow Serpentis 5MN Microwarpdrive
- 4x Shadow Serpentis Inertial Stabilizers
- 3x Small Low Friction Nozzle Joints II
- 1x Eifyr and Co. 'Rogue' Evasive Maneuvering EM-706
- 1x Eifyr and Co. 'Rogue' Warp Drive Speed WS-618
- 27,000x Caldari Navy Antimatter Charge S
Round #358 participants : 244
Top ISK Donations
1: | CrimsonWar | 200.000.000 ISK |
2: | Macabre Devil | 200.000.000 ISK |
3: | Zamolxe V | 200.000.000 ISK |
4: | Ducky Duke | 100.000.000 ISK |
5: | Vlorgan | 10.000.000 ISK |
6: | Spen Severasse | 1.000.000 ISK |
7: | Zaszie Xev | 1.000.000 ISK |
8: | Kong O'Merra | 12.345 ISK |
9: | Trion Roles | 10.000 ISK |
10: | Trixsi Tue | 1.000 ISK |
Lottery period : Monday, January 2nd, 2017 to Sunday, January 15th, 2017
List of winners
Malachi Polleri : 3B ISK (No bonus)
Krisskl : 2.5B ISK (25% bonus)
Samuelus8728 : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Lojaal Uggla : Love Boat (*1)
Haria Hanaya : Stratios and Astero (*2)
(*1 and *2) In-channel-participation only prizes.
(*1) Sponsored by Anataine Deva
(*2) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
Love Boat
- 1x Zephyr
- 8x Sisters Core Scanner Probe
- 1x Hard Currency
- 2x Azure Canyon Tourist Pass
- 1x Prostitute
- 1x Holoreel: Wanted for Love
- 1x Crash Ultra
- 20x Frentix
- 1,000,000,000 ISK Pocket Money
Round #357 participants : 254
Top ISK Donations
1: | Ducky Duke | 100.000.000 ISK |
2: | Sa'ra Krat | 50.000.000 ISK |
3: | Nicole Schmidt | 20.000.000 ISK |
4: | Nora Maldoran | 10.000.000 ISK |
5: | Pimpchico | 1.000.000 ISK |
6: | Zycorax II | 1.000.000 ISK |
7: | Spen Severasse | 500.000 ISK |
8: | Zycorax | 10.000 ISK |
9: | Axel Reznor | 1.000 ISK |
10: | Infection VMR44 | 1.000 ISK |
Lottery period : Monday, December 19th, 2016 to Sunday, January 1st, 2017
List of winners
ptiFisher : 10B ISK (*3)
Joy Shana : 3.B ISK (No bonus)
Fer'isam K'ahn : 2.5B ISK (25% bonus)
Fyriaxis Firesun : 1.B ISK (No bonus)
Des Morwe : Stratios and Astero (*1)
Fer'isam K'ahn : Festive Raven Naby issue (*2)
(*1, *2 and *3) In-channel-participation only prizes.
(*1) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
(*2) Sponsored by Anataine Deva
(*3) Sponsored by loonitunen
Fitted Navy Raven
- 1x Raven Navy Issue
- 1x Large Capacitor Control Circuit I
- 2x Large Core Defense Field Extender I
- 1x 500MN Microwarpdrive II
- 2x Power Diagnostic System II
- 1x Adaptive Invulnerability Field II
- 1x Cap Recharger II
- 1x Damage Control II
- 2x Expanded Cargohold II
- 8x Festival Launcher
- 4x Large Shield Extender II
- 5x Light Shield Maintenance Bot I
- 5x Salvage Drone I
- 2,500x Barium Firework
- 2,500x Copper Firework
- 2,500x Snowball
- 2,500x Sodium Firework
Round #356 participants : 254
Top ISK Donations
1: | The loonibin | ISK |
2: | Nira Zork | 1.500.000.000 ISK |
3: | CrimsonWar | 200.000.000 ISK |
4: | Macabre Devil | 200.000.000 ISK |
5: | Ducky Duke | 100.000.000 ISK |
6: | Iwo Sh'ivah | 50.000.000 ISK |
7: | Edwyn Roy | 1.000.000 ISK |
8: | Vlorgan | 863.560 ISK |
9: | McLoudnl | 100.000 ISK |
10: | Velsh | 11.000 ISK |
Lottery period : Monday, December 5th, 2016 to Sunday, December 18th, 2016
List of winners
Mayana Armand : 6.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Viktor Javious : 3B ISK (No bonus)
Gila Otsada : 2.5B ISK (25% bonus)
Master Delgota : Banana basket (*1)
Zaorex Belvar : Pineapple basket (*2)
Tomcat BW-Spec : Kiwi basket (*3)
Michael Umangiar : Plum basket (*4)
Keridos : Mango basket (*5)
Zara Saisima : Blueberry basket (*6)
Macabre Devil : Strawberry basket (*7)
Iwo Sh'ivah : Stratios and Astero + SOE skins (*8)
(*1 through 8) In-channel-participation only prizes.
(*1 through 7) Sponsored by Anataine Deva
(*8) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
Banana basket
- 1x Oracle
- 2x Medium Energy Locus Coordinator II
- 1x Medium Anti-EM Screen Reinforcer II
- 8x Mega Pulse Laser II
- 1x Tracking Enhancer II
- 3x Heat Sink II
- 2x Domination Nanofiber Structure
- 2x Caldari Navy Large Shield Extender
- 1x 50MN Cold-Gas Enduring Microwarpdrive
- 16x Scorch L
Pineapple basket
- 1x Tempest Fleet Issue
- 3x Large Trimark Armor Pump II
- 6x 1400mm Howitzer Artillery II
- 1x Large Remote Capacitor Transmitter II
- 1x Large Remote Armor Repairer II
- 2x Sensor Booster II
- 3x Tracking Computer II
- 2x Republic Fleet Gyrostabilizer
- 1x Damage Control II
- 1x Energized Explosive Membrane II
- 3x Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane II
- 5x Infiltrator II
- 10x Acolyte II
- 5,000x Quake L
- 2x Scan Resolution Script
- 3x Tracking Speed Script
Kiwi basket
- 1x Megathron Navy Issue
- 3x Large Trimark Armor Pump I
- 7x Ion Blaster Cannon II
- 1x Heavy Gremlin Compact Energy Neutralizer
- 1x True Sansha Heavy Capacitor Booster
- 1x Shadow Serpentis 500MN Microwarpdrive
- 1x Warp Disruptor II
- 1x Heavy Stasis Grappler II
- 1x Damage Control II
- 1x Large Ancillary Armor Repairer
- 2x Federation Navy 1600mm Steel Plates
- 2x Shadow Serpentis Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane
- 2x Magnetic Field Stabilizer II
- 800x Caldari Navy Antimatter Charge L
- 500x Nanite Repair Paste
- 4x Navy Cap Booster 3200
Plum basket
- 1x Stork
- 1x Stork Matigu Seabeast SKIN (Permanent)
- 2x Small Core Defense Field Extender II
- 5x Rocket Launcher II
- 1x Small Energy Neutralizer II
- 1x Medium Shield Extender II
- 1x Micro Jump Field Generator
- 1x Warp Disruptor II
- 1x Adaptive Invulnerability Field II
- 1x EM Ward Amplifier II
- 1x 5MN Y-T8 Compact Microwarpdrive
- 1x Damage Control II
- 1x Ballistic Control System II
- 5,000x Scourge Rage Rocket
Mango basket
- 1x Typhoon Fleet Issue
- 3x Large Trimark Armor Pump I
- 6x 800mm Repeating Cannon II
- 2x Drone Link Augmentor II
- 1x Omnidirectional Tracking Link II
- 1x Tracking Computer II
- 2x Sensor Booster II
- 1x 500MN Y-T8 Compact Microwarpdrive
- 1x Gyrostabilizer II
- 1x Drone Damage Amplifier II
- 1x Damage Control II
- 1x Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane II
- 1x Energized Explosive Membrane II
- 1x Energized Kinetic Membrane II
- 1x Energized Thermal Membrane II
- 5,000x Hail L
- 2x Tracking Speed Script
- 2x Scan Resolution Script
- 10x Infiltrator II
- 10x Acolyte II
- 5x Hornet EC-300
- 5x Salvage Drone I
Blueberry basket
- 1x Kronos
- 1x Kronos Police SKIN (Permanent)
- 1x Large Anti-EM Screen Reinforcer II
- 1x Large Anti-Thermal Screen Reinforcer II
- 1x Bastion Module I
- 4x Neutron Blaster Cannon II
- 2x Corpus X-Type Heavy Energy Neutralizer
- 1x Corpum A-Type Medium Energy Neutralizer
- 1x Pith X-Type X-Large Shield Booster
- 1x Shadow Serpentis Heavy Stasis Grappler
- 1x Shadow Serpentis Warp Scrambler
- 1x True Sansha Heavy Capacitor Booster
- 1x Shadow Serpentis Damage Control
- 4x Shadow Serpentis Magnetic Field Stabilizer
- 2x Republic Fleet Tracking Enhancer
- 5,000x Void L
- 4x Navy Cap Booster 3200
- 1x Gecko
- 5x Warrior II
- 5x Valkyrie II
Strawberry basket
- 1x Rokh
- 1x Rokh Nugoeihuvi SKIN (Permanent)
- 1x Large Hybrid Burst Aerator II
- 1x Large Hybrid Metastasis Adjuster I
- 8x Neutron Blaster Cannon II
- 1x Large Shield Extender II
- 2x Pithum B-Type Adaptive Invulnerability Field
- 1x EM Ward Amplifier II
- 1x True Sansha Stasis Webifier
- 1x 500MN Microwarpdrive II
- 1x Damage Control II
- 4x Magnetic Field Stabilizer II
- 5,000x Void L
- 5x 'Augmented' Hammerhead
Round #355 participants : 213
Top ISK Donations
1: | CrimsonWar | 200.000.000 ISK |
2: | Macabre Devil | 200.000.000 ISK |
3: | Ducky Duke | 100.000.000 ISK |
4: | Zamolxe V | 100.000.000 ISK |
5: | Nora Maldoran | 25.000.000 ISK |
6: | Krisskl | 11.187.000 ISK |
7: | Zycorax | 1.005.000 ISK |
8: | Spen Severasse | 300.000 ISK |
9: | Fatkut | 1.000 ISK |
Lottery period : Monday, November 21st, 2016 to Sunday, December 4th, 2016
List of winners
Frozic : 3.75B ISK (25% bonus)
Hylinia Ishara : 2.5B ISK (25% bonus)
Dynotron : 1B ISK (No bonus)
Hylinia Ishara : Snowflake (*1)
Pigtail Ormand : Stratios and Astero (*2)
(*1 and *2) In-channel-participation only prizes.
(*1) Sponsored by Anataine Deva
(*2) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
- 1x Skill Injector
- 1x Oracle
- 1x Oracle Purity of the Throne SKIN (Permanent)
- 2x Medium Capacitor Control Circuit II
- 1x Medium Capacitor Control Circuit I
- 8x Festival Launcher
- 1x Adaptive Invulnerability Field II
- 1x 500MN Y-T8 Compact Microwarpdrive
- 1x Large Shield Extender II
- 1x Damage Control II
- 3x Nanofiber Internal Structure II
- 2x Power Diagnostic System II
- 7200x Snowball
Round #354 participants : 152
Top ISK Donations
1: | CrimsonWar | 200.000.000 ISK |
2: | Macabre Devil | 200.000.000 ISK |
3: | IGOR64 | 50.000.000 ISK |
4: | Rade Latinovic | 50.000.000 ISK |
5: | Taylor Max | 50.000.000 ISK |
6: | Asklepios Ogeko | 1.000.000 ISK |
7: | Pigtail Ormand | 1.000.000 ISK |
8: | Zycorax | 1.000.000 ISK |
9: | Zycorax II | 1.000.000 ISK |
10: | Spen Severasse | 300.000 ISK |
Lottery period : Monday, November 7th, 2016 to Sunday, November 20th, 2016
List of winners
Keridos : 3.75B ISK (25% bonus)
Monika Bryniak : 2B ISK (No bonus)
Ruth Telvanen : 1B ISK (No bonus)
Skipo Dallocort : Stratios and Astero (*1)
(*1) In-channel-participation only prizes.
(*1) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
Round #353 participants : 94
Lottery period : Monday, October 24th, 2016 to Sunday, November 6th, 2016
List of winners
Hackbert : 3.75B ISK (25% bonus)
Seraphina Oriana : 2.5B ISK (25% bonus)
Seraphina Oriana : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
loonitunen : 352 Grand Teigjon Casino Chip (*1)
Traygor Dallocort : Erebus BPO ME 7% / TE 10% (*2)
NatExpressen : Serpentis Pack (Daredevil, Vigilant, Vindicator) (*3)
Lojaal Uggla : Stratios and Astero (*4)
(*3 and *4) In-channel-participation only prizes.
(*1) Sponsored by loonitunen, Anataine Deva & Macabre Devil
(*2) Sponsored by loonitunen
(*3) Sponsored by Anataine Deva
(*4) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
500M ISK
Value of tickets sold : 4.134.991.000 ISK
Participants : 61
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, October 10th, 2016 to Sunday, October 23rd, 2016
List of winners
KongGal : 3.75B ISK (25% bonus)
Whelm : 2.5B ISK (25% bonus)
Whelm : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Andrew Xadi : Fitted Golem (*1)
Skipo Dallocort : Sansha's Nation (Succubus, Phantasm, Nightmare) (*2)
Tharkvin Fenrix : Stratios and Astero (*3)
(*1, *2 and *3) In-channel-participation only prizes.
(*1) Sponsored by loonitunen
(*2) Sponsored by Anataine Deva
(*3) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
Fitted Golem
- 1x Golem
- 2x Capacitor Flux Coil II
- 2x Dread Guristas Ballistic Control System
- 1x Republic Fleet Target Painter
- 2x Pith X-Type EM Ward Field
- 1x Imperial Navy Cap Recharger
- 1x Pith X-Type Thermal Dissipation Field
- 1x Gist C-Type X-Large Shield Booster
- 1x Pith X-Type Shield Boost Amplifier
- 2x Salvager II
- 4x Torpedo Launcher II
- 2x Small Tractor Beam II
- 1x Large Rocket Fuel Cache Partition II
- 1x Large Hydraulic Bay Thrusters II
- 5x Acolyte II
- 160x Mjolnir Torpedo
500M ISK
Value of tickets sold : ISK
Participants : 42
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, September 26th, 2016 to Sunday, October 9th, 2016
List of winners
Aedon Tekitsu : 3.75B ISK (25% bonus)
Anataine Deva : 2.5B ISK (25% bonus)
Fer'isam K'ahn : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
KongGal : Fitted Rattlesnake (*1)
CJIeCaPb PeMoHTHuK : Stratios and Astero (*2)
(*1 and *2) In-channel-participation only prizes.
(*1) Sponsored by loonitunen
(*2) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
Fitted Rattlesnake
- 1x Rattlesnake
- 3x Caldari Navy Ballistic Control System
- 3x Dread Guristas Drone Damage Amplifier
- 1x Gist X-Type Shield Boost Amplifier
- 1x Republic Fleet Target Painter
- 1x Missile Guidance Computer I
- 1x Omnidirectional Tracking Link I
- 1x Gist X-Type EM Ward Field
- 1x Gist X-Type Thermal Dissipation Field
- 1x Pithum C-Type Medium Shield Booster
- 1x Drone Link Augmentor II
- 5x Cruise Missile Launcher II
- 1x Large Drone Durability Enhancer II
- 2x Large Drone Durability Enhancer I
- Caldari Navy Wasp x2
- Imperial Navy Curator x2
- Federation Navy Garde x2
- Caldari Navy Warden x1
- Missile Range Script x1
- Inferno Fury Cruise Missile x356
- Optimal Range Script x2
500M ISK
Value of tickets sold : 4.454.187.000 ISK
Participants : 52
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, September 12th, 2016 to Sunday, September 25th, 2016
List of winners
CrimsonWar : 3.75B ISK (25% bonus)
Pigtail Ormand : 2.5B ISK (25% bonus)
Zamolxe V : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
NatExpressen : Mordu's Legion (Garmur, Orthrus, Barghest) (*1)
nitox wulgax : Stratios and Astero (*2)
Michael Umangiar : The 4 racial carrier skill + *all* the pre-req skills (*3)
(*1, *2 and *3) In-channel-participation only prizes.
(*1) Sponsored by Anataine Deva
(*2) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
(*3) Sponsored by loonitunen
500M ISK
Value of tickets sold : 5.780.511.000 ISK
Participants : 50
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, August 29th, 2016 to Sunday, September 11th, 2016
List of winners
Nok'rega Ogar : 3B ISK (No bonus)
Aedon Tekitsu : 2.5B ISK (25% bonus)
Zamolxe V : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Ducky Duke : Kronos + Kronos Police SKIN (*1)
Andrew Xadi : Stratios and Astero (*2)
(*1 and *2) In-channel-participation only prizes.
(*1) Sponsored by loonitunen
(*2) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
500M ISK
Value of tickets sold : 5.349.840.000 ISK
Participants : 59
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, August 15th, 2016 to Sunday, August 28th, 2016
List of winners
Old Age5 : 3.75B ISK (25% bonus)
Zyphon Gale : 2.5B ISK (25% bonus)
Ducky Duke : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Tomcat BW-Spec : Gurista Pack (Worm, Gila, Rattlesnake) (*1)
Macabre Devil : 3 sets of Carrier skill books + all pre-req books. Amarr, Caldari + Gallente (*2)
Michael Umangiar : Stratios and Astero (*3)
(*1, *2 and *3) In-channel-participation only prizes.
(*1) Sponsored by Anataine Deva
(*2) Sponsored by loonitunen
(*3) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
500M ISK
Value of tickets sold : 4.180.399.000 ISK
Participants : 53
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, August 1st, 2016 to Sunday, August 14th, 2016
List of winners
Zamolxe V : 3.75B ISK (25% bonus)
Zamolxe V : 2.5B ISK (25% bonus)
Aelavaine : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Anataine Deva : Looni's Rock (fitted Golem) (*1)
Maru Tanako : SOE pack (Nestor, Stratios, and Astero) (*2)
Anataine Deva : Stratios (*3)
(*1, *2 and *3) In-channel-participation only prizes.
(*1) Sponsored by loonitunen
(*2) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
(*3) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
(*1) Looni's Rock
- 1x Golem
- 2x Capacitor Flux Coil II
- 2x Dread Guristas Ballistic Control System
- 1x Republic Fleet Target Painter
- 2x Pith X-Type EM Ward Field
- 1x Imperial Navy Cap Recharger
- 1x Pith X-Type Thermal Dissipation Field
- 1x Gist C-Type X-Large Shield Booster
- 1x Pith X-Type Shield Boost Amplifier
- 2x Salvager II
- 4x Torpedo Launcher II
- 2x Small Tractor Beam II
- 1x Large Rocket Fuel Cache Partition II
- 1x Large Hydraulic Bay Thrusters II
- 5x Acolyte II
- 160x Mjolnir Torpedo
500M ISK
Value of tickets sold : 3.580.098.000 ISK
Participants : 46
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, July 18th, 2016 to Sunday, July 31st, 2016
List of winners
CrimsonWar : 3.75B ISK + 1 PLEX (*1) (25% bonus)
The Guardian98 : 2B ISK + 1 PLEX (*1) (No bonus)
Macabre Devil : 1.25B ISK + 1 PLEX (*1) (25% bonus)
Macabre Devil : Blood Raiders pack (Cruor, Ashimmu, Bhaalgorn) (*2)
Ducky Duke : One Stratios (*3)
(*2 and *3) In-channel-participation only prizes.
(*1) Sponsored by loonitunen (3 PLEX)
(*2) Sponsored by Anataine Deva
(*3) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
500M ISK
Value of tickets sold : 3.468.836.000 ISK
Participants : 48
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, July 4th, 2016 to Sunday, July 17th, 2016
List of winners
Vrael Zann : 3.75B ISK (25% bonus)
CrimsonWar : 2.5B ISK (25% bonus)
Anataine Deva : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Wallaid : One Stratios (*1)
Anataine Deva : Amarr Carrier skill + all pre-req skills (*2)
Amraphel Winterbane : Caldari Carrier skill + all pre-req skills (*2)
(*1 and *2) In-channel-participation only prizes.
(*1) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
(*2) Sponsored by loonitunen
500M ISK
Value of tickets sold : 3.957.903.000 ISK
Participants : 49
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, June 20th, 2016 to Sunday, July 3rd, 2016
List of winners
Vrael Zann : 3.75B ISK (25% bonus)
Michael Umangiar : 2.5B ISK (25% bonus)
Old Age5 : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Jennie Alagre : Ibis of Doom (*1)
Mester Dominux : Angel Cartel Pack (Dramiel, Cynabal, Machariel) (*2)
KongGal : Festival battleship: Maelstorm + fit and Lots of fireworks!(*3)
Michael Umangiar : One Stratios (*4)
(*1, *2, *3 and *4) In-channel-participation only prizes.
(*1) Sponsored by loonitunen
(*2) Sponsored by Anataine Deva
(*3) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
(*4) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
Ibis of Doom (*1)
- 1x Men's 'Curate' Coat (festive)
- 1x Women's 'Rocket' Dress (festive)
- 1x Improved Blue Pill Booster
- 2x Republic Fleet Overdrive Injector
- 1x Gistum A-Type Adaptive Invulnerability Field
- 1x Pithum A-Type Medium Shield Booster
- 1x Particle Bore Compact Mining Laser
- 1x Salvager I
Festival battleship (*3)
- 1x Maelstrom
- 1x Large Armor Repairer II
- 2x Armor EM Hardener II
- 1x Armor Kinetic Hardener II
- 1x Armor Explosive Hardener II
- 1x X-Large Shield Booster II
- 1x Adaptive Invulnerability Field II
- 1x Explosive Deflection Field II
- 1x Kinetic Deflection Field II
- 1x EM Ward Field II
- 1x Thermal Dissipation Field II
- 8x Festival Launcher
- 10K Barium Firework
- 10K Copper Firework
- 10K Sodium Firework
500M ISK
Value of tickets sold : 4.836.012.000 ISK
Participants : 70
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, June 6th, 2016 to Sunday, June 19th, 2016
List of winners
Zamolxe V : 3.75B ISK (25% bonus)
Anataine Deva : 2.5B ISK (25% bonus)
Everett Obrian : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Andrew Xadi : Amarr Carrier skill + all pre-req skills (*1)
nitox wulgax : One Stratios (*2)
Everett Obrian : Blue Box (*3)
Drake Darkness : Green Box (*3)
Berkon Ellecon : Orange Box (*3)
Drake Darkness : Red Box (*3)
Taika Amphal : Violet Box (*3)
Everett Obrian : Yellow Box (*3)
(*1, *2 and *3) In-channel-participation only prizes.
(*1) Sponsored by loonitunen
(*2) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
(*3) Sponsored by Anataine Deva
Blue Box (*3)
- 1 x Myrmidon Intaki SKIN
- 1 x Catalyst Intaki Syndicate SKIN
- 1 x Helios Intaki SKIN
- 1 x Helios
- 2 x Small Hyperspatial Velocity Optimizer II
- 1 x Covert Ops Cloaking Device II
- 4 x Republic Fleet Small Shield Extender
- 1 x 5MN Y-T8 Compact Microwarpdrive
- 3 x Domination Nanofiber Structure
- 1 x Salvage Drone I
- 1 x Crate of Blue Paradise
- 12 x Nugoeihuvi Synth Blue Pill Booster
Green Box (*3)
- 1 x Pilot's Body Resculpt Certificate
- 1 x Caracal Matigu Seabeast SKIN
- 1 x Condor Matigu Seabeast SKIN
- 1 x Corax Matigu Seabeast SKIN
- 1 x Raven Matigu Seabeast SKIN
- 1 x Prospect
- 1 x Covert Ops Cloaking Device II
- 2 x Small Processor Overclocking Unit I
- 2 x Miner II
- 1 x Survey Scanner II
- 1 x 1MN Monopropellant Enduring Afterburner
- 4 x Mining Laser Upgrade II
- 150 x Bistot
- 150 x Gneiss
- 150 x Green Arisite
- 150 x Spodumain
- 14.995 x Mexallon
- 90.000 x Zydrine
Orange Box (*3)
- 126 x Minerals
- 1 x Ocular Filter - Improved
- 1 x Memory Augmentation - Improved
- 1 x Neural Boost - Improved
- 1 x Cybernetic Subprocessor - Improved
- 1 x Social Adaptation Chip - Improved
Red Box (*3)
- 1 x Widow
- 1 x Large Core Defense Field Extender II
- 1 x Large Anti-EM Screen Reinforcer II
- 1 x Caldari Navy Cloaking Device
- 1 x Covert Jump Portal Generator I
- 5 x Caldari Navy Rapid Heavy Missile Launcher
- 1 x Republic Fleet Large Shield Extender
- 1 x EM Ward Field II
- 1 x Thermal Dissipation Field II
- 1 x Kinetic Deflection Field II
- 1 x Explosive Deflection Field II
- 1 x Cap Recharger II
- 1 x Adaptive Invulnerability Field II
- 3 x Federation Navy 1600mm Steel Plates
- 1 x Damage Control II
- 5 x Salvage Drone I
- 5 x 'Augmented' Hobgoblin
- 5 x 'Augmented' Hornet
- 1.000 x Caldari Navy Inferno Heavy Missile
- 1.000 x Caldari Navy Mjolnir Heavy Missile
- 1.000 x Caldari Navy Nova Heavy Missile
- 1.000 x Caldari Navy Scourge Heavy Missile
Violet Box (*3)
- 1 x Skill Injector
- 6 x Quafe Zero
- 8 x Fedo
- 64 x Garbage
- 16 x Soil
- 8 x Wheat
- 4 x Proteins
- 4 x Water
- 1 x Animal Medic Expert
Yellow Box (*3)
- 1 x Plex
- 1 x 500 Aurum Token
- 1 x A Lot of Money
- 100 x Grand Teigjon Casino Chip
500M ISK
Value of tickets sold : 3.831.282.000 ISK
Participants : 69
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, May 23rd, 2016 to Sunday, June 5th, 2016
List of winners
Kaden Aivo : 4.5B ISK (50% bonus) (*2)
Zokar Katana : 3B ISK (50% bonus) (*2)
Anataine Deva : 1.5B ISK (50% bonus) (*2)
KongGal : 1B ISK (*3)
Zokar Katana : PLEX (*4)
KongGal : One Stratios (*1)
(*1 and *4) In-channel-participation only prizes.
(*1) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
(*4) Sponsored by Anataine Deva
(*2) 25% ontop of the regular prize (1.5B total) sponsored by loonitunen
(the 25% bio-link bonus is of the original amount)
(*3) 1B ISK sponsored by loonitunen
500M ISK
Value of tickets sold : 5.132.733.000 ISK
Participants : 94
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, May 9th, 2016 to Sunday, May 22nd, 2016
List of winners
tony42 : 3B ISK (No bonus)
Maerwen : 2.5B ISK (25% bonus)
Evistro : 1B ISK (No bonus)
Tessa Windel : One Stratios (*1)
Taylor Max : Mystery surprise prize: Astrahus + pet Fedo (*2)
(*1 and *2) In-channel-participation only prizes.
(*1) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
(*2) Sponsored by loonitunen
500M ISK
Value of tickets sold : 6.834.900.000 ISK
Participants : 188
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
#339 BIG Lottery 13 Year Anniversary round
Lottery period : Monday, April 25th, 2016 to Sunday, May 8th, 2016
List of winners
D'avin S'zur : 30,000,000,000 ISK + 12 Plex(*1)
tbms : 13,000,000,000 ISK(*2) + Hangar Cleanup(*8)
Jita Howard : 10,000,000,000 ISK + 6 Plex(*1) + "The Fatal Rabbit"(*9)
Anataine Deva : 10,000,000,000 ISK + 3 Plex(*1)
Mackenzie Reenels : Truckers Unite(*3)(*1)
Triana Zharg : SOE Package#1(*4)(*1)
Accensus : SOE Package#2(*5)
Boomer Budd Marcos : Pilot Service(*6)
(*4,*5 and *6) In-channel-participation only prizes.
(*1) Sponsored by CCP: 24 Plex in total
(*2) Sponsored by Anataine Deva
(*3, *4 & *6) Sponsored by loonitunen
(*5) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
(*7) Sponsored by Ronen Osden (part of *6)
(*8) Sponsored by Phreakinout
(*9) Sponsored by Fer'isam K'ahn
Truckers Unite(*3)(*1)
- 1 Obelisk
- 1 Fenrir
- 1 Charon
- 1 Providence
- 1 Bowhead
- 2 Plex (*1)
SOE Package#1(*4)(*1)
- 1 Astero
- 1 Stratios
- 1 Nestor
- 1 Astero sanctuary skin
- 1 Stratios sanctuary skin
- 1 Nestor sanctuary skin
- 1 Plex (*1)
SOE Package#2(*5)
- 1 Astero
- 1 Stratios
- 1 Nestor
- 1 Astero sanctuary skin
- 1 Stratios sanctuary skin
- 1 Nestor sanctuary skin
- 1 Plex
Pilote Service(*6)
- A full set of +5 implants
- 1 Multiple pilot training certificate
- 1 Pilot body resculpt certificate
- 1 Skill extrator
- 1 Skill injector
- 1 Plex
- 1 x Sisters of EVE Advanced Combat Suit (f). (*7)
- 1 x Sisters of EVE Advanced Combat Suit (m). (*7)
Hangar Cleanup(*8) (added to *2)
- 2 Hurricane Fleet Issue
- 9 Large EMP Smartbomb II Blueprint
"The Fatal Rabbit"(9) (added to *3)
- 1 x Rattlesnake.
- 1 x Festival Launcher.
- 200 x Snowball.
- 400 x Sodium Firework.
- 388 x Barium Firework.
- 389 x Copper Firework.
- 1 x Dread Guristas Omnidirectional Tracking Enhancer.
- 2 x Dread Guristas Ballistic Control System.
- 3 x Dread Guristas Drone Damage Amplifier.
- 1 x Heavy Stasis Grappler II.
- 1 x Dread Guristas Adaptive Invulnerability Field.
- 1 x Stasis Webifier II.
- 1 x 500MN Microwarpdrive II.
- 1 x Dread Guristas X-Large Shield Booster.
- 1 x Heavy Capacitor Booster II.
- 1 x Dread Guristas EM Ward Amplifier.
- 5 x Dread Guristas Torpedo Launcher.
- 1 x Large Hydraulic Bay Thrusters I.
- 1 x Large Anti-Thermal Screen Reinforcer II.
- 1 x Large Warhead Rigor Catalyst I.
- 2 x 'Augmented' Ogre.
- 1 x Gecko.
- 5 x 'Augmented' Hobgoblin.
- 18 x Navy Cap Booster 800.
- 1.587 x Dread Guristas Scourge Torpedo.
500M ISK
Value of tickets sold : 189.494.200.000 ISK
Participants : 2.678
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, April 11th, 2016 to Sunday, April 24th, 2016
List of winners
Breaking Fast : 3.75B ISK (25% bonus)
Old Age4 : 2.5B ISK (25% bonus)
Fyzikz : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Anataine Deva : One Stratios (*1)
Anataine Deva : Soylent Green mix package (*2)
(*1 and *2) In-channel-participation only prizes.
(*1) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
(*2) Sponsored by loonitunen
Soylent Green mix package (*2)
22 corpses
Mixed livestock (including The Damsel’s Drunk Bodyguard, Exotic dancers, Female, Janitor, Homeless)
500M ISK
Value of tickets sold : 5.124.351.000 ISK
Participants : 63
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, March 28th, 2016 to Sunday, April 10th, 2016
List of winners
Tiegs : 3.75B ISK (25% bonus)
Market Sluut : 2.5B ISK (25% bonus)
Falesor : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Razoal Sabezan : One Stratios (*1)
Taylor Max : Skill injector and 10 Caracals (*2)
(*1 and *2) In-channel-participation only prizes.
(*1) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
(*2) Sponsored by loonitunen
500M ISK
Value of tickets sold : 4.134.991.000 ISK
Participants : 61
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, March 14th, 2016 to Sunday, March 27th, 2016
List of winners
Vrael Zann : 3.75B ISK (25% bonus)
PhreakinRockMuncher : 2.5B ISK (25% bonus)
Falesor : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Falesor : Sisters of EVE Advanced Combat Suit (m) (*1)
Falesor : One Stratios (*2)
Fer'isam K'ahn : 1,665,000 units of spirit (*3)
(*1, *2 and *3) In-channel-participation only prizes.
(*1) Sponsored by Anataine Deva
(*2) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
(*3) Sponsored by loonitunen
500M ISK
Value of tickets sold : 4.756.475.000 ISK
Participants : 51
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, February 29th, 2016 to Sunday, March 13th, 2016
List of winners
Maerwen : 3.75B ISK (25% bonus)
CrimsonWar : 2.5B ISK (25% bonus)
Dario Kaelenter : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Razoal Sabezan : One Nestor (*1)
Pigtail Ormand : One Stratios (*2)
(*1 and *2) In-channel-participation only prizes.
(*1) Sponsored by loonitunen
(*2) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
500M ISK
Value of tickets sold : 4.216.540.000 ISK
Participants : 49
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, February 15th, 2016 to Sunday, February 28th, 2016
List of winners
Macabre Devil : 3.75B ISK (25% bonus)
PhreakinRockMuncher : 2.5B ISK (25% bonus)
Ronen Osden : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Taylor Max : 8784 Starbase Charters for every(6) faction (*1)
Razoal Sabezan : One Stratios (*2)
Taylor Max : 10.001 units of Compressed Clear Icicle (*3)
Anataine Deva : One Unit of Lag (*4)
(*1 through *4) In-channel-participation only prizes.
(*1 and *2) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
(*3 and *4) Sponsored by loonitunen
500M ISK
Value of tickets sold : 6.306.172.000 ISK
Participants : 55
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, February 1st, 2016 to Sunday, February 14th, 2016
List of winners
Slashface Endashi : 4,433,333,333 ISK (33% bonus)(*1)
Phreakinout : 3,103,333,333 ISK (33% bonus)(*1)
Zyphon Gale : 1,773,333,333 ISK (33% bonus)(*1)
Vrael Zann : 443,333,333 ISK (33% bonus)(*1)
Nimbive : 333,333,333 ISK (*0)
Taylor Max : 333,333 of all minerals (except Morph) + 333 Morph + Iteron III (aka Kryos) (*2)
Dario Kaelenter : One Stratios(*3)
Anataine Deva : Nestor + Nestor Sanctuary Skin (*4)
Galaon : Stratios + Stratios Sanctuary Skin (*5)
Macabre Devil : Astero + Astero Sanctuary Skin (*6)
(*0) Un-announced surprise prize: Buy 33,333 tickets or other amount with only "3"-digits.
(*1) Sponsored by Anataine Deva
- 333,333,333 added to all prizes
- 333,333,333 added as extra prize
- Increased the bio-link bonus to 33% for all listed ISK prizes
For a total of 2,169,999,998 ISK
(*2, *3, *4, *5 and *6) In-channel only prizes
(*2 and *3) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
(*4, *5 and *6) Sponsored by loonitunen
500M ISK
Value of tickets sold : 6.536.487.000 ISK
Participants : 60
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, January 18th, 2016 to Sunday, January 31st, 2016
List of winners
DeshAlta : 3.75B ISK (25% bonus)
Old Age4 : 2.5B ISK (25% bonus)
Maerwen : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Pigtail Ormand : One Nestor (*1)
Tessa Windel : One Stratios(*2)
(*1 and *2) In-channel only prizes
(*1) Sponsored by loonitunen
(*2) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
500M ISK
Value of tickets sold : 4.965.716.000 ISK
Participants : 50
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, January 4th, 2016 to Sunday, January 17th, 2016
List of winners
Krisskl : 3.75B ISK (25% bonus)
Market Sluut : 2.5B ISK (25% bonus)
Jarvis Tibs : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Tinukeda'ya Naskingar : (*1) Skill-Tastick: All skills in
- Trade
- Resource processing
- Production
- Planet management
- Science (minus Astronautic Engineering)
DeshAlta : One Stratios(*2)
Frozic Frostburn : Rogue Drone 42-X Nexus Chip(*3)
(*1, *2 and *3) In-channel only prizes
(*1) Sponsored by loonitunen
(*2) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
(*3) Sponsored by Tinukeda'ya Naskingar
500M ISK
Value of tickets sold : 5.794.121.000 ISK
Participants : 61
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, December 21st, 2015 to Sunday, January 3rd, 2016
List of winners
Zamolxe V : 3.75B ISK (25% bonus)
loonitunen : 2.5B ISK (25% bonus)
Breaking Fast : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
BIGBADBOB : MinaRock: BPCs and materials to bild all ships(6) in the "Mining Barges" market group(*1)
BIGBADBOB : One Stratios(*2)
djan go : Rattlesnake BPC (*3)
(*1, *2 and *3) In-channel only prize
(*1) Sponsored by loonitunen
(*2) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
(*3) Sponsored by Fer'isam K'ahn
500M ISK
Value of tickets sold : 2.827.611.000 ISK
Participants : 34
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, December 7th, 2015 to Sunday, December 20th, 2015
List of winners
Jarvis Tibs : 5B ISK + "a little extra"(*5)
Macabre Devil : 3.75B ISK (25% bonus) + 1 PLEX(*1) + "a little extra"(*5)
Frozic Frostburn : 2.5B ISK (25% bonus) + 1 PLEX(*1) + "a little extra"(*5)
BIGBADBOB : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus) + 1 PLEX(*1) + "a little extra"(*5)
Yazria Hanaya : One Rhea(*2) + "a little extra"(*5)
Yazria Hanaya : One Stratios(*3) + "a little extra"(*5)
UrhoKekkonen : Surprize (unlisted) PLEX (*4)
(*2, *3 and *4) In-channel only prize
(*1, and *4 and *5) Sponsored by Anataine Deva
(*2) Sponsored by loonitunen
(*3) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
"a little extra" (*5) consists of:
1 Festival Corax
7 Festival Launcher
1 5MN Microwarpdrive II
1 Cap Recharger II
1 Small Shield Booster II
1 Adaptive Invulnerability Field II
1 Damage Control II
1 Power Diagnostic System II
1 Small Capacitor Control Circuit II
1 Small Polycarbon Engine Housing II
1 Small Cargohold Optimization I
3.500 Barium Firework
3.500 Copper Firework
3.500 Sodium Firework
3.500 Snowball
1 Explorer Astero
1 Covert Ops Cloaking Device II
1 Core Probe Launcher II
8 Sisters Core Scanner Probe
1 5MN Microwarpdrive II
1 Relic Analyzer II
1 Data Analyzer II
1 Cargo Scanner II
1 Damage Control II
2 Warp Core Stabilizer II
1 Nanofiber Internal Structure II
1 Small Gravity Capacitor Upgrade I
2 Small Low Friction Nozzle Joints I
5 Hobgoblin II
5 Warrior II
5 Acolyte II
5 Hornet II
5 Salvage Drone I
100.000.000 ISK
Total value per package: 217M ISK
500M ISK
Value of tickets sold : 6.568.902.000 ISK
Participants : 60
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, November 23rd, 2015 to Sunday, December 6th, 2015
List of winners
Aelavaine : 3.75B ISK (25% bonus)
Aelavaine : 2.5B ISK (25% bonus)
Jarkovin : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Jarkovin : (*1) One Stratios
Fer'isam K'ahn : (*2) 5 * Epithal filled with random (mystery!) P1 planetary commodities.
Tessa Windel : (*3) Frigasm: One of each frigate from the market frigate group - 65 in total!
(*4) Surprice (un-annouced until given away) in channel activity prize
Each of the following won *4 (see full description below)
Bamboo Burning
Breaking Fast
Chaplain Silkor
Fer'isam K'ahn
Haria Hanaya
Liova Tomai
Tessa Windel
Yazria Hanaya
Zamolxe V
(*1, *2 and *3) In-channel only prize
(*1 and *2) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
(*3) Sponsored by loonitunen
(*4) Sponsored by Anataine Deva
Content of each surprise package, stationed in Dodixie:
1 Festival Corax
7 Festival Launcher
1 5MN Microwarpdrive II
1 Cap Recharger II
1 Small Shield Booster II
1 Adaptive Invulnerability Field II
1 Damage Control II
1 Power Diagnostic System II
1 Small Capacitor Control Circuit II
1 Small Polycarbon Engine Housing II
1 Small Cargohold Optimization I
3.500 Barium Firework
3.500 Copper Firework
3.500 Sodium Firework
3.500 Snowball
1 Explorer Astero
1 Covert Ops Cloaking Device II
1 Core Probe Launcher II
8 Sisters Core Scanner Probe
1 5MN Microwarpdrive II
1 Relic Analyzer II
1 Data Analyzer II
1 Cargo Scanner II
1 Damage Control II
2 Warp Core Stabilizer II
1 Nanofiber Internal Structure II
1 Small Gravity Capacitor Upgrade I
2 Small Low Friction Nozzle Joints I
5 Hobgoblin II
5 Warrior II
5 Acolyte II
5 Hornet II
5 Salvage Drone I
100.000.000 ISK
Total value per package: 217M ISK
500M ISK
Value of tickets sold : 5.768.451.000 ISK
Participants : 54
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, November 9th, 2015 to Sunday, November 22nd, 2015
List of winners
Jarvis Tibs : 3.75B ISK (25% bonus)
Vrael Zann : 2.5B ISK (25% bonus)
Old Age5 : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Pigtail Ormand : (*1) One Stratios
Zumochi : (*2) 5 * Epithal filled with random (mystery!) P1 planetary commodities.
Zumochi : (*3) One dozen Hurricanes
(*1, *2 and *3) In-channel only prize
(*1 and *2) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
(*3) Sponsored by loonitunen
500M ISK
Value of tickets sold : 3.503.323.000 ISK
Participants : 49
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, October 26th, 2015 to Sunday, November 8th, 2015
List of winners
ChoppedSushi Pervy : 3.75B ISK (25% bonus)
ChoppedSushi Pervy : 2.5B ISK (25% bonus)
Aelavaine : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Zumochi : (*1) One Stratios
Tessa Windel : (*2) 5 * Epithal filled with random (mystery!) P1 planetary commodities.
Bamboo Burning : (*3) Shuttle-nanza:
10.000 shuttles of each race
+ Apotheosis
+ Leopard
+ Council Diplomatic Shuttle
+ InterBus Shuttle
(*1, *2 and *3) In-channel only prize
(*1 and *2) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
(*3) Sponsored by loonitunen
500M ISK
Value of tickets sold : 4.621.876.000 ISK
Participants : 61
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, October 12th, 2015 to Sunday, October 25th, 2015
List of winners
Victor Voitowich : 3.75B ISK (25% bonus)
loonitunen : 2.5B ISK (25% bonus)
dymm3 : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Liova Tomai : One Stratios (*1)
Liova Tomai : Orca and Hulk (*2)
(*1 and *2) In-channel only prize
(*1) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
(*2) Sponsored by loonitunen
500M ISK
Value of tickets sold : 5.782.115.000 ISK
Participants : 66
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, September 28th, 2015 to Sunday, October 11th, 2015
List of winners
Vrael Zann : 3.75B ISK (25% bonus)
Breaking Fast : 2.5B ISK (25% bonus)
Jarvis Tibs : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Everett Obrian : One Nestor (*1)
UrhoKekkonen : One Stratios (*2)
(*1 and *2) In-channel only prize
(*1 and *2) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
500M ISK
Value of tickets sold : 5.947.395.000 ISK
Participants : 65
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, September 14th, 2015 to Sunday, September 27th, 2015
List of winners
Macabre Devil : 3.75B ISK (25% bonus)
Toudou : 2.5B ISK (25% bonus)
Maerwen : 1B ISK (No bonus)
Everett Obrian : One Stratios (*1)
(*1) In-channel only prize
(*1) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
500M ISK
Value of tickets sold : 4.784.578.000 ISK
Participants : 56
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, August 31st, 2015 to Sunday, September 13th, 2015
List of winners
Everett Obrian : 3.75B ISK (25% bonus)
Macabre Devil : 2.5B ISK (25% bonus)
Ria Winter : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Nora Maldoran : One Stratios (*1)
Everett Obrian : 350.000u compressed scordite + 2x Iteron V (*2)
(*1 and *2) In-channel only prize
(*1) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
(*2) Sponsored by loonitunen
500M ISK
Value of tickets sold : 4.550.764.000 ISK
Participants : 52
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, August 17th, 2015 to Sunday, August 30th, 2015
List of winners
Nora Maldoran : 3B ISK (No bonus)
Everett Obrian : 2.5B ISK (25% bonus)
Market Sluut : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Nora Maldoran : One Stratios (*1)
Nora Maldoran : One Battleship skin (lowest Aurum tier) (*2)
Pigtail Ormand : Vindicator BPC, and enough minerals to build it (*3)
(*1, *2 and *3) In-channel only prize
(*1 + *2) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
(*3) Sponsored by loonitunen
500M ISK
Value of tickets sold : 4.923.895.000 ISK
Participants : 58
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, August 3rd, 2015 to Sunday, August 16th, 2015
List of winners
KAA : 3.75B ISK (25% bonus)
Tinukeda'ya Naskingar : 2.5B ISK (25% bonus)
Haru Kion : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Bruce Hyslop : One Stratios (*1)
Maka Orahara : One Battle Cruiser skin (lowest Aurum tier) (*2)
Maka Orahara : Full set of +5 implants and an InterBus shuttle (*3)
(*1, *2 and *3) In-channel only prize
(*1 + *2) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
(*3) Sponsored by loonitunen
500M ISK
Value of tickets sold : 4.138.324.000 ISK
Participants : 39
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, July 20th, 2015 to Sunday, August 2nd, 2015
List of winners
Vrael Zann : 3.75B ISK (25% bonus)
Tinukeda'ya Naskingar : 2.5B ISK (25% bonus)
Niriah : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Zumochi : One Stratios (*1)
Vrael Zann : One Cruiser skin (lowest Aurum tier) (*2)
Yazria Hanaya : Armageddon Navy Issue + Bowhead (*3)
(*1, *2 and *3) In-channel only prize
(*1 + *2) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
(*3) Sponsored by loonitunen
500M ISK
Value of tickets sold : 3.662.069.000 ISK
Participants : 48
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, July 6th, 2015 to Sunday, July 19th, 2015
List of winners
loonitunen : 3.75B ISK (25% bonus)
Old Age4 : 2.5B ISK (25% bonus)
Kajusa : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Anataine Deva : One Stratios (*1)
Fer'isam K'ahn : One Destroyer skin (lowest Aurum tier) (*2)
Haru Kion : One PLEX (*3)
(*1, *2 and *3) In-channel only prize
(*1 + *2) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
(*3) Sponsored by loonitunen
500M ISK
Value of tickets sold : 3.922.775.000 ISK
Participants : 53
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, June 22nd, 2015 to Sunday, July 5th, 2015
List of winners
Stefan Silviu : 3.75B ISK (25% bonus)
Stefan Silviu : 2.5B ISK (25% bonus)
Vrael Zann : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Tinukeda'ya Naskingar : One Stratios (*1)
Tinukeda'ya Naskingar : One Frigate skin (lowest Aurum tier) (*2)
(*1 and *2) In-channel only prize: Sponsored by Macabre Devil
500M ISK
Value of tickets sold : 4.294.507.000 ISK
Participants : 57
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, June 8th, 2015 to Sunday, June 21st, 2015
List of winners
Macabre Devil : 3.75B ISK (25% bonus)
Andramadon : 2B ISK (25% bonus)
Krisskl : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
darkridur : One Stratios (*)
(*) In-channel only prize: Sponsored by Macabre Devil
500M ISK
Value of tickets sold : 3.438.276.000 ISK
Participants : 65
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, May 25th, 2015 to Sunday, June 7th, 2015
List of winners
Macabre Devil : 3.75B ISK (25% bonus)
Kajusa : 2B ISK (No bonus)
Old Age4 : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Yazria Hanaya : One Stratios (*)
(*) In-channel only prize: Sponsored by Macabre Devil
500M ISK
Value of tickets sold : 3.481.674.000 ISK
Participants : 87
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, May 11th, 2015 to Sunday, May 24th, 2015
List of winners
Ria Winter : 3.75B ISK (25% bonus)
Cashnprizes HeBruhammer : 2.5B ISK (25% bonus)
Stefan Silviu : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
500M ISK
Value of tickets sold : 5.141.738.000 ISK
Participants : 143
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
#313 BIG Lottery 12 Year Anniversary round
Lottery period : Monday, April 27th, 2015 to Sunday, May 10th, 2015
List of winners
Kelhund : 25B ISK
Dark Umbra : 15B ISK
Lady Inferus : 10B ISK
BringerUK : 5B ISK
The Chrysi : 5B ISK
Tasadar Alaine : Dominix Quafe SKIN (Permanent) + a Dominix (*1)
Frozic Frostburn : Astero (*2)
(*1) and (*2) both sponsored by Fer'isam K'ahn
(*1) In-channel draw only
(*2) "Find-me-Bump-me" event - Clues given in channel
500M ISK
Value of tickets sold : ISK
Participants : 3.058
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, April 13th, 2015 to Sunday, April 26th, 2015
List of winners
Issei Takahashi : 3.75B ISK (25% bonus)
Old Age4 : 2.5B ISK (25% bonus)
Zycorax II : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
500M ISK
Value of tickets sold : 3.308.612.000 ISK
Participants : 38
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, March 30th, 2015 to Sunday, April 12th, 2015
List of winners
Macabre Devil : 3.75B ISK (25% bonus)
Krisskl : 2.5B ISK (25% bonus)
Nick Roberts : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
500M ISK
Value of tickets sold : 3.539.126.000 ISK
Participants : 49
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, March 16th, 2015 to Sunday, March 29th, 2015
List of winners
CrimsonWar : 3.75B ISK (25% bonus)
Zorgano Antollare : 2.5B ISK (25% bonus)
Krisskl : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
500M ISK
Value of tickets sold : 3.336.221.000 ISK
Participants : 36
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, March 2nd, 2015 to Sunday, March 15th, 2015
List of winners
Market Sluut : 3.75B ISK (25% bonus)
Daisani Hakaari : 2.5B ISK (25% bonus)
libertarian cole : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
500M ISK
Value of tickets sold : ISK
Participants : 43
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, February 16th, 2015 to Sunday, March 1st, 2015
List of winners
Oylpann Kumamato : 3.75B ISK (25% bonus)
Evokenxx : 2.5B ISK (25% bonus)
Ria Winter : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
500M ISK
Value of tickets sold : 3.767.863.000 ISK
Participants : 49
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, February 2nd, 2015 to Sunday, February 15th, 2015
List of winners
John Pontius : 3.75B ISK (25% bonus)
dymm3 : 2.5B ISK (25% bonus)
Macabre Devil : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
500M ISK
Value of tickets sold : ISK
Participants : 58
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, January 19th, 2015 to Sunday, February 1st, 2015
List of winners
dymm3 : 3.75B ISK (25% bonus)
Shayl Karringan : 2.5B ISK (25% bonus)
Evokenxx : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
500M ISK
Value of tickets sold : 3.489.036.000 ISK
Participants : 61
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, January 5th, 2015 to Sunday, January 18th, 2015
List of winners
Aerin Suhn : 3B ISK (No bonus)
Old Age4 : 2.5B ISK (25% bonus)
Murikka : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
500M ISK
Value of tickets sold : 3.510.973.000 ISK
Participants : 55
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, December 22nd, 2014 to Sunday, January 4th, 2015
List of winners
Old Age4 : 3.75B ISK (25% bonus)
Krisskl : 2.5B ISK (25% bonus)
Macabre Devil : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
500M ISK
Value of tickets sold : 3.018.773.000 ISK
Participants : 61
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, December 8th, 2014 to Sunday, December 21st, 2014
List of winners
Macabre Devil : 3.75B ISK (25% bonus)
Quciksilver : 2.5B ISK (25% bonus)
Market Sluut : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Krisskl : 250M ISK (*1)
Damian Fryer : 250M ISK (*1)
Garrett Flynn : 200M ISK (*2)
Ricemos : 200M ISK (*2)
Damian Fryer : 200M ISK (*2)
Murikka : 200M ISK (*2)
Quciksilver : 200M ISK (*2)
(*1) 2*250M ISK donated by Haru Kion for in-channel participants only.
(*2) 5*200M ISK donated by Krisskl for in-channel participants only.
500M ISK
Value of tickets sold : 4.007.856.000 ISK
Participants : 70
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, November 24th, 2014 to Sunday, December 7th, 2014
List of winners
Evokenxx : 3.75B ISK (25% bonus)
Market Sluut : 2.5B ISK (25% bonus)
libertarian cole : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
CrimsonWar : 1B ISK(*)
(*) 1 billion ISK donated by Jarvis Tibs from Infernal Constructs
500M ISK
Value of tickets sold : 3.366.374.000 ISK
Participants : 63
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, November 10th, 2014 to Sunday, November 23rd, 2014
List of winners
Haru Kion : 3.75B ISK (25% bonus)
Quciksilver : 2.5B ISK (25% bonus)
Old Age5 : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Darko Don : 1B ISK(*)
(*) 1 billion ISK donated by Jarvis Tibs from Infernal Constructs
500M ISK
Value of tickets sold : 3.529.289.000 ISK
Participants : 58
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, October 27th, 2014 to Sunday, November 9th, 2014
List of winners
dymm3 : 3.75B ISK (25% bonus)
Daisani Hakaari : 2.5B ISK (25% bonus)
Darko Don : 1B ISK (No bonus)
Haru Kion : 1.25B ISK(*)
(*) 1 billion ISK donated by Jarvis Tibs from Infernal Constructs
500M ISK
Value of tickets sold : 3.376.457.000 ISK
Participants : 66
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, October 13th, 2014 to Sunday, October 26th, 2014
List of winners
Old Age5 : 3.75B ISK (25% bonus)
libertarian cole : 2.5B ISK (25% bonus)
Baby Ducktape : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
500M ISK
Value of tickets sold : 3.297.422.000 ISK
Participants : 59
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, September 29th, 2014 to Sunday, October 12th, 2014
List of winners
libertarian cole : 3.75B ISK (25% bonus)
Old Age4 : 2.5B ISK (25% bonus)
NetKane : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
500M ISK
Value of tickets sold : 2.850.712.000 ISK
Participants : 50
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, September 15th, 2014 to Sunday, September 28th, 2014
List of winners
Krisskl : 3.75B ISK (25% bonus)
Zorgano Antollare : 2.5B ISK (25% bonus)
Galaon : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
500M ISK
Value of tickets sold : 4.336.858.000 ISK
Participants : 71
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, September 1st, 2014 to Sunday, September 14th, 2014
List of winners
Jarvis Tibs : 3.75B ISK (25% bonus)
Legion Reaver : 2.5B ISK (25% bonus)
Market Sluut : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
500M ISK
Value of tickets sold : ISK
Participants : 77
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, August 18th, 2014 to Sunday, August 31th, 2014
List of winners
Old Age4 : 3.75B ISK (25% bonus)
Jarvis Tibs : 2.5B ISK (25% bonus)
Korai Iarok : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
500M ISK
Value of tickets sold : 4.919.471.000 ISK
Participants : 81
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, August 4th, 2014 to Sunday, August 17th, 2014
List of winners
EviL Az : 3.75B ISK (25% bonus)
Alex Antaya : 2.5B ISK (25% bonus)
Shigofumi Tenshi : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Macabre Devil : 1B ISK(*)
(*) Sponsored by Krisskl
500M ISK
Value of tickets sold : 5.063.695.000 ISK
Participants : 78
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, July 21st, 2014 to Sunday, August 3rd, 2014
List of winners
Jarvis Tibs : 3.75B ISK (25% bonus)
Macabre Devil : 2.5B ISK (25% bonus)
Old Age5 : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
500M ISK
Value of tickets sold : 3.354.226.000 ISK
Participants : 58
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, July 7th, 2014 to Sunday, July 20th, 2014
List of winners
Krisskl : 3.75B ISK (25% bonus)
ZzyyzzxX : 2.5B ISK (25% bonus)
Jarvis Tibs : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
500M ISK
Value of tickets sold : 3.545.805.000 ISK
Participants : 70
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, June 23rd, 2014 to Sunday, July 6th, 2014
List of winners
Krisskl : 3.75B ISK (25% bonus)
Old Age4 : 2.5B ISK (25% bonus)
DJ Quark : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
500M ISK
Value of tickets sold : 3.153.965.000 ISK
Participants : 64
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, June 9th, 2014 to Sunday, June 22nd, 2014
List of winners
IGOR64 : 3.75B ISK (25% bonus)
Haru Kion : 2.5B ISK (25% bonus)
Jarvis Tibs : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
500M ISK
Value of tickets sold : ISK
Participants : 73
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, May 26th, 2014 to Sunday, June 8th, 2014
List of winners
DJ Quark : 3.75B ISK (25% bonus)
Old Age4 : 2.5B ISK (25% bonus)
Macabre Devil : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
500M ISK
Value of tickets sold : 3.670.174.000 ISK
Participants : 89
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, May 12th, 2014 to Sunday, May 25th, 2014
List of winners
Jarvis Tibs : 3.75B ISK (25% bonus)
Enraku Reynolt : 2.5B ISK (25% bonus)
General Dahak : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
500M ISK
Value of tickets sold : 4.488.819.000 ISK
Participants : 96
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
#287 BIG Lottery 11 Year Anniversary round
Lottery period : Monday, April 28th, 2014 to Sunday, May 11th, 2014
List of winners
Nicole Schmidt : 50B ISK
Vandeer Pelt : 20B ISK
Deth Stryder : 10B ISK
Old Age5 : 10B ISK
Ciaphas Alpha : 10B ISK
500M ISK
Value of tickets sold : 59.237.525.000 ISK
Participants : 579
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, April 14th, 2014 to Sunday, April 27th, 2014
List of winners
Johnnny B : 3.75B ISK (25% bonus)
Zumochi : 2.5B ISK (25% bonus)
NetKane : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Tiegs : 1B ISK (*)
(*) Prize sponsored by "Old Age4"/"Old Age5" who was so incredible lucky to win *twice* in round #284. (bio-link bonus not active for this one)
500M ISK
Value of tickets sold : 5.175.562.000 ISK
Participants : 85
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, March 31st, 2014 to Sunday, April 13th, 2014
List of winners
CrimsonWar : 3.75B ISK (25% bonus)
Jarvis Tibs : 2.5B ISK (25% bonus)
Kiz Myaz : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
500M ISK
Value of tickets sold : 6.350.007.000 ISK
Participants : 110
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, March 17th, 2014 to Sunday, March 30th, 2014
List of winners
Old Age5 : 3.75B ISK (25% bonus)
Old Age4 : 2.5B ISK (25% bonus)
Haru Kion : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Aliath Sunstrike : 1B ISK(*)
(*) Prize sponsored by "Old Age4" who was so incredible lucky to win *twice* in round #282. (bio-link bonus not active for this one)
500M ISK
Value of tickets sold : 4.622.592.000 ISK
Participants : 103
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, March 3rd, 2014 to Sunday, March 16th, 2014
List of winners
Whysperz : 3.75B ISK (25% bonus)
Deth Stryder : 2.5B ISK (25% bonus)
Alanna Jardeen : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Helkaregion Sindatalion : 200M ISK(*1) + 1 Harpy(*2)
Maka Orahara : 100M ISK(*1) + 1 Caldari Navy Hookbill(*2)
Skalarik : 100M ISK(*1) + 1 Republic Fleet Firetail(*2)
Special "active in-channel" prizes only"
(*1) Sponsored by Desyred
(*2) Sponsored by DJ Quark
500M ISK
Value of tickets sold : 4.334.129.000 ISK
Participants : 94
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, February 17th, 2014 to Sunday, March 2nd, 2014
List of winners
Old Age4 : 3.75B ISK (25% bonus)
Old Age4 : 2.5B ISK (25% bonus)
Tiegs : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Chloe Pellion : 100M ISK(*1) + 1 Caldari Navy Hookbill(*2)
Haru Kion : 100M ISK(*1) + 1 Caldari Navy Hookbill(*2)
Haru Kion : 100M ISK(*1) + 1 Caldari Navy Hookbill(*2)
Special "active in-channel" prizes only:
(*1) Sponsored by Desyred
(*2) Sponsored by DJ Quark
500M ISK
Value of tickets sold : 3.845.620.000 ISK
Participants : 87
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, February 3rd, 2014 to Sunday, February 16th, 2014
List of winners
Lucretia Solstrum : 3B ISK (No bonus)
DeathTrip : 2.5B ISK (25% bonus)
Harash'r Dhebitt : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Zumochi : 100M ISK(*1) + 1 Caldari Navy Hookbill(*2)
Thebob11 : 100M ISK(*1) + 1 Caldari Navy Hookbill(*2)
Digifreee : 100M ISK(*1) + 1 Caldari Navy Hookbill(*2)
Special "active in-channel" prizes only:
(*1) Sponsored by Desyred
(*2) Sponsored by DJ Quark
500M ISK
Value of tickets sold : 4.544.104.000 ISK
Participants : 118
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, January 20th, 2014 to Sunday, February 2nd, 2014
List of winners
Piotr Nikolaie : 3.75B ISK (25% bonus)
CrimsonWar : 2.5B ISK (25% bonus)
Jarvis Tibs : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
500M ISK
Value of tickets sold : 3.042.946.000 ISK
Participants : 97
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, January 6th, 2014 to Sunday, January 19th, 2014
List of winners
DeathTrip : 3.75B ISK (25% bonus)
CrimsonWar : 2.5B ISK (25% bonus)
Old Age5 : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
500M ISK
Value of tickets sold : 4.009.578.000 ISK
Participants : 108
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, December 23rd, 2013 to Sunday, January 5th, 2014
List of winners
IGOR64 : 3.75B ISK (25% bonus)
Jarvis Tibs : 2.5B ISK (25% bonus)
MIboujin : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
500M ISK
Value of tickets sold : ISK
Participants : 97
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, December 9th, 2013 to Sunday, December 22nd, 2013
List of winners
LoCho : 3.75B ISK (25% bonus) + 2*Astero 1 run BPC (*)
shackdavid : 2.5B ISK (25% bonus)
CrimsonWar : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
(*) 2*Astero 1 run BPC kindly sponsored by Fer'isam K'ahn
500M ISK
Value of tickets sold : 4.604.924.000 ISK
Participants : 110
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, November 25th, 2013 to Sunday, December 8th, 2013
List of winners
Black Romero : 3.75B ISK (25% bonus)
Haru Kion : 2.5B ISK (25% bonus)
Deth Stryder : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
500M ISK
Value of tickets sold : 3.463.566.000 ISK
Participants : 111
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, November 11th, 2013 to Sunday, November 24th, 2013
List of winners
En Sabah : 3.75B ISK (25% bonus)
Jarvis Tibs : 2.5B ISK (25% bonus)
Old Age5 : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
500M ISK
Value of tickets sold : 4.766.983.000 ISK
Participants : 116
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, October 28th, 2013 to Sunday, November 10th, 2013
List of winners
Desyred : 3.75B ISK (25% bonus)
Macabre Devil : 2.5B ISK (25% bonus)
ZEN mode : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Arsikere : 1B ISK (*1)
krasav2 : 1B ISK (*2)
(*1) Prize sponsored by "Zorgano Antollare" (bio-link bonus not active for this one)
(*2) In-Channel only: Prize sponsored by "Zorgano Antollare" (bio-link bonus not active for this one)
500M ISK
Value of tickets sold : 5.013.410.000 ISK
Participants : 126
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, October 14th, 2013 to Sunday, October 27th, 2013
List of winners
Old Age4 : 3.75B ISK (25% bonus)
Zorgano Antollare : 2.5B ISK (25% bonus)
Old Age4 : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Zorgano Antollare : 1B ISK (*1)
Skipo Dallocort : 1B ISK (*2)
Fer'isam K'ahn : 500M ISK (*3)
(*1) Prize sponsored by "Krisskl" (bio-link bonus not active for this one)
(*2) In-Channel only: Prize sponsored by "Krisskl" (bio-link bonus not active for this one)
(*3) In-Channel only: Impromptu prize sponsored by "Zorgano Antollare" (bio-link bonus not active for this one)
500M ISK
Value of tickets sold : 3.584.940.000 ISK
Participants : 111
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, September 30th, 2013 to Sunday, October 13th, 2013
List of winners
Deth Stryder : 3.75B ISK (25% bonus)
Mystic Blizzard : 2.5B ISK (25% bonus)
Jitkamen : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Old Age4 : 1B ISK (*1)
LoCho : 1B ISK (*2)
(*1) Prize sponsored by "Krisskl" who was so incredible lucky to win his 6th! prize in round #271
(bio-link bonus not active for this one)
(*2) In-channel only prize sponsored spontanously during the draw by "Krisskl"
(bio-link bonus not active for this one)
500M ISK
Value of tickets sold : 2.691.926.000 ISK
Participants : 119
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, September 16th, 2013 to Sunday, September 29th, 2013
List of winners
Eijlium Montbertus : 3B ISK (No bonus)
Krisskl : 2.5B ISK (25% bonus)
Ras Makonen (*) : 1.25B ISK
Katagun TheDog : 1B ISK (No bonus)
(*) Prize sponsored by "Old Age5" who was so incredible lucky to win *twice* in round #269.
(bio-link bonus not active for this one - as the amount is already included)
500M ISK
Value of tickets sold : 4.562.880.000 ISK
Participants : 127
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, September 2nd, 2013 to Sunday, September 15th, 2013
List of winners
Maline Keran : 3.75 ISK (25% bonus)
Old Age4 : 2.5B ISK (25% bonus)
Zorgano Antollare (*1) : 625M ISK (25% bonus)
Eijlium Montbertus (*2) : 625M ISK (25% bonus)
(*1) Zorgano Antollare gave away half of his win - sponsoring an impromptu in-channel only draw, which was then won by Eijlium Montbertus(*2)
500M ISK
Value of tickets sold : 2.958.517.000 ISK
Participants : 114
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, August 19th, 2013 to Sunday, September 1st, 2013
List of winners
Old Age5 : 3.75 ISK (25% bonus)
Krisskl : 2.5B ISK (25% bonus)
Old Age5 : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
500M ISK
Value of tickets sold : 3.361.539.000 ISK
Participants : 145
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, August 5th, 2013 to Sunday, August 18th, 2013
List of winners
Jarvis Tibs : 3.75 ISK (25% bonus)
Zyphon Gale : 2.5B ISK (25% bonus)
Arsikere : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
500M ISK
Value of tickets sold : 3.364.434.000 ISK
Participants : 150
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, July 22nd, 2013 to Sunday, August 4th, 2013
List of winners
Black Incubus : 3.75 ISK (25% bonus)
Janth Senth : 2.5B ISK (25% bonus)
Melyr : 1B ISK (No bonus)
500M ISK
Value of tickets sold : 3.847.116.000 ISK
Participants : 167
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, July 8th, 2013 to Sunday, July 21st, 2013
List of winners
deadtoe : 3.75 ISK (25% bonus)
Sirius Sin : 2.5B ISK (25% bonus)
fox13 : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
500M ISK
Value of tickets sold : 3.745.644.000 ISK
Participants : 183
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, June 24th, 2013 to Sunday, July 7th, 2013
List of winners
deadtoe : 3 ISK (No bonus)
Arsikere : 2.5B ISK (25% bonus)
Old Age4 : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
500M ISK
Value of tickets sold : 4.946.554.000 ISK
Participants : 220
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, June 10th, 2013 to Sunday, June 23rd, 2013
List of winners
Albi Ventrisse : 3 ISK (No bonus)
Jarvis Tibs : 2.5B ISK (25% bonus)
elitatwo : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
500M ISK
Value of tickets sold : 4.830.070.000 ISK
Participants : 237
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, May 27th, 2013 to Sunday, June 9th, 2013
List of winners
Brandon Askulf : 3 ISK (No bonus)
NUKE SLEEPWALKER : 2.5B ISK (25% bonus)
NUKE SLEEPWALKER : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
500M ISK
Value of tickets sold : 6.457.123.000 ISK
Participants : 333
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, May 13th, 2013 to Sunday, May 26th, 2013
List of winners
Maline Keran : 6.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Rachel Dox : 4B ISK (No bonus)
Nagrom I : 3.75B ISK (25% bonus)
500M ISK
Value of tickets sold : 15.141.715.000 ISK
Participants : 884
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
#261 BIG Lottery 10 Year Anniversary round
Lottery period : Monday, April 29th, 2013 to Sunday, May 12th, 2013
List of winners
Rainbow Ray : 100,000,000,000 ISK + Ishukone Watch Scorpion + 2 PLEX
Lordtfk : 50,000,000,000 ISK + Intaki Syndicate Catalyst + 2 PLEX
Pica Mica : 25,000,000,000 ISK + Quafe Catalyst + 2 PLEX
downtherabbithole : 15,000,000,000 ISK + Sukuuvestaa Heron + 2 PLEX
Valgren : 10,000,000,000 ISK + Vherokior Probe + 2 PLEX
- Ships and PLEX kindly sponsored by CCP
500M ISK
Value of tickets sold : 251.812.686.000 ISK
Participants : 4.701
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, April 15th, 2013 to Sunday, April 28th, 2013
List of winners
Warmaster Ancaris : 3.75B ISK (25% bonus)
Terry Belname : 2.5B ISK (25% bonus)
ian Aurgnet : 1B ISK (No bonus)
500M ISK
Value of tickets sold : ISK
Participants : 141
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, April 1st, 2013 to Sunday, April 14th, 2013
List of winners
Tristis Puella : 3.75B ISK (25% bonus)
Syndic Mitthrassafis : 2B ISK (No bonus)
Dureena Rann : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
500M ISK
Value of tickets sold : 2.647.269.000 ISK
Participants : 134
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, March 18th, 2013 to Sunday, March 31st, 2013
List of winners
Ishido Hideyori : 3.75B ISK (25% bonus)
Oylpann Kumamato : 2.5B ISK (25% bonus)
Gabriel 'Sylar' Grey : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
500M ISK
Value of tickets sold : 3.719.556.000 ISK
Participants : 154
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, March 4th, 2013 to Sunday, March 17th, 2013
List of winners
Old Age5 : 3.75B ISK (25% bonus)
CrimsonWar : 2.5B ISK (25% bonus)
Toudou : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
500M ISK
Value of tickets sold : 3.926.874.000 ISK
Participants : 150
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, February 18th, 2013 to Sunday, March 3rd, 2013
List of winners
Zorgano Antollare : 3.75B ISK (25% bonus)
Tristis Puella : 2.5B ISK (25% bonus)
Clyde Hemah : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Aurora Umbrella : 750M ISK (Zorgano Antollare donated his 750M ISK bonus to an impromptu in channel draw)
500M ISK
Value of tickets sold : 3.620.980.000 ISK
Participants : 148
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, February 4th, 2013 to Sunday, February 17th, 2013
List of winners
Freya Monner : 3.75B ISK (25% bonus)
Macabre Devil : 2.5B ISK (25% bonus)
Serene Xeom : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
500M ISK
Value of tickets sold : ISK
Participants : 158
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, January 21st, 2013 to Sunday, February 3rd, 2013
List of winners
IGOR64 : 3.75B ISK (25% bonus)
Connor Risalo : 2.5B ISK (25% bonus)
Johnnny B : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
500M ISK
Value of tickets sold : 3.754.918.000 ISK
Participants : 176
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, January 7th, 2013 to Sunday, January 20th, 2013
List of winners
En Sabah : 3.75B ISK (25% bonus)
Zorgano Antollare : 2.5B ISK (25% bonus)
Tristis Puella : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
500M ISK
Value of tickets sold : 3.480.663.000 ISK
Participants : 176
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, December 24th, 2012 to Sunday, January 6th, 2013
List of winners
Old Age4 : 3.75B ISK (25% bonus)
sinnerman : 2.5B ISK (25% bonus)
Macabre Devil : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
500M ISK
Value of tickets sold : ISK
Participants : 146
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, December 10th, 2012 to Sunday, December 23rd, 2012
List of winners
Jochen Pain : 3.75B ISK (25% bonus)
Hip dip : 2B ISK (No bonus)
Garrett Flynn : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
500M ISK
Value of tickets sold : 3.820.731.000 ISK
Participants : 185
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, November 26th, 2012 to Sunday, December 9th, 2012
List of winners
Zorgano Antollare : 3.75B ISK (25% bonus)
poof312 : 2B ISK (No bonus)
Gen Raptor : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Special in channel draw only - Celebrating round #250
- Extra 5 billion ISK from The BIG Lottery
- Ships sponsored by DJ Quark
- Zorgano Antollare split his bio link bonus (750M) in 4, and donated it to each of the four prizes below
Krisskl : 5B ISK + Caracal Navy Issue + Raptor + 187.5M ISK
Helen Lewis : Caracal Navy Issue + Raptor + 187.5M ISK
Victor Voitowich : Sabre + 2*Raptor + 187.5M ISK
Victor Voitowich : Sabre + Raptor + 187.5M ISK
500M ISK
Value of tickets sold : 3.625.880.000 ISK
Participants : 163
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, November 12th, 2012 to Sunday, November 25th, 2012
List of winners
Sabethedin : 3.75B ISK (25% bonus)
Simorgh DaSilva : 2.5B ISK (25% bonus)
Bum Bim : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
500M ISK
Value of tickets sold : 3.548.149.000 ISK
Participants : 155
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, October 29th, 2012 to Sunday, November 11th, 2012
List of winners
Elit Monkey : 3.75B ISK (25% bonus)
Raizinette Analgesia : 2.5B ISK (25% bonus)
Furious Yak : 1B ISK (No bonus)
500M ISK
Value of tickets sold : 2.884.340.000 ISK
Participants : 144
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, October 15th, 2012 to Sunday, October 28th, 2012
List of winners
Quciksilver : 2B ISK (25% bonus and a bit) - Chose to split first prize
Volker Schmidt : 2B ISK (25% bonus and a bit) - Chose to split first prize
RIGGO BRUTTO : 2.5B ISK (25% bonus)
dartharviragus : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Irodanis Maricadie : 3B ISK (Extra surprise draw sponsored by DJ Quark)
Zorgano Antollare : 1 PLEX (Extra surprise draw sponsored by DJ Quark)
500M ISK
Value of tickets sold : 3.457.651.000 ISK
Participants : 181
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, October 1st, 2012 to Sunday, October 14th, 2012
List of winners
Punky260 : 3.75B ISK (25% bonus)
ZEN mode : 2.5B ISK (25% bonus)
Ghost Brother : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
500M ISK
Value of tickets sold : 3.817.162.000 ISK
Participants : 184
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, September 17th, 2012 to Sunday, September 30th, 2012
List of winners
Macabre Devil : 3.75B ISK (25% bonus)
baaar : 2B ISK (No bonus)
Arsikere : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
500M ISK
Value of tickets sold : 2.505.510.000 ISK
Participants : 163
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, September 3rd, 2012 to Sunday, September 16th, 2012
List of winners
Coris Ohaya : 3.75B ISK (25% bonus)
En Sabah : 2.5B ISK (25% bonus)
Vaun Lucifer : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
500M ISK
Value of tickets sold : 3.621.274.000 ISK
Participants : 198
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, August 20th, 2012 to Sunday, September 2nd, 2012
List of winners
who cheng : 3B ISK (No bonus)
Alex Antaya : 2.5B ISK (25% bonus)
Russo Maffiozo : 1B ISK (No bonus)
500M ISK
Value of tickets sold : 3.340.138.000 ISK
Participants : 221
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, August 6th, 2012 to Sunday, August 19th, 2012
List of winners
Tran Renalard : 3.75B ISK (25% bonus)
Karlos95 : 2.5B ISK (25% bonus)
Krisskl : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
500M ISK
Value of tickets sold : 3.457.357.000 ISK
Participants : 192
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, July 23rd, 2012 to Sunday, August 5th, 2012
List of winners
Irvine Cube : 3.75B ISK (25% bonus)
Vida Morte : 2.5B ISK (25% bonus)
Lynne Rankin : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
500M ISK
Value of tickets sold : 3.027.815.000 ISK
Participants : 196
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, July 9th, 2012 to Sunday, July 22nd, 2012
List of winners
Princess Darknight : 3.75B ISK (25% bonus)
Gospoo : 2.5B ISK (25% bonus)
Zorgano Antollare : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
500M ISK
Value of tickets sold : 3.672.948.000 ISK
Participants : 241
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, June 25th, 2012 to Sunday, July 8th, 2012
List of winners
Parcival Sparrow : 3.75B ISK (25% bonus)
Qolde : 2B ISK (No bonus)
sinnerman : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
500M ISK
Value of tickets sold : 3.348.118.000 ISK
Participants : 265
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, June 11th, 2012 to Sunday, June 24th, 2012
List of winners
Meonian : 6.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Old Age4 : 3.75B ISK (25% bonus)
Princess Darknight : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
500M ISK
Value of tickets sold : 3.732.262.000 ISK
Participants : 310
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, May 28th, 2012 to Sunday, June 10th, 2012
List of winners
Mazzazuri : 5B ISK (No bonus)
Zorgano Antollare : 3.75B ISK (25% bonus)
Wahuhi Bloodleaf : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
500M ISK
Value of tickets sold : 4.272.835.000 ISK
Participants : 371
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, May 14th, 2012 to Sunday, May 27th, 2012
List of winners
Sobot : 6.25B ISK
devil127 : 1.25B ISK
500M ISK
Value of tickets sold : 6.194.844.000 ISK
Participants : 379
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
#235 BIG Lottery 9 Year Anniversary round
Lottery period : Monday, April 30th, 2012 to Sunday, May 13th, 2012
List of winners
Lucious Lea : 25,000,000,000 ISK + 12 months of free gametime
E'chantal : 15,000,000,000 ISK + 6 months of free gametime
Ariannah Dakata : 5,000,000,000 ISK + 3 months of free gametime
Kahanass : 5,000,000,000 ISK
John Frikiry : 5,000,000,000 ISK
- Free gametime is sponsored by CCP
- 3rd prize ISK is sponsored by EOH
Value of tickets sold : 173.515.858.000 ISK
Participants : 5.586
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, April 16th, 2012 to Sunday, April 29th, 2012
List of winners
Punky260 : 3B ISK (No bonus)
Dax Malo : 2.5B ISK (25% bonus)
LoCho : 1B ISK (No bonus)
500M ISK sponsored by
Value of tickets sold : 3.429.179.000 ISK
Participants : 191
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, April 2nd, 2012 to Sunday, April 15th, 2012
List of winners
GabVit : 3B ISK (No bonus)
Krisskl : 2.5B ISK (25% bonus)
9873 : 1B ISK (No bonus)
500M ISK sponsored by
Value of tickets sold : 3.904.545.000 ISK
Participants : 223
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, March 19th, 2012 to Sunday, April 1st, 2012
List of winners
OoziePrime : 3.75B ISK (25% bonus)
9873 : 2B ISK (No bonus)
Kouryusei : 1B ISK (No bonus)
500M ISK sponsored by
Value of tickets sold : ISK
Participants : 189
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, March 5th, 2012 to Sunday, March 18th, 2012
List of winners
Sobot : 3.75B ISK (25% bonus)
Temmie Celari : 2B ISK (No bonus)
aRmoreD eX : 1B ISK (No bonus)
500M ISK sponsored by
Value of tickets sold : ISK
Participants : 146
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, February 20th, 2012 to Sunday, March 4th, 2012
List of winners
Moonapoon : 3B ISK (No bonus)
UrbanGFX : 2B ISK (25% bonus)
Pooping Bear : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
500M ISK sponsored by
Value of tickets sold : 3.483.565.000 ISK
Participants : 206
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, February 6th, 2012 to Sunday, February 19th, 2012
List of winners
Xaphykinz : 3.75B ISK (25% bonus)
aRmoreD eX : 2B ISK (No bonus)
Rarnac Brak : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
500M ISK sponsored by
Value of tickets sold : 3.405.557.000 ISK
Participants : 196
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, January 23rd, 2012 to Sunday, February 5th, 2012
List of winners
P0SY : 3.75B ISK (25% bonus)
April Sunset : 2B ISK (No bonus)
Jarvis Tibs : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
500M ISK sponsored by
Value of tickets sold : 2.712.168.000 ISK
Participants : 173
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, January 9th, 2012 to Sunday, January 22nd, 2012
List of winners
Dyntheos : 3.75B ISK (25% bonus)
Chocolate Digestive : 2B ISK (No bonus)
Dexsar : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
500M ISK sponsored by
Value of tickets sold : 2.471.657.000 ISK
Participants : 180
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, December 26th, 2011 to Sunday, January 8th, 2012
List of winners
Jochen Pain : 3.75B ISK (25% bonus)
Old Age5 : 2.5B ISK (25% bonus)
EviL Az : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
500M ISK sponsored by
Value of tickets sold : 2.576.024.000 ISK
Participants : 186
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, December 12th, 2011 to Sunday, December 25th, 2011
List of winners
Memnochu : 3.75B ISK (25% bonus)
Herc Driver : 2.5B ISK (25% bonus)
CrimsonWar : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
500M ISK sponsored by
Value of tickets sold : 2.679.604.000 ISK
Participants : 196
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, November 28th, 2011 to Sunday, December 11th, 2011
List of winners
Rarnac Brak : 3.75B ISK (25% bonus)
Detaro Gantis : 2.5B ISK (25% bonus)
Daff Coloth : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
500M ISK sponsored by
Value of tickets sold : 2.356.477.000 ISK
Participants : 186
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, November 14th, 2011 to Sunday, November 28th, 2011
List of winners
Nicodemus Mileghere : 3B ISK (No bonus)
Johnnny B : 2.5B ISK (25% bonus)
CrimsonWar : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
500M ISK sponsored by
Value of tickets sold : 2.740.413.000 ISK
Participants : 179
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, October 31st, 2011 to Sunday, November 13th, 2011
List of winners
UrbanGFX : 3.75B ISK (25% bonus)
Nazeris : 2.5B ISK (25% bonus)
ShadowStalkerwings : 1B ISK (No bonus)
500M ISK sponsored by
Value of tickets sold : 2.539.846.000 ISK
Participants : 178
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, October 17th, 2011 to Sunday, October 30th, 2011
List of winners
MIboujin : 3.75B ISK (25% bonus)
Elisa Boirelle : 2.5B ISK (25% bonus)
anthie : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
500M ISK sponsored by
Value of tickets sold : 2.645.691.000 ISK
Participants : 234
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, October 3rd, 2011 to Sunday, October 16th, 2011
List of winners
Nimbiver : 3.75B ISK (25% bonus)
IGOR64 : 2.5B ISK (25% bonus)
Annabelle Rama : 1B ISK (no bonus)
500M ISK sponsored by
Value of tickets sold : 2.878.771.000 ISK
Participants : 193
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, September 19th, 2011 to Sunday, October 2nd, 2011
List of winners
Lestat79 : 3.75B ISK (25% bonus)
Macabre Devil : 2.5B ISK (25% bonus)
Admarial Achillies : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
500M ISK sponsored by
Value of tickets sold : 2.688.857.000 ISK
Participants : 214
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, September 5th, 2011 to Sunday, September 18th, 2011
List of winners
Arsikere : 3.75B ISK (25% bonus)
bellsmad : 2.5B ISK (25% bonus)
Mohingan Dark : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
500M ISK sponsored by
Value of tickets sold : 3.301.804.000 ISK
Participants : 226
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, August 22nd, 2011 to Sunday, September 4th, 2011
List of winners
Lady Keech : 3.75B ISK (25% bonus)
Tonsof Gun : 2.5B ISK (25% bonus)
Jarvis Tibs : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
500M ISK sponsored by
Value of tickets sold : 3.591.704.000 ISK
Participants : 264
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, August 8th, 2011 to Sunday, August 21st, 2011
List of winners
Snaff Aeducan : 3.75B ISK (25% bonus)
Altair Raja : 2.5B ISK (25% bonus)
Bednak : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
500M ISK sponsored by
Value of tickets sold : 3.518.592.000 ISK
Participants : 299
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, July 25th, 2011 to Sunday, August 7th, 2011
List of winners
Falesor : 3.75B ISK (25% bonus)
Bamger0 : 2.5B ISK (25% bonus)
Aknid : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
500M ISK sponsored by
Value of tickets sold : 3.752.892.000 ISK
Participants : 289
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, July 11th, 2011 to Sunday, July 24th, 2011
List of winners
Lux Thrace : 3.75B ISK (25% bonus)
EviL Az : 2.5B ISK (25% bonus)
Xakez : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
500M ISK sponsored by
Value of tickets sold : 4.051.970.000 ISK
Participants : 314
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, June 27th, 2011 to Sunday, July 10th, 2011
List of winners
Krisskl : 3.75B ISK (25% bonus)
Bamger0 : 2.5B ISK (25% bonus)
Dyntheos : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
500M ISK sponsored by
Value of tickets sold : 3.677.564.000 ISK
Participants : 320
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, June 13th, 2011 to Sunday, June 26th, 2011
List of winners
soldaat 3 : 3B ISK (No bonus)
Elpis Todako : 2.5B ISK (25% bonus)
Mishu Sha : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
500M ISK sponsored by
Value of tickets sold : 3.689.040.000 ISK
Participants : 344
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, May 30th, 2011 to Sunday, June 12th, 2011
List of winners
sparton175 : 3.75B ISK (25% bonus)
TimeOfRagnarok : 2.5B ISK (25% bonus)
matt1mci : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
500M ISK sponsored by
Value of tickets sold : 3.646.842.000 ISK
Participants : 383
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, May 16th, 2011 to Sunday, May 29th, 2011
List of winners
BlackRevenge : 3.75B ISK (25% bonus)
Eldestmoon : 2B ISK (No bonus)
Ravigne : 1B ISK (No bonus)
500M ISK sponsored by
Value of tickets sold : ISK
Participants : 584
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
#209 BIG Lottery 8 Year Anniversary round
Lottery period : Monday, May 2nd, 2011 to Sunday, May 15th, 2011
List of winners
Makari Aeron : 25B ISK
poisdemue NoKero : 10B ISK
StarConquer212 : 5B ISK - Sponsored by EOH
Violet Oblivion : 1 year free EVE time (12*30 day PLEX) - Sponsored by EOH
- Extra - Each winner also gets a $50 gift certificate for the EVE shop (Sponsored by CCP)
5B ISK & 12*30 day PLEX sponsored by
Value of tickets sold : 125.375.870.000 ISK
Participants : 5,034
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, April 18th, 2011 to Sunday, May 1st, 2011
List of winners
Nanaea : 2.5B ISK (25% bonus)
Lance Woods : 1B ISK (No bonus)
Slappy McPewpew : 625M ISK (25% bonus)
500M ISK sponsored by
Value of tickets sold : 2.250.361.000 ISK
Participants : 240
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, April 4th, 2011 to Sunday, April 17th, 2011
List of winners
zea mays : 2B ISK (No bonus)
Nostalgic Candy : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
PIGHA001 : 625M ISK (25% bonus)
500M ISK sponsored by
Value of tickets sold : 1.812.393.000 ISK
Participants : 226
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, March 21st, 2011 to Sunday, April 3rd, 2011
List of winners
stillright : 2B ISK (No bonus)
Meridian Mi : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Deyo : 625M ISK (25% bonus)
500M ISK sponsored by
Value of tickets sold : ISK
Participants : 237
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, March 7th, 2011 to Sunday, March 20th, 2011
List of winners
June Sunseeker Kalmann : 2.5B ISK (25% bonus)
badaBOOOOOM : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
The Defector : 625M ISK (25% bonus)
500M ISK sponsored by
Value of tickets sold : 2.074.947.000 ISK
Participants : 253
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, February 21st, 2011 to Sunday, March 6th, 2011
List of winners
Idranel Hacksong : 2.5B ISK (25% bonus)
Hayden Vonn : 1B ISK (No bonus)
Tygr Wolf : 625M ISK (25% bonus)
500M ISK sponsored by
Value of tickets sold : 2.522.011.000 ISK
Participants : 283
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, January 24th, 2011 to Sunday, February 20th, 2011
List of winners
Eotakk : 2.5B ISK (25% bonus)
Alberd Gareth : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
KongGal : 625M ISK (25% bonus)
500M ISK sponsored by
Value of tickets sold : 2.806.316.000 ISK
Participants : 328
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, January 10th, 2011 to Sunday, January 23rd, 2011
List of winners
Karma Jalus : 2B ISK (No bonus)
ZEN mode : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
AdmiralDovolski : 500M ISK (No bonus)
500M ISK sponsored by
Value of tickets sold : 3.692.189.000 ISK
Participants : 521
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, January 10th, 2011 to Sunday, January 23rd, 2011
List of winners
The Defector : 2B ISK (No bonus)
Bert Harringford : 1B ISK (No bonus)
LeoTaurus : 625M ISK (25% bonus)
500M ISK sponsored by
Value of tickets sold : 2.394.878.000 ISK
Participants : 273
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, December 27th, 2010 to Sunday, January 9th, 2011
List of winners
Idranel Hacksong : 2.5B ISK (25% bonus)
Paul Horach : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Kamikaze Doomchild : 500M ISK (no bonus)
500M ISK sponsored by
Value of tickets sold : 2.479.151.000 ISK
Participants : 306
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, December 13th, 2010 to Sunday, December 26th, 2010
List of winners
Moulina : 2B ISK (no bonus)
Hercuul : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Nejamai : 625M ISK (25% bonus)
500M ISK sponsored by
Value of tickets sold : 2.937.157.000 ISK
Participants : 349
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, November 29th, 2010 to Sunday, December 12th, 2010
List of winners
Alberd Gareth : 2.5B ISK (25% bonus)
Distraf : 1B ISK (no bonus)
Noorah : 625M ISK (25% bonus)
500M ISK sponsored by
Value of tickets sold : 2.243.743.000 ISK
Participants : 234
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, November 15th, 2010 to Sunday, November 28th, 2010
List of winners
Azitek : 2B ISK (no bonus)
WarLord Lotharis : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Detaro Gantis : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus) (EOH extra prize)
Ajunta Pal : 625M ISK (25% bonus)
500M ISK sponsored by
Value of tickets sold : 2.525.992.000 ISK
Participants : 274
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, November 1st, 2010 to Sunday, November 14th, 2010
List of winners
Eotakk : 2.5B ISK (25% bonus)
Selene D'Celeste : 1B ISK (25% bonus)
Marius deTocni : 625M ISK (25% bonus)
500M ISK sponsored by
Value of tickets sold : 2.042.844.000 ISK
Participants : 223
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, October 18th, 2010 to Sunday, October 31st, 2010
List of winners
ToonLad : 2.5B ISK (25% bonus)
MAD D0G'sOwner : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Davorion : 625M ISK (25% bonus)
500M ISK sponsored by
Value of tickets sold : 1.689.578.000 ISK
Participants : 200
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, October 4th, 2010 to Sunday, October 17th, 2010
List of winners
KrisPhoenix : 2.5B ISK (25% bonus)
Trading TD : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Vincent Shaw : 625M ISK (25% bonus)
500M ISK sponsored by
Value of tickets sold : 1.960.718.000 ISK
Participants : 229
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, September 20th, 2010 to Sunday, October 3rd, 2010
List of winners
Zenton Karvash : 2B ISK (no bonus)
BlueVampire : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Thunaki : 625M ISK (25% bonus)
500M ISK sponsored by
Value of tickets sold : 2.199.646.000 ISK
Participants : 250
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, September 6th, 2010 to Sunday, September 19th, 2010
List of winners
Sephnir : 2B ISK (joint prize)
Selena Dai : 2B ISK (joint prize)
kostelo : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Wr0n3k : 625M ISK (25% bonus)
500M ISK sponsored by
Value of tickets sold : 2.554.150.000 ISK
Participants : 327
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, August 23rd, 2010 to Sunday, September 5th, 2010
List of winners
Meridian Mi : 2.5B ISK (25% bonus)
GiantJack : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Miss Tique : 625M ISK (25% bonus)
500M ISK sponsored by
Value of tickets sold : 2.072.334.000 ISK
Participants : 325
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, August 9th, 2010 to Sunday, August 22nd, 2010
List of winners
CazbonC26 : 2.5B ISK (25% bonus)
TekFox : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
ScaredYou DK : 625M ISK (25% bonus)
250M ISK sponsored by
Value of tickets sold : ISK
Participants : 345
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, July 26th, 2010 to Sunday, August 8th, 2010
List of winners
Pooping Bear : 2.5B ISK (25% bonus)
Eredrius : 1B ISK (no bonus)
EviL Az : 625M ISK (25% bonus)
250M ISK sponsored by
Value of tickets sold : 1.922.804.000 ISK
Participants : 337
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, July 12th, 2010 to Sunday, July 25th, 2010
List of winners
Peyerate : 2.5B ISK (25% bonus)
Urmsa : 1B ISK (no bonus)
Jahi Carmina : 625M ISK (25% bonus)
250M ISK sponsored by
Value of tickets sold : ISK
Participants : 382
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, June 28th, 2010 to Sunday, July 11th, 2010
List of winners
lWallNuts : 2.5B ISK (25% bonus)
Talrond : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Astroyka : 625M ISK (25% bonus)
250M ISK sponsored by
Value of tickets sold : 2.102.870.000 ISK
Participants : 402
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, June 14th, 2010 to Sunday, June 27th, 2010
List of winners
Camypaj : 2.5B ISK (25% bonus)
maeva29 : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Lokida Neran : 500M ISK (no bonus)
Value of tickets sold : 2.491.639.000 ISK
Participants : 431
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, May 31st, 2010 to Sunday, June 13th, 2010
List of winners
mister4312 : 2.5B ISK (25% bonus)
Genevie : 1 B ISK (no bonus)
ShadowNeo29 : 625M ISK (25% bonus)
Value of tickets sold : 2.483.920.000 ISK
Participants : 402
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, May 17th, 2010 to Sunday, May 30th, 2010
List of winners
Ritch : 2.5B ISK (25% bonus)
Throke : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Xell Gallente : 625M ISK (25% bonus)
Value of tickets sold : 2.542.923.000 ISK
Participants : 421
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
BIG Lottery 7 Year Anniversary round
Lottery period : Monday, May 3rd, 2010 to Sunday, May 16th, 2010
List of winners
hitaku nakita : 25B ISK
Ras Makonen : 10B ISK
- 1 year free EVE time (12*30 day PLEX)
(Sponsored by CCP)
Ying Ling
- EVE Battleship model – of winners choice
(Sponsored by CCP)
- Faction cruiser pack (Ashimmu, Phantasm, Vigilant, Cynabal)
(Sponsored by "Ash Tre")
- EON “#4-pack” (#19, #18, #17, #16) + ESM (Eve Strategic map)
(Sponsored by EON)
Hatycha Vor'hona
- EVE : The burning life novel + EVE T-Shirt – of winners choice
(Sponsored by CCP)
Value of tickets sold : 61.068.843.000 ISK
Participants : 2,294
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, April 19th, 2010 to Sunday, May 2nd, 2010
List of winners
Razel Krieg : 1B ISK (no bonus)
OSGOD : 500M ISK (no bonus)
Aimo Pamaus : 312.5M ISK (25% bonus)
Value of tickets sold : 4.260.364.000 ISK
Participants : 756
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, April 5th, 2010 to Sunday, April 18th, 2010
List of winners
Grady Eltoren : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
EviL Az : 625M ISK (25% bonus)
Grady Eltoren : 312.5M ISK (25% bonus)
Value of tickets sold : 1.103.629.000 ISK
Participants : 208
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, March 22nd, 2010 to Sunday, April 4th, 2010
List of winners
Hinjokarimatsu : 1B ISK (no bonus)
ElMonoDelMar : 625M ISK (25% bonus)
IlluminatedOne : 250M ISK (no bonus)
Value of tickets sold : 1.043.741.000 ISK
Participants : 195
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, March 8th, 2010 to Sunday, March 21st, 2010
List of winners
Leon Ketchikan : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Xell Gallente : 625M ISK (25% bonus)
Slade Cross : 312.5M ISK (25% bonus)
Value of tickets sold : 1.138.673.000 ISK
Participants : 208
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, February 22nd, 2010 to Sunday, March 7th, 2010
List of winners
Leif Singer : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Calumbacha : 625M ISK (25% bonus)
Minorosos : 312.5M ISK (25% bonus)
Value of tickets sold : 1.251.518.000 ISK
Participants : 238
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, February 8th, 2010 to Sunday, February 21st, 2010
List of winners
Wraith 03 : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Lightning Son : 625M ISK (25% bonus)
Xolax Castle : 250M ISK (no bonus)
Value of tickets sold : ISK
Participants : 206
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, January 15th, 2010 to Sunday, February 7th, 2010
List of winners
Ajunta Pal : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Vincent Shaw : 625M ISK (25% bonus)
Alexander16 : 312.5M ISK (25% bonus)
Value of tickets sold : ISK
Participants : 220
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, January 11th, 2010 to Sunday, January 24th, 2010
List of winners
Ajunta Pal : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Ellanora : 625M ISK (25% bonus)
DoobieWanToki : 312.5M ISK (25% bonus)
Value of tickets sold : ISK
Participants : 221
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, December 28th, 2009 to Sunday, January 10th, 2010
List of winners
Jane Tyrill : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Donut Master : 500M ISK (no bonus)
AVU Lottery : 312.5M ISK (25% bonus)
Value of tickets sold : 997.819.000 ISK
Participants : 190
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, December 14th, 2009 to Sunday, December 27th, 2009
List of winners
Brummbull : 1B ISK (no bonus)
DRutledge : 500M ISK (no bonus)
Tim Pest : 312.5M ISK (25% bonus)
Value of tickets sold : 1.596.712.000 ISK
Participants : 290
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, November 30th, 2009 to Sunday, December 13th, 2009
List of winners
Cristinutza : 1B ISK (no bonus)
D'Arbiter : 500M ISK (no bonus)
Lanscaper : 312.5M ISK (25% bonus)
Value of tickets sold : 1.463.655.000 ISK
Participants : 307
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, November 16th, 2009 to Sunday, November 29th, 2009
List of winners
Fuzzworth : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
EviL Az : 625M ISK (25% bonus)
Ranger002 : 250M ISK (no bonus)
Value of tickets sold : 1.275.702.000 ISK
Participants : 231
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, November 2nd, 2009 to Sunday, November 15th, 2009
List of winners
CompactDisc7227 : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Lido kain : Caldary Navy Raven
Kalista Cyn : 625M ISK (25% bonus)
Elladar Sylvari : 312.5M ISK (25% bonus)
Value of tickets sold : 1.990.624.000 ISK
Participants : 353
Caldary Navy Raven sponsored by
Colorblind Assassion
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, October 19th, 2009 to Sunday, November 1st, 2009
List of winners
Faithful Functor : 2.5B ISK (25% bonus)
BeanBagKing : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Cainam Nazier : 625M ISK (25% bonus)
Value of tickets sold : 1.746.384.000 ISK
Participants : 299
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, October 5th, 2009 to Sunday, October 18th, 2009
List of winners
Aspertine : 2.5B ISK (25% bonus)
Harkey : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Sp4rt4nII70 : 625M ISK (25% bonus)
Value of tickets sold : 1.857.903.000 ISK
Participants : 312
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, September 21st, 2009 to Sunday, October 4th, 2009
List of winners
AtmaOctanious : 2.5B ISK (25% bonus)
Meridian Mi : 1B ISK (no bonus)
Rain Al'Thor : 500M ISK (no bonus)
Value of tickets sold : 1.816.906.000 ISK
Participants : 307
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, September 7th, 2009 to Sunday, September 20th, 2009
List of winners
Souvran Star : 2.5B ISK (25% bonus)
Sorcia Difyle : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
SELENA Sebiestor : 500M ISK (no bonus)
Value of tickets sold : 1.993.148.000 ISK
Participants : 356
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, August 24th, 2009 to Sunday, September 6th, 2009
List of winners
Aragyr : 2B ISK (no bonus)
Power's Urge : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
1nvincible : 625M ISK (25% bonus)
Value of tickets sold : 2.344.648.000 ISK
Participants : 407
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, August 10th, 2009 to Sunday, August 23rd, 2009
List of winners
Lestat79 : 2B ISK (special)
Alexander16 : 2B ISK (special)
SuperMarine : 1B ISK (no bonus)
Faithful Functor : 625m ISK (25% bonus)
Value of tickets sold : 3.310.747.000 ISK
Participants : 551
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, July 27th, 2009 to Sunday, August 9th, 2009
List of winners
Jamie Princess : 2.5B ISK (25% bonus)
Simorgh DaSilva : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
DaLexis : 625m ISK (25% bonus)
Value of tickets sold : 2.289.513.000 ISK
Participants : 405
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, July 13th, 2009 to Sunday, July 26th, 2009
List of winners
Sahkaedu Orinvi : 2.5B ISK (25% bonus)
Elaynee : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Dorium Bandarr : 625m ISK (25% bonus)
Value of tickets sold : 2.305.612.000 ISK
Participants : 416
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, June 29th, 2009 to Sunday, July 12th, 2009
List of winners
SoulReaperZero : 2.5B ISK (25% bonus)
FoxHunt3r : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Roxanne Gravel : 500m ISK (no bonus)
Ya Nor : BIG Deal Apocalypse & Raven share (value 221.25M ISK)
Value of tickets sold : 1.820.301.000 ISK
Participants : 361
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, June 15th, 2009 to Sunday, June 28th, 2009
List of winners
Gaabork : 3.75B ISK (25% bonus)
Tierie : 2B ISK (no bonus)
Dhera Tess : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Value of tickets sold : 2.435.570.000 ISK
Participants : 433
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, June 1st, 2009 to Sunday, June 14th, 2009
List of winners
John Rose : 3.75B ISK (25% bonus)
Rodger Wilcoe : 2.5B ISK (25% bonus)
Zaerlorth Maelkor : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Value of tickets sold : ISK
Participants : 449
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, May 18th, 2009 to Sunday, May 31st, 2009
List of winners
TURBOman : 3.75B ISK (25% bonus)
Ti'anna Travis : 2.5B ISK (25% bonus)
Frosteye : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Value of tickets sold : 3.426.738.000 ISK
Participants : 679
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
BIG Lottery 6 Year Anniversary round
Lottery period : Monday, May 4th, 2009 to Sunday, May 17th, 2009
List of winners
Mulura : 20,000,000,000 ISK
RealRancor : 10,000,000,000 ISK
Birous : 5,000,000,000 ISK
Kooms : EVE Battleship model - Of winners choice
bRock 91 : The Empyrean Age novel - hardcover
Tecu'mseh : One issue of E-ON & one EVE Strategic Maps /E2
Mercurye : Racial Keychain - Of winners choice
Value of tickets sold : 71.316.759.000 ISK
Participants : 3.890
4+5+7 : CCP
6 : E-ON
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, April 20th, 2009 to Sunday, May 3rd, 2009
List of winners
Zenton Karvash : 1B ISK (no bonus)
Genetic Ice : 500M ISK (no bonus)
Poipoi : 625M ISK (25% bonus)
Value of tickets sold : 1.346.965.000 ISK
Participants : 281
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, April 6th, 2009 to Sunday, April 19th, 2009
List of winners
Mr KOS : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Krystal Chik : 625M ISK (25% bonus)
piratezxp : 625M ISK (25% bonus)
Value of tickets sold : 1.919.575.000 ISK
Participants : 355
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, March 23rd, 2009 to Sunday, April 5th, 2009
List of winners
Cavaraba : 1B ISK (no bonus)
Fyzikz : 625M ISK (25% bonus)
SGT Fate : 625M ISK (25% bonus)
Value of tickets sold : 3.097.751.000 ISK
Participants : 715
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, March 9th, 2009 to Sunday, March 22nd, 2009
List of winners
Ann Achura : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Lord Rav3n : 625M ISK (25% bonus)
zeratul75 : 625M ISK (25% bonus)
Value of tickets sold : ISK
Participants : 242
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, February 23rd, 2009 to Sunday, March 8th, 2009
List of winners
zirica : 1B ISK (no bonus)
Da'Neth : 500M ISK (no bonus)
Velanth : 625M ISK (25% bonus)
Value of tickets sold : 1.533.209.000 ISK
Participants : 282
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, February 9th, 2009 to Sunday, February 22nd, 2009
List of winners
tulmac : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Thebob11 : 625M ISK (25% bonus)
Prospector Raynor : 625M ISK (25% bonus)
Value of tickets sold : 1.535.836.000 ISK
Participants : 293
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, January 26th, 2009 to Sunday, February 8th, 2009
List of winners
Beristen Ogderthensbane : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Natose : 500M ISK (no bonus)
Thebob11 : 625M ISK (25% bonus)
Value of tickets sold : 2.052.983.000 ISK
Participants : 388
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, January 12th, 2009 to Sunday, January 25th, 2009
List of winners
Seth Thorne : 1B ISK (no bonus)
Jasahl Toruken : 625M ISK (25% bonus)
Emerald Cortess : 625M ISK (25% bonus)
Value of tickets sold : 1.866.609.000 ISK
Participants : 358
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, December 29th, 2008 to Sunday, January 11th, 2009
List of winners
Nascent Nimbus : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
SilverEclipse : 500M ISK (no bonus)
Soxxi : 500M ISK (no bonus)
Value of tickets sold : 2.920.471.000 ISK
Participants : 641
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, December 15th, 2008 to Sunday, December 28th, 2008
List of winners
Athanasia Samsa : 1B ISK (no bonus)
RadicalXV : 625M ISK (25% bonus)
Shinzann : 500M ISK (no bonus)
Value of tickets sold : 783.420.000 ISK
Participants : 145
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, December 1st, 2008 to Sunday, December 14th, 2008
List of winners
Krystal Chik : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Pax Exal : 625M ISK (25% bonus)
Lanscaper : 625M ISK (25% bonus)
Value of tickets sold : 1.563.871.000 ISK
Participants : 296
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, November 17th, 2008 to Sunday, November 30th, 2008
List of winners
Natasha Volsung : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
morpherio : 625M ISK (25% bonus)
Lovesan : 625M ISK (25% bonus)
Value of tickets sold : 1.659.613.000 ISK
Participants : 317
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, November 3rd, 2008 to Sunday, November 16th, 2008
List of winners
Kryttos : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Namtillaku : 500M ISK (no bonus)
K3JD6 : 500M ISK (no bonus)
Value of tickets sold : 1.621.836.000 ISK
Participants : 316
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, October 20th, 2008 to Sunday, November 2nd, 2008
List of winners
Tani Hasegawa : 2B ISK (no bonus)
Tygnous : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Yuto Kang : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Value of tickets sold : 2.055.331.000 ISK
Participants : 424
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, October 6th, 2008 to Sunday, October 19th, 2008
List of winners
Aurora Juno : 2B ISK (no bonus)
Tudez : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
AdmiralDovolski : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Value of tickets sold : 2.314.828.000 ISK
Participants : 497
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, September 22nd, 2008 to Sunday, October 5th, 2008
List of winners
Slyfox H2 : 2B ISK (no bonus)
zeratul75 : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Manson Forte : 1B ISK (no bonus)
Value of tickets sold : 1.943.572.000 ISK
Participants : 411
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, September 8th, 2008 to Sunday, September 21st, 2008
List of winners
atoninothemighty : 2.5B ISK (25% bonus)
Zebs Clone : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Sagrim Ur : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Value of tickets sold : 2.013.678.000 ISK
Participants : 455
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, August 25th, 2008 to Sunday, September 7th, 2008
List of winners
Dre Smith : 2B ISK (no bonus)
Dyntheos : 1B ISK (no bonus)
Hinatu : 1.25B ISK (25% no bonus)
Value of tickets sold : 1.441.078.000 ISK
Participants : 312
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, August 11th, 2008 to Sunday, August 24th, 2008
List of winners
Soxxi : 2.5B ISK (25% bonus)
miiral : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Michael Lane : 1B ISK (no bonus)
Value of tickets sold : 2.524.023.000 ISK
Participants : 547
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, July 28th, 2008 to Sunday, August 10th, 2008
List of winners
TakII poch : 2B ISK (no bonus)
The VicePresident : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Capt Volrath : 1B ISK (no bonus)
Value of tickets sold : 2.881.024.000 ISK
Participants : 608
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, July 14th, 2008 to Sunday, July 27th, 2008
List of winners
Mr 7 : 5B ISK (no bonus)
kameleon : 2.5B ISK (25% bonus)
SibSpi : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Value of tickets sold : 3.431.709.000 ISK
Participants : 666
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, June 30th, 2008 to Sunday, July 13th, 2008
List of winners
Darkavian : 5B ISK (no bonus)
Qui Tzar : 2.2B ISK (10% bonus)
Simorgh DaSilva : 1.1B ISK (10% bonus)
Value of tickets sold : 3.715.500.000 ISK
Participants : 724
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, June 16th, 2008 to Sunday, June 29th, 2008
List of winners
Warh4mmer : 6.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Covenn : 2.5B ISK (25% bonus)
Blazin Inferno : 1.1B ISK (10% bonus)
Value of tickets sold : 3.528.294.000 ISK
Participants : 711
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, June 2nd, 2008 to Sunday, June 15th, 2008
List of winners
Desnogorsk : 5B ISK (no bonus)
Michael Lane : 2.2B ISK (10% bonus)
Prometheus Tyran : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Value of tickets sold : 3.532.175.000 ISK
Participants : 737
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, May 19th, 2008 to Sunday, June 1st, 2008
List of winners
TD Dude : 5B ISK (no bonus)
Wynia : 3B ISK (25% bonus + special bio impression bonus)
Katanaha : 1B ISK (no bonus)
Value of tickets sold : 5.459.267.000 ISK
Participants : 1242
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
BIG Lottery 5 Year Anniversary round
Lottery period : Monday, May 5th, 2008 to Sunday, May 18th, 2008
List of winners
Lena Masca : 20B ISK
Mandrain : 10B ISK
General Dahak : 5B ISK
florinde : 2B ISK
Alog Balog : Dominix BPO (ME20)
Jason Hazardous : 2 run ME -2 Nomad BPC
Master YingTong : The Art of EVE book (signed by devs)
Klyn : EON 1 year subscription
Rubelicon : 100 day GTC
Ignatzmaximov : 50 day GTC
Black Cumin : EVE USB flash drive 1GB
Soulronin : EVE USB flash drive 1GB
Ron Jade : 2 * Daredevil
Value of tickets sold : 86.463.627.000 ISK
Participants : 6046
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, April 21st, 2008 to Sunday, May 4th, 2008
List of winners
Schampo : 625M ISK (25% bonus)
Matthias Ungabii : 250M ISK (no bonus)
Peeter Fraz : 312.5M ISK (25% bonus)
Value of tickets sold : 754.890.000 ISK
Participants : 178
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, April 7th, 2008 to Sunday, April 20th, 2008
List of winners
PatchyThePirate : 500M ISK (no bonus)
Jadan Belagi : 312.5M ISK (25% bonus)
Josey Phoenix : 156.25M ISK (25% bonus + split)
Johnnny B : 156.25M ISK (25% bonus + split)
Value of tickets sold : 703.118.000 ISK
Participants : 176
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, March 24th, 2008 to Sunday, April 6th, 2008
List of winners
Eotakk : 625M ISK (25% bonus)
Michael Lane : 312.5M ISK (25% bonus)
Pinza : 312.5M ISK (25% bonus)
Value of tickets sold : 713.579.000 ISK
Participants : 172
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, March 10th, 2008 to Sunday, March 23rd, 2008
List of winners
Martouv : 625M ISK (25% bonus)
Kakizaki : 312.5M ISK (25% bonus)
morpherio : 312.5M ISK (25% bonus)
Value of tickets sold : 827.240.000 ISK
Participants : 206
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, February 25th, 2008 to Sunday, March 9th, 2008
List of winners
Dyntheos : 625M ISK (25% bonus)
McLoudnl : 312.5M ISK (25% bonus)
TimGascoigne : 250M ISK (no bonus)
Value of tickets sold : 937.196.000 ISK
Participants : 234
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, February 11th, 2008 to Sunday, February 24th, 2008
List of winners
Thangor Keen : 312.5M ISK (25% bonus + split)
Mrs Rabbit : 312.5M ISK (25% bonus + split)
Kryttos : 312.5M ISK (25% bonus)
Leviathan9 : 250M ISK (no bonus)
Value of tickets sold : 879.276.000 ISK
Participants : 216
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, January 28th, 2008 to Sunday, February 10th, 2008
List of winners
Eskriloth : 500M ISK (no bonus)
Syn Fatelyng : 250M ISK (no bonus)
Dyntheos : 312.5M ISK (25% bonus)
Value of tickets sold : 739.062.000 ISK
Participants : 205
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, January 14th, 2008 to Sunday, January 27th, 2008
List of winners
Sort Dragon : 625M ISK (25% bonus)
Jericho StormCloud : 250M ISK (no bonus)
Gina Gecko : 312.5M ISK (25% bonus)
Value of tickets sold : 919.444.000 ISK
Participants : 225
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, December 31st, 2007 to Sunday, January 13th, 2008
List of winners
Mr TriX : 625M ISK (25% bonus)
Suga H : 312.5M ISK (25% bonus)
Vitzar : 312.5M ISK (25% bonus)
Value of tickets sold : 758.201.000 ISK
Participants : 195
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, December 17th, 2007 to Sunday, December 30th, 2007
List of winners
Dyntheos : 625M ISK (25% bonus)
Kryttos : 312.5M ISK (25% bonus)
Rakessh : 250M ISK (no bonus)
Value of tickets sold : 711.074.000 ISK
Participants : 223
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, December 3rd, 2007 to Sunday, December 16th, 2007
List of winners
Kryttos : 625M ISK (25% bonus)
Enom Wan : 312.5M ISK (25% bonus)
Vitzar : 312.5M ISK (25% bonus)
Value of tickets sold : 855.202.000 ISK
Participants : 251
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, November 19th, 2007 to Sunday, December 2nd, 2007
List of winners
Hybok : 500M ISK (no bonus)
Syphon Gear : 250M ISK (no bonus)
Kakizaki : 312.5M ISK (25% bonus)
Value of tickets sold : 774.754.000 ISK
Participants : 225
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, November 5th, 2007 to Sunday, November 18th, 2007
List of winners
Sabrelight : 625M ISK (25% bonus)
Briandidit : 250M ISK (no bonus)
Celman : 312.5M ISK (25% bonus)
Value of tickets sold : 1.035.310.000 ISK
Participants : 273
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, October 22nd, 2007 to Sunday, November 4th, 2007
List of winners
morpherio : 500M ISK (no bonus)
Eranoth : 250M ISK (no bonus)
Arrick : 312.5M ISK (25% bonus)
Value of tickets sold : 915.812.000 ISK
Participants : 267
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, October 8th, 2007 to Sunday, October 21st, 2007
List of winners
Martin Yanick : 500M ISK (no bonus)
Ephetian : 250M ISK (no bonus)
General Huxley : 312.5M ISK (25% bonus)
Value of tickets sold : 803.209.000 ISK
Participants : 224
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, September 24th, 2007 to Sunday, October 7th, 2007
List of winners
Noa Burger : 500M ISK (no bonus)
Bull Frog : 250M ISK (no bonus)
Steinhart : 312.5M ISK (25% bonus)
Value of tickets sold : ISK
Participants : 291
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, September 10th, 2007 to Sunday, September 23rd, 2007
List of winners
Stormcrow Stargazer : 625M ISK (25% bonus)
Ravvenna : 312.5M ISK (25% bonus)
pentaxx : 250M ISK (no bonus)
Value of tickets sold : 967.273.000 ISK
Participants : 282
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, August 27th, 2007 to Sunday, September 9th, 2007
List of winners
Qim Tra'ageser : 500M ISK (no bonus)
AdmiralDovolski : 312.5M ISK (25% bonus)
Aerpe : 250M ISK (no bonus)
Value of tickets sold : 1.571.169.000 ISK
Participants : 409
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, August 13th, 2007 to Sunday, August 26th, 2007
List of winners
Ephetian : 625M ISK (25% bonus)
Nananko : 312.5M ISK (25% bonus)
AdmiralDovolski : 312.5M ISK (25% bonus)
Value of tickets sold : 1.094.663.000 ISK
Participants : 359
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, July 30th, 2007 to Sunday, August 12th, 2007
List of winners
Ainurforex : 500M ISK (no bonus)
Kravek : 312.5M ISK (25% bonus)
Adamason : 250M ISK (no bonus)
Value of tickets sold : 1.115.840.000 ISK
Participants : 325
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, July 16th, 2007 to Sunday, July 29th, 2007
List of winners
Heddinger : 625M ISK (25% bonus)
Kuntti : 312.5M ISK (25% bonus)
Unreal5 : 312.5M ISK (25% bonus)
Value of tickets sold : 720.016.000 ISK
Participants : 237
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, July 2nd, 2007 to Sunday, July 15th, 2007
List of winners
sharkyballs : 500M ISK (no bonus)
carling1 : 312.5M ISK (25% bonus)
Jasahl Toruken : 312.5M ISK (25% bonus)
Value of tickets sold : 1.035.505.000 ISK
Participants : 332
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, June 18th, 2007 to Sunday, July 1st, 2007
List of winners
Bravarian : 625M ISK (25% bonus)
DaBoomSki : 312.5M ISK (25% bonus)
Johnnny B : 312.5M ISK (25% bonus)
Value of tickets sold : 1.183.523.000 ISK
Participants : 328
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, June 4th, 2007 to Sunday, June 17th, 2007
List of winners
Jaikar Isillia : 1B ISK (no bonus)
Yldrad : 625M ISK (25% bonus)
Noz1330 : 250M ISK (no bonus)
Value of tickets sold : 1.473.841.000 ISK
Participants : 396
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, May 21st, 2007 to Sunday, June 3rd, 2007
List of winners
Celman : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Malkyth : 500M ISK (no bonus)
Dealingwithit : 312.5M ISK (25% bonus)
Value of tickets sold : 1.641.209.000 ISK
Participants : 407
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
BIG Lottery 4 Year Anniversary round
Lottery period : Monday, May 7th, 2007 to Sunday, May 20th, 2007
List of winners
RoyD Bakk : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Bravarian : 500M ISK (no bonus)
Xilimyth Derlin : 250M ISK
Nakranoth Milesios : 250M ISK
Value of tickets sold : 1.509.975.000 ISK
Participants : 428
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, April 23rd, 2007 to Sunday, May 6th, 2007
List of winners
Logistics : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Shinzann : 625M ISK (25% bonus)
carling1 : 312.5M ISK (25% bonus)
Value of tickets sold : 1.455.718.000 ISK
Participants : 427
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, April 9th, 2007 to Sunday, April 22nd, 2007
List of winners
Sobeseki Pawi : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Yerk Serchaing : 625M ISK (25% bonus)
poof312 : 250M ISK (no bonus)
Value of tickets sold : 1.517.424.000 ISK
Participants : 400
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, March 26th, 2007 to Sunday, April 8th, 2007
List of winners
Casca 1969 : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Admiral Kenny : 500M ISK (no bonus)
Johnnny B : 312.5M ISK (25% bonus)
Value of tickets sold : 1.347.414.000 ISK
Participants : 405
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, March 12th, 2007 to Sunday, March 25th, 2007
List of winners
Qal Kzriin : 1.25B ISK (25% bonus)
Bren MacKay : 625M ISK (25% bonus)
Isyel : 312.5M ISK (25% bonus)
Waryth : Eris
Simon Meyer ::: Eris
Value of tickets sold : 1.766.502.000 ISK
Participants : 491
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, February 26th, 2007 to Sunday, March 11th, 2007
List of winners
Regular draw prices
A - Ice Pirateer
C - The Jackyl
D - carrieanna
E - GragSkel
F - Jack Gidbe
G - Vahlan
H (Sponsor1) - Urzaprime- Capital Shield Booster I Blueprint ME0/PE0
I (Sponsor2) - Galander
J (Sponsor3) - Calvin Cowardice
K (Sponsor3) - bwill220- Corpum A-type Medium Armor Repairer
L (Sponsor3) - Rhysheline- 1 Gistii A-type 1MN Afterburner.
- 1 Gistii A-type 1MN MicroWarpdrive.
M (Sponsor3) - Scapa- 2 * Dread Guristas Stasis Webifier
N (Sponsor3) - ACiDCHRiST- Myrmidon (+ setup "secret")
O (Sponsor4) - sima fuse- 1 Core A-type Armor Explosive Hardener
P (Sponsor4) - carrieanna- 1 Core A-type Armor Thermic Hardener
Q (Sponsor5) - Keiran Smart
R (Sponsor6) - djan go - 1 Vexor Navy Issue.
- 1 Vexor Blueprint ME15/PE0.
- 1 Ishtar.
S (Sponsor7) - EnthusiGASM - 1 Caracal Navy Issue BPC ME20/PE8
Special Participants Prizes for those paying attention to the clues
E1 (Sponsor8) - Zuldjan
E2 (Sponsor8) - Reecoh Soltar
E3 (Sponsor8) - whizzo140
E4 (Sponsor9) - Rhysheline
Consolation prizes to for those not winning in the Special Participants Draw
C01 (Sponsor10) - Andoria Faust
C02 (Sponsor10) - Arwen Ariniel
C03 (Sponsor10) - Asuka Paku
C04 (Sponsor10) - Fazzamar
C05 (Sponsor10) - John Rose
C06 (Sponsor10) - Kemal Gavilan
C07 (Sponsor10) - Kyo Zoku
C08 (Sponsor10) - Laice
C09 (Sponsor10) - Malice Unborne
C10 (Sponsor10) - Omber Zombie
C11 (Sponsor10) - Takako Chigusa
C12 (Sponsor10) - Vahlan
C13 (Sponsor10) - Vandeer Pelt
C14 (Sponsor10) - Vegas Flames
C15 (Sponsor10) - Yllanna
C16 (Sponsor10) - Zaphroid Eulthran
- Sponsor 1
Mortis Angelus
"You can't cheat death when your time has come!"
- Sponsor 2
A generous donor(wants to be anon)
- Sponsor 3
BH-DL and SFA-Ally
"Proudly sponsored by Bounty Hunter - Dark Legion (the very true bounty hunters) and Soldiers of the Forgotten Abyss. Both looking for new members."
- Sponsor 4
New Age Solutions
- Sponsor 5
Black Flag Alliance
"Proudly announcing the return of Black Flag Alliance to lower Syndicate. Now recruiting experienced pilots."
- Sponsor 6
Camelot Innovations
"Congratulations on the BIG 100! In honor of the first BIG prize, Camelot Innovations is proud to donate a Vexor prize pack. CMLT specializes in research and T2 production -- check us out!"
- Sponsor 7
Caldari Jump Clone Installations
- Sponsor 8
"Bringing you enjoyment and excitement and good deals, since the beginning of times."
"Everywhere - Everything."
- Sponsor 9
Omber Zombie
- Sponsor 10
Simon Meyer
Value of tickets sold : 20.728.540.000 ISK
Participants : 1853
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Furthermore, the 728.540.000 ISK profit was waived as well, and is to be put into future rounds of the
BIG Lottery
Lottery period : Monday, February 12th, 2007 to Sunday, February 25th, 2007
List of winners
Bert Harringford : 500M ISK (no bonus)
Calgura : 312.5M ISK (25% bonus)
IDINGO : 312.5M ISK (25% bonus)
Value of tickets sold : 1.205.901.000 ISK
Participants : 441
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, January 29th, 2007 to Sunday, February 11th, 2007
List of winners
ifeelit2 : 625M ISK (25% bonus)
Chiesatso : 250M ISK (no bonus)
UrNutz RMine : 312.5M ISK (25% bonus)
Value of tickets sold : 1.003.642.000 ISK
Participants : 358
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, January 15th, 2007 to Sunday, January 28th, 2007
List of winners
Castryon Merk : 625M ISK (25% bonus)
SigmaPi : 250M ISK (no bonus)
Pestachi0 : 250M ISK (no bonus)
Value of tickets sold : 964.128.000 ISK
Participants : 339
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, January 1st, 2007 to Sunday, January 14th, 2007
List of winners
Genji Son : 500M ISK (no bonus)
Twin Rivers : 312.5M ISK (25% bonus)
Baun : 312.5M ISK (25% bonus)
Value of tickets sold : 827.512.000 ISK
Participants : 318
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, December 18th, 2006 to Sunday, December 31st, 2006
List of winners
Calumbacha : 625M ISK (25% bonus)
Khedron : 312.5M ISK (25% bonus)
HunterWolf : 250M ISK
Hotfire22 : 250M ISK
Value of tickets sold : 815.913.000 ISK
Participants : 290
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, December 4th, 2006 to Sunday, December 17th, 2006
List of winners
Anubis321 : 625M ISK (25% bonus)
Semidrive : 250M ISK (no bonus)
Danger101 : 250M ISK (no bonus)
Value of tickets sold : 725.060.000 ISK
Participants : 269
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, November 20th, 2006 to Sunday, December 3rd, 2006
List of winners
sinner21 : 500M ISK (no bonus)
SibSpi : 312.5M ISK (25% bonus)
Trigo : 312.5M ISK (25% bonus)
Value of tickets sold : 752.659.000 ISK
Participants : 255
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, November 6th, 2006 to Sunday, November 19th, 2006
List of winners
PrincessPirate : 625M ISK (25% bonus)
B3astage : 312.5M ISK (25% bonus)
Nathan Bale : 312.5M ISK (25% bonus)
Value of tickets sold : 686.057.000 ISK
Participants : 243
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, October 23rd, 2006 to Sunday, November 5th, 2006
List of winners
paul9 : 625M ISK (25% bonus)
Keridos : 312.5M ISK (25% bonus)
Hober Zarel : 312.5M ISK (25% bonus)
Value of tickets sold : 742.961.000 ISK
Participants : 265
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, October 9th, 2006 to Sunday, Oktober 22nd, 2006
List of winners
Johnnny B : 625M ISK (25% bonus)
Rutger Torranus : 312.5M ISK (25% bonus)
Oniko Sengir : 312.5M ISK (25% bonus)
Value of tickets sold : 391.600.000 ISK
Participants : 149
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, September 25th, 2006 to Sunday, Oktober 8th, 2006
List of winners
Larin : 625M ISK (25% bonus)
Djimon Hounsou Fel : 250M ISK (no bonus)
Joaquin2 : 250M ISK (no bonus)
Value of tickets sold : 669.082.000 ISK
Participants : 261
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, September 11th, 2006 to Sunday, September 24th, 2006
List of winners
Larin : 500M ISK (no bonus)
Izekeil Fel : 250M ISK (no bonus)
Kotori : 250M ISK (no bonus)
Value of tickets sold : 697.352.000 ISK
Participants : 271
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, August 28th, 2006 to Sunday, September 10th, 2006
List of winners
Nanaea : 500M ISK
Deth Stryder : 250M ISK
Aguta : 250M ISK
Value of tickets sold : 669.696.000 ISK
Participants : 254
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, August 14th, 2006 to Sunday, August 27th, 2006
List of winners
Cassandra Moss : 500M ISK
Hober Zarel : 250M ISK
Isyel : 250M ISK
Value of tickets sold : 763.129.000 ISK
Participants : 305
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, July 31st, 2006 to Sunday, August 13th, 2006
List of winners
MercedesBenz : 500M ISK
Shinzann : 250M ISK
McKipper : 250M ISK
Value of tickets sold : 736.735.000 ISK
Participants : 331
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Lottery period : Monday, July 17th, 2006 to Sunday, July 30th, 2006
List of winners
Rutger Torranus : 500M ISK
Aizion : 250M ISK
Shady5B : 250M ISK
Value of tickets sold : 756.161.000 ISK
Participants : 310
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
25M ISK donation from the Fountain Alliance (FA)
Lottery period : Monday, July 3rd, 2006 to Sunday, July 16th, 2006
List of winners
luke carwalker : 500M ISK
Rayne Blutengel : 250M ISK
Mazer Kt'luthid : 250M ISK
Value of tickets sold : 728.908.000 ISK
Participants : 310
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
25M ISK donation from the Fountain Alliance (FA)
Lottery period : Monday, June 19th, 2006 to Sunday, July 2nd, 2006
List of winners
Oricalcos : 500M ISK
Edax : 250M ISK
Fikia : 250M ISK
Value of tickets sold : 821.525.000 ISK
Participants : 336
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
25M ISK donation from the Fountain Alliance (FA)
Lottery period : Monday, June 5th, 2006 to Sunday, June 18th, 2006
List of winners
Agentile : 500M ISK
Space Chutney : 250M ISK
Cekkent : 250M ISK
Value of tickets sold : 987.011.000 ISK
Participants : 443
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
25M ISK donation from the Fountain Alliance (FA)
Lottery period : Monday, May 22nd, 2006 to Sunday, June 4th, 2006
List of winners
Tesar Sebatyne : Navy Issue Apocalypse
Caspian Rivers : 750M ISK
Ares Helix : 750M ISK
Geno Side : 500M ISK
Hilfreich : 250M ISK
Kalindra naskan : 250M ISK
Value of tickets sold : 2.912.033.000 ISK
Participants : 1146
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Navy Issue Apocalypse donated by Synergy.
50M ISK donation from Eve Intergalactic Bank
- Providing financial services for the citizens of EVE
25M ISK donation from the Fountain Alliance (FA)
BIG Lottery 3 Year Anniversary round
Lottery period : Monday, May 8th to Sunday, May 21st
List of winners
- Worthless Peon : Navy Issue Megathron
- Worst Case : 500M ISK
- Srhamas : 500M ISK
- Kaila Cassels : 500M ISK
- Steelrattty : 500M ISK
- Vandemar : 500M ISK
- Lost Loco : 500M ISK
- Zeonia : 250M ISK
- Jarvis T : 250M ISK
- Katarina Ustoff : 250M ISK
- Artirian : 250M ISK
- Sir Ector : 250M ISK
- N0N4M3 : 125M ISK
- Insomnia : 125M ISK
- 2Bad4Ux2 : 125M ISK
- Shadowbrood : 125M ISK
- Veliah Truard : 125M ISK
- Cocyte : 125M ISK
- Syr'ia : 125M ISK
- Overlordphoenix : 125M ISK
- Napolie : Apocalypse
- Hyllekjeks : Raven
- Kuonrada Uotadan : Megathron
- ronwestnz : Tempest
- Arlant Panatan : Freighter of winners choice
- Che Caldari : Bhaalgorn
- Torin Aldred : Dramiel
- Shr3dd3r : Dramiel
- Matthias Ungabii : Cruor
- Dio Eracles : Cruor
- Hungarian Shadow : Core X-Type Armor Explosive Hardener
- laszekPL : Core X-Type Armor Explosive Hardener
- Kronos1713 : Core X-Type Armor Thermic Hardener
- BigBoy Dan : Core X-Type Armor Thermic Hardener
- Lefevre : Core X-Type Armor EM Hardener
- KaneED : Core X-Type Armor EM Hardener
- Dave Granite : Core X-Type Armor Kinetic Hardener
- Palitir : Core X-Type Armor Kinetic Hardener
- HovanHeistor : Gist X-Type Large Shield Booster
- Dafydd Merc : Gist X-Type Large Shield Booster
Value of tickets sold : ISK
Participants : 3306
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Furthermore, the ~8.3B profit was waived as well, and is to be put into future rounds of the
BIG Lottery
50M ISK donation from Eve Intergalactic Bank
- Providing financial services for the citizens of EVE
25M ISK donation from the Fountain Alliance (FA)
- Freighter of winners choice
- Bhaalgorn
- Dramiel
- Dramiel
- Cruor
- Cruor
- Core X-Type Armor Explosive Hardener
- Core X-Type Armor Explosive Hardener
- Core X-Type Armor Thermic Hardener
- Core X-Type Armor Thermic Hardener
- Core X-Type Armor EM Hardener
- Core X-Type Armor EM Hardener
- Core X-Type Armor Kinetic Hardener
- Core X-Type Armor Kinetic Hardener
- Gist X-Type Large Shield Booster
- Gist X-Type Large Shield Booster
Eve Intergalactic Bank
- Providing financial services for the citizens of EVE
- 2.5B ISK
- Navy Issue Megathron
- Apocalypse
- Raven
- Megathron
- Tempest
- 50M ISK (weekly donation)
25M ISK donation from the Fountain Alliance (FA)
Lottery period : Monday, April 24th, 2006 to Sunday, May 7th, 2006
List of winners
Aguta : 250M ISK
Grampsie : 125M ISK
McAnu : 125M ISK
Value of tickets sold : 356.105.000 ISK
Participants : 195
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
50M ISK donation from Eve Intergalactic Bank
- Providing financial services for the citizens of EVE
25M ISK donation from the Fountain Alliance (FA)
Lottery period : Monday, April 10th, 2006 to Sunday, April 23rd, 2006
List of winners
Sean Saunders : 250M ISK
zn'nikolas : 125M ISK
Ithda VorVayn : 125M ISK
Value of tickets sold : 438.838.000 ISK
Participants : 218
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
25M ISK donation from the Fountain Alliance (FA)
Lottery period : Monday, March 27th, 2006 to Sunday, April 9th, 2006
List of winners
Elarra : 250M ISK
Heeruion : 125M ISK
Tanyasha : 125M ISK
Value of tickets sold : 386.876.000 ISK
Participants : 245
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
25M ISK donation from the Fountain Alliance (FA)
Lottery period : Monday, March 13th, 2006 to Sunday, March 26th, 2006
List of winners
White Templar : 250M ISK
DeathTrip : 125M ISK
Johnnny B : 125M ISK
Value of tickets sold : 376.088.000 ISK
Participants : 260
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
25M ISK donation from the Fountain Alliance (FA)
Lottery period : Monday, February 27th, 2006 to Sunday, March 12th, 2006
List of winners
Borig Karr : 250M ISK
Hellwasp : 125M ISK
Monkeylove : 125M ISK
Value of tickets sold : 448.753.000 ISK
Participants : 264
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
25M ISK donation from the Fountain Alliance (FA)
Lottery period : Monday, February 13th, 2006 to Sunday, February 26th, 2006
List of winners
Ric Tishek : 250M ISK
Darn Brimstone : 125M ISK
Reese Man : 125M ISK
Value of tickets sold : 420.112.000 ISK
Participants : 275
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
25M ISK donation from the Fountain Alliance (FA)
Lottery period : Monday, January 30th, 2006 to Sunday, February 12th, 2006
List of winners
mudslinger : 250M ISK
Dealingwithit : 125M ISK
Bragoo v2 : 125M ISK
Value of tickets sold : 341.316.000 ISK
Participants : 241
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
25M ISK donation from the Fountain Alliance (FA)
Lottery period : Monday, January 16th, 2006 to Sunday, January 29th, 2006
List of winners
Thance : 250M ISK
Discodude : 125M ISK
Lilischo Sandrino : 125M ISK
Value of tickets sold : 410.178.000 ISK
Participants : 249
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
25M ISK donation from the Fountain Alliance (FA)
Lottery period : Monday, January 2nd, 2006 to Sunday, January 15th, 2006
List of winners
Curzon Dax : 250M ISK
Scavenger7 : 50 day GTC
xtropion : 125M ISK
Value of tickets sold : 396.583.000 ISK
Participants : 263
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
25M ISK donation from the Fountain Alliance (FA)
Lottery period : Monday, December 19th, 2005 to Sunday, January 1st, 2006
List of winners
Buran : 250M ISK
Opiewon : 50 day GTC
Value of tickets sold : 478.695.000 ISK
Participants : 342
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
25M ISK donation from the Fountain Alliance (FA)
Lottery period : Monday, December 5th, 2005 to Sunday, December 18th, 2005
List of winners
Asma Bane : 250M ISK
Berrik Radhok : 125M ISK
Nathan Bale : 125M ISK
Value of tickets sold : 367.384.000 ISK
Participants : 240
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
25M ISK donation from the Fountain Alliance (FA)
Lottery period : Monday, November 21st, 2005 to Sunday, December 4th, 2005
List of winners
Zylatis : 250M ISK
Dyntheos : 125M ISK
Eddie Maiden : 125M ISK
Value of tickets sold : 285.334.000 ISK
Participants : 176
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
25M ISK donation from the Fountain Alliance (FA)
Lottery period : Monday, November 7th, 2005 to Sunday, November 20th, 2005
List of winners
Johnnny B : 250M ISK
Lost Minnity : 125M ISK
Silmaire : 125M ISK
Value of tickets sold : 325.063.000 ISK
Participants : 205
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
25M ISK donation from the Fountain Alliance (FA)
Lottery period : Monday, October 24th, 2005 to Sunday, November 6th, 2005
List of winners
Herodes Atticus : 250M ISK
Schmams : 125M ISK
Yo Fore : 125M ISK
Value of tickets sold : 296.956.000 ISK
Participants : 199
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
25M ISK donation from the Fountain Alliance (FA)
Lottery period : Monday, October 10th, 2005 to Sunday, October 23rd, 2005
List of winners
chingon : 250M ISK
Dasan Chamel : 125M ISK
Terran Miner : 125M ISK
Value of tickets sold : 286.361.000 ISK
Participants : 168
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
25M ISK donation from the Fountain Alliance (FA)
The FA is sponsoring the
BIG Lottery with 25M ISK (which will get added to the pot)
Lottery period : Monday, September 26th, 2005 to Sunday, October 9th, 2005
List of winners
mudslinger : 250M ISK
Filamil : 125M ISK
Tommy McDanger : 125M ISK
Value of tickets sold : 365.264.000 ISK
Participants : 225
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
25M ISK donation from the Fountain Alliance (FA)
The FA is sponsoring the
BIG Lottery with 25M ISK (which will get added to the pot)
Lottery period : Monday, September 12th, 2005 to Sunday, September 25th, 2005
List of winners
Jon'Dar : 250M ISK
Leo : 125M ISK
Johnnny B : 125M ISK
Value of tickets sold : 383.429.000 ISK
Participants : 220
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
25M ISK donation from the Fountain Alliance (FA)
The FA is sponsoring the
BIG Lottery with 25M ISK (which will get added to the pot)
Lottery period : Monday, August 29th, 2005 to Sunday, September 11th, 2005
List of winners
Filamil : 500M ISK
Jerod Nox : 250M ISK
Mael Duin : 250M ISK
Value of tickets sold : 434.514.000 ISK
Participants : 251
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
25M ISK donation from the Fountain Alliance (FA)
The FA is sponsoring the
BIG Lottery with 25M ISK (which will get added to the pot)
Lottery period : Monday, August 15th, 2005 to Sunday, August 28th, 2005
List of winners
Darmed Khan : 500M ISK
Nathan Bale : 250M ISK
Palkan Grindolo : 250M ISK
Extra participant prizes
Nathan Bale : 100M ISK
Asprintlitz Zandi : 50M ISK
Value of tickets sold : 446.422.000 ISK
Participants : 227
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
25M ISK donation from the Fountain Alliance (FA)
The FA is sponsoring the
BIG Lottery with 25M ISK (which will get added to the pot)
Lottery period : Monday, August 1st, 2005 to Sunday, August 14th, 2005
List of winners
shaolinp : 500M ISK
Vuk Lau : 250M ISK
dualstinger007 : 250M ISK
Value of tickets sold : 508.992.000 ISK
Participants : 251
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
25M ISK donation from the Fountain Alliance (FA)
The FA is sponsoring the
BIG Lottery with 25M ISK (which will get added to the pot)
Lottery period : Monday, July 18th, 2005 to Sunday, July 31st, 2005
List of winners
danneh : 500M ISK
Alia's : 250M ISK
NEvara : 250M ISK
Value of tickets sold : 538.910.000 ISK
Participants : 262
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
25M ISK donation from the Fountain Alliance (FA)
The FA is sponsoring the
BIG Lottery with 25M ISK (which will get added to the pot)
Lottery period : Monday, July 4th, 2005 to Sunday, July 17th, 2005
List of winners
Asidon : 1B ISK
Nox Domini : 250M ISK
Vladic Ka : 250M ISK
Value of tickets sold : 505.316.000 ISK
Participants : 260
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
25M ISK donation from the Fountain Alliance (FA)
The FA is sponsoring the
BIG Lottery with 25M ISK (which will get added to the pot)
Lottery period : Monday, June 20th, 2005 to Sunday, July 3rd, 2005
List of winners
Angela Constantine : 500M ISK
Mr Vapor : 250M ISK
Assault : 250M ISK
Value of tickets sold : 535.049.000 ISK
Participants : 209
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
25M ISK donation from the Fountain Alliance (FA)
The FA is sponsoring the
BIG Lottery with 25M ISK (which will get added to the pot)
Lottery period : Monday, June 6th, 2005 to Sunday, June 19th, 2005
List of winners
Asurmen : 500M ISK
Khaine Duaquin : 250M ISK
RonnieBastard : 250M ISK
Value of tickets sold : 515.435.000 ISK
Participants : 244
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
25M ISK donation from the Fountain Alliance (FA)
The FA is sponsoring the
BIG Lottery with 25M ISK (which will get added to the pot)
Lottery period : Monday, May 23rd, 2005 to Sunday, June 5th, 2005
List of winners
Audron 2004 : A * Surprise 750M ISK prize (was changed from 500M ISK)
Cheim : B * Guardian Vexor
Curzon : C * 250M ISK
Securus : D * 250M ISK
Trinsia : E * 1
BIG Deal Dominix share (value 62.5M ISK)
sinnerman : Surprise 250M ISK participation prize
Value of tickets sold : 907.978.000 ISK
Participants : 370
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
25M ISK donation from the Fountain Alliance (FA)
The FA is sponsoring the
BIG Lottery with 25M ISK (which will get added to the pot)
BIG Lottery 2 Year Anniversary round
Lottery period : Monday, May 9th, 2005 to Sunday, May 22nd, 2005
List of winners
Xiron : Surprise 1,000M ISK prize
Arwen Ariniel : A * 500M ISK
Purjo : B * 200 days of paid EVE access (2*100 EVE time cards)
BigFish : C * 100 days of paid EVE access (1*100 EVE time card)
evil edna : D * 1x Deimos
DeathGrip : E * 1x Munnin + 5x 650mm Artilary II
BigBadToughGuy : F * 1x Wolf + 4x 200mm autocannons II
Grendel X : G * 1x Cheetah
David Blake : H * 1x Viator + 10MN A/B
JimBob666 : I * 1x Ishtar
Decameron : J * 1x Cerberus
clonkrieger : K * 1x Hawk
Cordova : L * Special Prize Pack consists of :
- 1x 100MN A/B 2
- 1x Co-Processor 2
- 1x Dual Light Pulse laser 2
- 1x Modualted strip Miner 2
- 1x Electron Blaster 2
- 1x Neutron Blaster 2
- 1x 1200mm Artilary 2
- 1x 200mm Autocannon 2
- 1x ECM Phase Invertor 2
- 1x Tracking Computer 2
Value of tickets sold : 7.126.879.000 ISK
Participants : 3,459
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
Furthermore, the ~7B profit was waived as well, and is to be put into future rounds of the
BIG Lottery
25M ISK donation from the Fountain Alliance (FA)
The FA is sponsoring the
BIG Lottery with 25M ISK (which will get added to the pot)
Lottery period : Monday, April 25th, 2005 to Sunday, May 8th, 2005
Madswede won : 250.000.000 ISK
Value of tickets sold : 225.099.000 ISK
Participants : 109
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
25M ISK donation from the Fountain Alliance (FA)
The FA is sponsoring the
BIG Lottery with 25M ISK (which will get added to the pot), in order to promote general awareness of the FA passport program,
Although the Fountain Region is a 'closed' region, the FA is issuing passes, at the cost of 5M ISK per day (bulk discounts available), to those that wish to come and hunt for rare loot in the Fountain Region (mining not allowed).
To get your passport simply contact a FA member.
Lottery period : Monday, April 11th, 2005 to Sunday, April 24th, 2005
agentsmitty won : 250.000.000 ISK
Value of tickets sold : 208.961.000 ISK
Participants : 121
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
25M ISK donation from the Fountain Alliance (FA)
The FA is sponsoring the
BIG Lottery with 25M ISK (which will get added to the pot), in order to promote general awareness of the FA passport program,
Although the Fountain Region is a 'closed' region, the FA is issuing passes, at the cost of 5M ISK per day (bulk discounts available), to those that wish to come and hunt for rare loot in the Fountain Region (mining not allowed).
To get your passport simply contact a FA member.
Lottery period : Monday, March 28th, 2005 to Sunday, April 10th, 2005
Clarissa McDougall won : 250.000.000 ISK
Value of tickets sold : 203.063.000 ISK
Participants : 118
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
25M ISK donation from the Fountain Alliance (FA)
The FA is sponsoring the
BIG Lottery with 25M ISK (which will get added to the pot), in order to promote general awareness of the FA passport program,
Although the Fountain Region is a 'closed' region, the FA is issuing passes, at the cost of 5M ISK per day (bulk discounts available), to those that wish to come and hunt for rare loot in the Fountain Region (mining not allowed).
To get your passport simply contact a FA member.
Lottery period : Monday, March 14th, 2005 to Sunday, March 27th, 2005
DerRaucher won : 250.000.000 ISK
Value of tickets sold : 201.244.000 ISK
Participants : 117
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
25M ISK donation from the Fountain Alliance (FA)
The FA is sponsoring the
BIG Lottery with 25M ISK (which will get added to the pot), in order to promote general awareness of the FA passport program,
Although the Fountain Region is a 'closed' region, the FA is issuing passes, at the cost of 5M ISK per day (bulk discounts available), to those that wish to come and hunt for rare loot in the Fountain Region (mining not allowed).
To get your passport simply contact a FA member.
Lottery period : Monday, February 28th, 2005 to Sunday, March 13th, 2005
spiritfa11 won : 250.000.000 ISK
Value of tickets sold : 45.318.000 ISK
Participants : 40
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
25M ISK donation from the Fountain Alliance (FA)
The FA is sponsoring the
BIG Lottery with 25M ISK (which will get added to the pot), in order to promote general awareness of the FA passport program,
Although the Fountain Region is a 'closed' region, the FA is issuing passes, at the cost of 5M ISK per day (bulk discounts available), to those that wish to come and hunt for rare loot in the Fountain Region (mining not allowed).
To get your passport simply contact a FA member.
Lottery period : Monday, February 14th, 2005 to Sunday, February 27th, 2005
zanxu won : 250.000.000 ISK
Value of tickets sold : 293.020.000 ISK
Participants : 141
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
25M ISK donation from the Fountain Alliance (FA)
The FA is sponsoring the
BIG Lottery with 25M ISK (which will get added to the pot), in order to promote general awareness of the FA passport program,
Although the Fountain Region is a 'closed' region, the FA is issuing passes, at the cost of 5M ISK per day (bulk discounts available), to those that wish to come and hunt for rare loot in the Fountain Region (mining not allowed).
To get your passport simply contact a FA member.
Lottery period : Monday, January 31st, 2005 to Sunday, February 13th, 2005
Adlib Dalom won : 250.000.000 ISK
Value of tickets sold : 271.110.000 ISK
Participants : 158
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
25M ISK donation from the Fountain Alliance (FA)
The FA is sponsoring the
BIG Lottery with 25M ISK (which will get added to the pot), in order to promote general awareness of the FA passport program,
Although the Fountain Region is a 'closed' region, the FA is issuing passes, at the cost of 5M ISK per day (bulk discounts available), to those that wish to come and hunt for rare loot in the Fountain Region (mining not allowed).
To get your passport simply contact a FA member.
Lottery period : Monday, January 17th, 2005 to Sunday, January 30th, 2005
Nadzieja Yannick won : 250.000.000 ISK
Value of tickets sold : 307.011.000 ISK
Participants : 183
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
25M ISK donation from the Fountain Alliance (FA)
The FA is sponsoring the
BIG Lottery with 25M ISK (which will get added to the pot), in order to promote general awareness of the FA passport program,
Although the Fountain Region is a 'closed' region, the FA is issuing passes, at the cost of 5M ISK per day (bulk discounts available), to those that wish to come and hunt for rare loot in the Fountain Region (mining not allowed).
To get your passport simply contact a FA member.
Lottery period : Monday, January 3th, 2005 to Sunday, January 16th, 2005
Chicken15 GE won : 250.000.000 ISK
Value of tickets sold : 295.987.000 ISK
Participants : 221
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
25M ISK donation from the Fountain Alliance (FA)
The FA is sponsoring the
BIG Lottery with 25M ISK (which will get added to the pot), in order to promote general awareness of the FA passport program,
Although the Fountain Region is a 'closed' region, the FA is issuing passes, at the cost of 5M ISK per day (bulk discounts available), to those that wish to come and hunt for rare loot in the Fountain Region (mining not allowed).
To get your passport simply contact a FA member.
Lottery period : Monday, December 20th, 2004 to Sunday, January 2nd, 2005
Janus Ovellian won : 500.000.000 ISK
Furhtermore a surprize participation prize of 250.000.000 ISK was given away
Hephaesteus won : 250.000.000 ISK
Value of tickets sold : 432.102.000 ISK
Participants : 263
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
25M ISK donation from the Fountain Alliance (FA)
The FA is sponsoring the
BIG Lottery with 25M ISK (which will get added to the pot), in order to promote general awareness of the FA passport program,
Although the Fountain Region is a 'closed' region, the FA is issuing passes, at the cost of 5M ISK per day (bulk discounts available), to those that wish to come and hunt for rare loot in the Fountain Region (mining not allowed).
To get your passport simply contact a FA member.
Lottery period : Monday, December 6th, 2004 to Sunday, December 19th, 2004
Icarus Starkiller won : Imperial Issue Armageddon
Value of tickets sold : 4.472.905.000 ISK
Participants : 2297
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
25M ISK donation from the Fountain Alliance (FA)
The FA is sponsoring the
BIG Lottery with 25M ISK (which will get added to the pot), in order to promote general awareness of the FA passport program,
Although the Fountain Region is a 'closed' region, the FA is issuing passes, at the cost of 5M ISK per day (bulk discounts available), to those that wish to come and hunt for rare loot in the Fountain Region (mining not allowed).
To get your passport simply contact a FA member.
Lottery period : Monday, November 22nd, 2004 to Sunday, December 5th, 2004
Infectuz SR won : 250.000.000 ISK
Value of tickets sold : 376.126.000 ISK
Participants : 238
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
25M ISK donation from the Fountain Alliance (FA)
The FA is sponsoring the
BIG Lottery with 25M ISK (which will get added to the pot), in order to promote general awareness of the FA passport program,
Although the Fountain Region is a 'closed' region, the FA is issuing passes, at the cost of 5M ISK per day (bulk discounts available), to those that wish to come and hunt for rare loot in the Fountain Region (mining not allowed).
To get your passport simply contact a FA member.
Lottery period : Monday, November 8th, 2004 to Sunday, November 21st, 2004
Shinza Orygatah won : 250.000.000 ISK
Value of tickets sold : 258.712.000 ISK
Participants : 141
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
25M ISK donation from the Fountain Alliance (FA)
The FA is sponsoring the
BIG Lottery with 25M ISK (which will get added to the pot), in order to promote general awareness of the FA passport program,
Although the Fountain Region is a 'closed' region, the FA is issuing passes, at the cost of 5M ISK per day (bulk discounts available), to those that wish to come and hunt for rare loot in the Fountain Region (mining not allowed).
To get your passport simply contact a FA member.
Lottery period : Monday, October 25th, 2004 to Sunday, November 7th, 2004
B3astage won : 250.000.000 ISK
Value of tickets sold : 248.208.000 ISK
Participants : 162
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
25M ISK donation from the Fountain Alliance (FA)
The FA is sponsoring the
BIG Lottery with 25M ISK (which will get added to the pot), in order to promote general awareness of the FA passport program,
Although the Fountain Region is a 'closed' region, the FA is issuing passes, at the cost of 5M ISK per day (bulk discounts available), to those that wish to come and hunt for rare loot in the Fountain Region (mining not allowed).
To get your passport simply contact a FA member.
Lottery period : Monday, October 11th, 2004 to Sunday, October 24th, 2004
Ric Tishek won : 250.000.000 ISK
Value of tickets sold : 211.101.000 ISK
Participants : 162
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
25M ISK donation from the Fountain Alliance (FA)
The FA is sponsoring the
BIG Lottery with 25M ISK (which will get added to the pot), in order to promote general awareness of the FA passport program,
Although the Fountain Region is a 'closed' region, the FA is issuing passes, at the cost of 5M ISK per day (bulk discounts available), to those that wish to come and hunt for rare loot in the Fountain Region (mining not allowed).
To get your passport simply contact a FA member.
Lottery period : Monday, September 27th, 2004 to Sunday, October 10th, 2004
Inakiss Blade won : 250.000.000 ISK
Value of tickets sold : 274.061.000 ISK
Participants : 186
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
25M ISK donation from the Fountain Alliance (FA)
The FA is sponsoring the
BIG Lottery with 25M ISK (which will get added to the pot), in order to promote general awareness of the FA passport program,
Although the Fountain Region is a 'closed' region, the FA is issuing passes, at the cost of 5M ISK per day (bulk discounts available), to those that wish to come and hunt for rare loot in the Fountain Region (mining not allowed).
To get your passport simply contact a FA member.
Lottery period : Monday, September 13th, 2004 to Sunday, September 26th, 2004
Max Carnage won : 250.000.000 ISK
Value of tickets sold : 179.928.000 ISK
Participants : 154
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
25M ISK donation from the Fountain Alliance (FA)
The FA is sponsoring the
BIG Lottery with 25M ISK (which will get added to the pot), in order to promote general awareness of the FA passport program,
Although the Fountain Region is a 'closed' region, the FA is issuing passes, at the cost of 5M ISK per day (bulk discounts available), to those that wish to come and hunt for rare loot in the Fountain Region (mining not allowed).
To get your passport simply contact a FA member.
Lottery period : Monday, August 30th, 2004 to Sunday, September 12th, 2004
MasterTao won : 250.000.000 ISK
A special surprise 'participation' prize was also drawn.
QwaarJet won : 50.000.000 ISK
Value of tickets sold : 285.791.000 ISK
Participants : 181
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
25M ISK donation from the Fountain Alliance (FA)
The FA is sponsoring the
BIG Lottery with 25M ISK (which will get added to the pot), in order to promote general awareness of the FA passport program,
Although the Fountain Region is a 'closed' region, the FA is issuing passes, at the cost of 5M ISK per day (bulk discounts available), to those that wish to come and hunt for rare loot in the Fountain Region (mining not allowed).
To get your passport simply contact a FA member.
Lottery period : Monday, August 16th, 2004 to Sunday, August 29th, 2004
Kait won : 250.000.000 ISK
A special surprise 'participation' prize was also drawn.
Taiko won : 30.000.000 ISK
Value of tickets sold : 256.056.000 ISK
Participants : 224
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
25M ISK donation from the Fountain Alliance (FA)
The FA is sponsoring the
BIG Lottery with 25M ISK (which will get added to the pot), in order to promote general awareness of the FA passport program,
Although the Fountain Region is a 'closed' region, the FA is issuing passes, at the cost of 5M ISK per day (bulk discounts available), to those that wish to come and hunt for rare loot in the Fountain Region (mining not allowed).
To get your passport simply contact a FA member.
Lottery period : Monday, August 2nd, 2004 to Sunday, August 15th, 2004
StarThunder won : 500.000.000 ISK
Value of tickets sold : 273.557.000 ISK
Participants : 238
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
25M ISK donation from the Fountain Alliance (FA)
The FA is sponsoring the
BIG Lottery with 25M ISK (which will get added to the pot), in order to promote general awareness of the FA passport program,
Although the Fountain Region is a 'closed' region, the FA is issuing passes, at the cost of 5M ISK per day (bulk discounts available), to those that wish to come and hunt for rare loot in the Fountain Region (mining not allowed).
To get your passport simply contact a FA member.
Lottery period : Monday, July 19th, 2004 to Sunday, August 1st, 2004
Haratu won : 500.000.000 ISK
Value of tickets sold : 299.818.000 ISK
Participants : 250
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
25M ISK donation from the Fountain Alliance (FA)
The FA is sponsoring the
BIG Lottery with 25M ISK (which will get added to the pot), in order to promote general awareness of the FA passport program,
Although the Fountain Region is a 'closed' region, the FA is issuing passes, at the cost of 5M ISK per day (bulk discounts available), to those that wish to come and hunt for rare loot in the Fountain Region (mining not allowed).
To get your passport simply contact a FA member.
Lottery period : Monday, July 5th, 2004 to Sunday, July 18th, 2004
Yrla Nova won : 500.000.000 ISK
Value of tickets sold : 358.243.000 ISK
Participants : 296
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
25M ISK donation from the Fountain Alliance (FA)
The FA is sponsoring the
BIG Lottery with 25M ISK (which will get added to the pot), in order to promote general awareness of the FA passport program,
Although the Fountain Region is a 'closed' region, the FA is issuing passes, at the cost of 5M ISK per day (bulk discounts available), to those that wish to come and hunt for rare loot in the Fountain Region (mining not allowed).
To get your passport simply contact a FA member.
Lottery period : Monday, June 21st, 2004 to Sunday, July 4th, 2004
ninjakitten won : 750.000.000 ISK
HOWARD STERN won : 250.000.000 ISK
Value of tickets sold : 429.575.000 ISK
Participants : 343
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
25M ISK donation from the Fountain Alliance (FA)
The FA is sponsoring the
BIG Lottery with 25M ISK (which will get added to the pot), in order to promote general awareness of the FA passport program,
Although the Fountain Region is a 'closed' region, the FA is issuing passes, at the cost of 1M ISK per day (bulk discounts available), to those that wish to come and hunt for rare loot in the Fountain Region (mining not allowed).
To get your passport simply contact a FA member.
Lottery period : Monday, June 7th, 2004 to Sunday, June 20th, 2004
Sissany Ravon won : ISK
Chance winner won : 500.000.000 ISK
Basilisk Doctor won : 250.000.000 ISK
Value of tickets sold : 626.298.000 ISK
Participants : 526
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
25M ISK donation from the Fountain Alliance (FA)
The FA is sponsoring the
BIG Lottery with 25M ISK (which will get added to the pot), in order to promote general awareness of the FA passport program,
Although the Fountain Region is a 'closed' region, the FA is issuing passes, at the cost of 1M ISK per day (bulk discounts available), to those that wish to come and hunt for rare loot in the Fountain Region (mining not allowed).
To get your passport simply contact a FA member.
Lottery period : Monday, May 24th, 2004 to Sunday, June 6th, 2004
Sekhen won : ISK
Creyster won : 500.000.000 ISK
Nightfang won : 250.000.000 ISK
Value of tickets sold : 626.862.000 ISK
Participants : 5,202 (this includes the 4,783 from round 27)
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
25M ISK donation from the Fountain Alliance (FA)
The FA is sponsoring the
BIG Lottery with 25M ISK (which will get added to the pot), in order to promote general awareness of the FA passport program,
Although the Fountain Region is a 'closed' region, the FA is issuing passes, at the cost of 1M ISK per day (bulk discounts available), to those that wish to come and hunt for rare loot in the Fountain Region (mining not allowed).
To get your passport simply contact a FA member.
BIG Lottery 1 Year Anniversary round
Lottery period : Monday, May 10th, 2004 to Sunday, May 23rd, 2004
Evelyn Atrada won : Imperial Issue Apocalypse
Value of tickets sold : 3.676.780.000 ISK
Participants : 4,783
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee
25M ISK donation from the Fountain Alliance (FA)
The FA is sponsoring the
BIG Lottery with 25M ISK (which will get added to the pot), in order to promote general awareness of the FA passport program,
Although the Fountain Region is a 'closed' region, the FA is issuing passes, at the cost of 1M ISK per day (bulk discounts available), to those that wish to come and hunt for rare loot in the Fountain Region (mining not allowed).
To get your passport simply contact a FA member.
Lottery period : Monday, April 26th, 2004 to Sunday, May 9th, 2004
Kakalot won : 175.371.000 ISK
Lottery Pot : 150.371.000 ISK
Participants : 300
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee thus leaving the entire pot to the lucky winner
25M ISK donation from the Fountain Alliance (FA)
The FA is sponsoring the
BIG Lottery with 25M ISK (which will get added to the pot), in order to promote general awareness of the FA passport program,
Although the Fountain Region is a 'closed' region, the FA is issuing passes, at the cost of 1M ISK per day (bulk discounts available), to those that wish to come and hunt for rare loot in the Fountain Region (mining not allowed).
To get your passport simply contact a FA member.
Lottery period : Monday, April 12th, 2004 to Sunday, April 25th, 2004
Ioladoll won : 59.240.000 ISK
Lottery Pot : 34.240.000 ISK
Participants : 152
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee thus leaving the entire pot to the lucky winner
25M ISK donation from the Fountain Alliance (FA)
The FA is sponsoring the
BIG Lottery with 25M ISK (which will get added to the pot), in order to promote general awareness of the FA passport program,
Although the Fountain Region is a 'closed' region, the FA is issuing passes, at the cost of 1M ISK per day (bulk discounts available), to those that wish to come and hunt for rare loot in the Fountain Region (mining not allowed).
To get your passport simply contact a FA member.
Lottery period : Monday, March 29th, 2004 to Sunday, April 11th, 2004
BoabDil won : 65.037.000 ISK
Lottery Pot : 40.037.000 ISK
Participants : 143
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee thus leaving the entire pot to the lucky winner
25M ISK donation from the Fountain Alliance (FA)
The FA is sponsoring the
BIG Lottery with 25M ISK (which will get added to the pot), in order to promote general awareness of the FA passport program,
Although the Fountain Region is a 'closed' region, the FA is issuing passes, at the cost of 1M ISK per day (bulk discounts available), to those that wish to come and hunt for rare loot in the Fountain Region (mining not allowed).
To get your passport simply contact a FA member.
Lottery period : Monday, March 15th, 2004 to Sunday, March 28th, 2004
Cindy Goodwill won : 66.231.000 ISK
Lottery Pot : 66.231.000 ISK
Participants : 192
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee thus leaving the entire pot to the lucky winner
Sponsored prizes:
Catharine won
Lottery period : Monday, March 1st, 2004 to Sunday, March 14th, 2004
Galar won : 81.605.000 ISK
Lottery Pot : 81.605.000 ISK
Participants : 252
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee thus leaving the entire pot to the lucky winner
Sponsored prizes:
Codi won
Sumica won

Lottery period : Monday, February 16th, 2004 to Sunday, February 29th, 2004
Capn Blood won : 50.000.000 ISK
Lottery Pot : 36.656.000 ISK
Participants : 124
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee *and*
BIG added 13.344.000 ISK to the pot.
Lottery period : Monday, February 2nd, 2004 to Sunday, February 15th, 2004
Enraku Reynolt won : 50.891.000ISK
Lottery Pot : 50.891.000 ISK
Participants : 138
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee thus leaving the entire pot to the lucky winner
Lottery period : Monday, January 19th, 2004 to Sunday, February 1st, 2004
Trel won : 50.000.000 ISK
Lottery Pot : 45.724.000 ISK
Participants : 137
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee *and*
BIG added 4.276.000 ISK to the pot.
Lottery period : Monday, January 5th, 2004 to Sunday, January 18th, 2004
Neith won : 69.794.000 ISK
Lottery Pot : 69.794.000 ISK
Participants : 171
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee thus leaving the entire pot to the lucky winner
Lottery period : Monday, December 22th, 2003 to Sunday, January 4th, 2004
Serilla won : 50.000.000 ISK
Lottery Pot : 39.754.000 ISK
Participants : 117
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee *and*
BIG added 10.246.000 ISK to the pot.
BIG X-mas Lottery
Lottery period : Monday, December 8th, 2003 to Sunday, December 21st, 2003
will9anthony won : 301.058.000 ISK
Lottery Pot : 301.058.000 ISK
Participants : 396
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee thus leaving the entire pot to the lucky winner
Lottery period : Monday, November 24th, 2003 to Sunday, December 7th, 2003
Galar won : 13.421.000 ISK
Lottery Pot : 13.421.000 ISK
Participants : 67
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee thus leaving the entire pot to the lucky winner
Lottery period : Monday, November 10th, 2003 to Sunday, November 23th, 2003
Arkazon won : 2.888.000 ISK
Lottery Pot : 2.888.000 ISK
Participants : 38
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee thus leaving the entire pot to the lucky winner
Lottery period : Monday, October 27th, 2003 to Sunday, November 9th, 2003
Kinackin won : 5.210.000 ISK
Lottery Pot : 5.210.000 ISK
Participants : 57
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee thus leaving the entire pot to the lucky winner
Lottery period : Monday, October 13th, 2003 to Sunday, October 26th, 2003
Tyrion Nydaerin won : 6.551.000 ISK
Lottery Pot : 6.551.000 ISK
Participants : 52
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee thus leaving the entire pot to the lucky winner
Lottery period : Monday, September 29th, 2003 to Sunday, October 12th, 2003
Capn Blood won : 4.735.000 ISK
Lottery Pot : 4.735.000 ISK
Participants : 43
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee thus leaving the entire pot to the lucky winner
Lottery period : Monday, September 15th, 2003 to Sunday, September 28th, 2003
Grayhound won : 5.356.000 ISK
Lottery Pot : 5.356.000 ISK
Participants : 25
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee thus leaving the entire pot to the lucky winner
Lottery period : Monday, September 1st, 2003 to Sunday, September 14th, 2003
Fetty Chico won : 4.042.000 ISK
Lottery Pot : 4.042.000 ISK
Participants : 45
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee thus leaving the entire pot to the lucky winner
Lottery period : Monday, August 18th, 2003 to Sunday, August 31st, 2003
Lystrian won : 10.082.000 ISK
Lottery Pot : 10.082.000 ISK
Participants : 77
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee thus leaving the entire pot to the lucky winner
BIG Anniversary Lottery
Lottery period : Monday, August 4th, 2003 to Sunday, August 17th, 2003
Muaddid won : 78.943.000 ISK
Lottery Pot : 78.943.000 ISK
Participants : 400
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee thus leaving the entire pot to the lucky winner
Lottery period : Monday, July 21st, 2003 to Sunday, August 3rd, 2003
MrCjEvans won : 6.077.000 ISK
Lottery Pot : 6.077.000 ISK
Participants : 44
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee thus leaving the entire pot to the lucky winner
Lottery period : Monday, July 7th, 2003 to Sunday, July 20th, 2003
Chizu Uchuu won : 3.032.000 ISK
Lottery Pot : 3.032.000 ISK
Participants : 44
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee thus leaving the entire pot to the lucky winner
Lottery period : Monday, June 23th, 2003 to Sunday, July 6th, 2003
Malaclypse won : 3.784.000 ISK
Lottery Pot : 3.784.000 ISK
Participants : 91
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee thus leaving the entire pot to the lucky winner
Lottery period : Monday, June 9th, 2003 to Sunday, June 22nd, 2003
Naht won : one Thorax Cruiser
Lottery Pot : 6.500.000 ISK
Participants : 113
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee and offered to exchange the 6.500.000 ISK Lottery pot for a Thorax Cruiser
Lottery period : Monday, May 26th, 2003 to Sunday, June 8th, 2003
Stomper won : 5.000.000 ISK
Lottery Pot : 2.909.000 ISK
Participants : 60
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee and added some extra to the pot for a total of 5.000.000 ISK, which could be exchanged for a Vexor Cruiser and skillpack.
Lottery period : Monday, May 12th, 2003 to Sunday, May 25th, 2003
Geryon won : one Vexor Cruiser + one cruiser skillpack.
Lottery Pot : 1.639.000 ISK
Participants : 38
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee and added some extra to the pot for a total of 5.000.000 ISK, which could be exchanged for a Vexor Cruiser and skillpack.
BIG Lottery ('Pilot')
Lottery period : Monday, April 14th, 2003 to Sunday, April 28th, 2003
Jade Shalan won : 11.421.000 ISK
Recondite won : 5.000.000 ISK
Lottery Pot : 6.421.000 ISK
Participants : 178
BIG waived it's 10% administration fee and added 10.000.000 ISK extra to the pot, 5.000.000 used as a second prize.